Third Grade Science

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First Six Weeks 2

Second Six Weeks 4

Third Six Weeks 7

Fourth Six Weeks 9

Six Sixth Weeks 11

First Six Weeks

Title: / Grade level:
Jiminy Crickets! Exploring the Scientific Method / Third Grade
Subject(s): / Six Weeks/CPG:
Science / First/2,3
How do scientists conduct science? In this program, student scientists will explore the scientific method by observing cricket behavior. Students will record their observations, make hypotheses, conduct experiments and discuss results. At the end of the program, the students will be asked to propose their own questions and perform their own experiment. This program provides a great follow-up to any lesson plan on the scientific method.
Learning Standard: 1003 Plan and implement descriptive investigations including asking well-defined questions, formulating testable hypothesis, and selecting and using equipment and technology.
The participant will:
explore the scientific method by observing cricket interactions
formulate questions and hypotheses
conduct experiments
Content Provider/Project Creator:
Michigan State University Museum
Wiline Pangle

MSU Museum/ Michigan State University
West Circle Drive
East Lansing, MI48824
United States
Phone: (517) 353-3882
Cost (subject to change):
Link for more information:
Title: / Grade level:
Kites, Wings & Flying Things / Third Grade
Subject(s): / Six Weeks/ CPG:
Science / First/3
This 30- minute program explores some of the ideas and concepts the Wright brothers used to create their 1903 Flyer. Students actively participate in comparing the materials and control systems of kites with the 1903 Flyer, as well as learn about airfoils and how they create lift. Students use their inquiry skills to make observations first hand from the original 1903 Flyer which is on display in one of the museum's galleries. Materials and suggested classroom activities for use prior to the program are included. A pre-lesson videoconference with the teacher is a participation requirement.
Learning Standard: 2001 Observe and Identify simple systems.
After participating in this lesson, students will be able to:
o  compare/contrast two compound machines: a bicycle and the Wright 1903 Flyer
o  verbally explain how airplanes have to be controlled in three axis
o  tell why aeronautical concepts should and can be tested as models first
o  describe some of the materials used to build the first airplane
o  show how fabric interacts on the grain and on the bias
o  demonstrate how fabric placed on the bias is more flexible than fabric placed on the grain
Content Provider/Project Creator:
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Cost (subject to change):
Link for more information:
Reservations for this lesson must be submitted no less than one month in advance of the requested date.
$100.00 if cancelled less than one week prior to lesson

Second Six Weeks

Title: / Grade level:
Animals of the Prairie / Third Grade
Subject(s): / Six Weeks/ CPG:
Science / Second/1,2
The grasslands of the Midwest are full of a wide range of animal life with amazing adaptations. Nestled in the heart of sandsage prairie, the Lee Richardson Zoo will introduce you to some remarkable prairie wildlife.
Learning Standard: 2014 Observe and describe the habitats of organism within an ecosystem.
o  understand the effects of widespread agricultural practices on the prairie
o  learn about associated live animals
o  describe the animals that live in the prairie ecosystem
Content Provider/Project Creator:
Lee Richardson Zoo
Contact: Misty Ayers

312 Finnup Drive
Garden City, KS67846
United States
Phone: (620) 276-1250
Fax: (620) 276-1259
Cost (subject to change):
Link for more information:
Title: / Grade level:
Diorama Exchange / Third Grade
Subject(s): / Six Weeks/ CPG:
Science / Second/1,2
Students will use shoe boxes to create the habitat of a chosen organism and its environment. The classes will select the top three dioramas and share with the collaboration class: the environment, habitat and adaptations of their organism or living creature.
Learning Standard: 2014 Observe and describe the habitats of organisms within an ecosystem.
o  Students will explain that an environment includes the location of the organism.
o  Students will show how their organism adapt and change with their environment.
o  Classes will exchange their projects by describing the habitats of the organisms they selected and utilizing the principles of accountable talk to answer questions from the groups.
Content Provider/Project Creator:
Schools will be responsible for requesting the collaborating school. For a list of schools with IVC equipment see:
Cost (subject to change):
Link for more information: This link provides examples of real life exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
Title: / Grade level:
Eat or Be Eaten / Third Grade
Subject(s): / Six Weeks/ CPG:
Science / Second/1,2
This program provides a virtual tour of the center focusing in studying the orca and sea lion eating habits. Utilizing the scientific method, students are guided to discover that there are two types of killer whales eating two separate food chains.
Learning Standard: 2014 Observe and describe the habitats of organism within an ecosystem.
o  Explain how energy is transferred from non-living sources to numerous animals in a chain and web-like structure.
o  Describe some adaptations of these animals and how those are important to their survival.
Recognize four species that complete a food chain and identify their roles in the chain.
Develop an appreciation for these animals, the delicate balance of ecosystems to support them and the need to conserve these habitats.
Content Provider/Project Creator:
Alaska Sea Life Center
Cost (subject to change):
Link for more information:
Title: / Grade level:
Sense of Adaptation / Third Grade
Subject(s): / Six Weeks/ CPG:
Science / Third/5,6
In this program, student scientists will examine the world around them and record their observations using their senses. Students will create their own scientific drawings and test their knowledge with hands-on materials included with each program. Viewing photos and real museum objects complete the experience, making it a perfect addition to existing lesson plans and classroom activities
Learning Standard: 4002 Analyze how adaptive characteristics (such as plant parts, animal parts-feet, teeth, mouths, ears, eyes, and body coverings) help individuals within a species to survive and reproduce.
The students will:
o  explore animal adaptations using their 5 senses
o  touch feathers and fur and learn their adaptative importance
o  perform a napkin exercise to demonstrate the strength of an egg shell
o  draw their own cricket and its unique adaptative features
Content Provider/Project Creator:
Michigan State University Museum
Wiline Pangle

MSU Museum/ Michigan State University
West Circle Drive
East Lansing, MI48824
United States
Phone: (517) 353-3882
Fax: (517) 423-2846
Cost (subject to change):
Schedule this program at by filling out the field-trip request form. Please attempt to schedule this program at least 2 weeks in advance to allow the shipment of activity package.
Link for more information:

Third Six Weeks

Title: / Grade level:
Rock'n Rainforest / Third Grade
Subject(s): / Six Weeks/ CPG:
Science / Third/2,4
Rainforests rock! Did you know you can walk for a mile through a tropical rainforest and never see the same plant or animal twice?!! Tropical rainforests provide the world with amazing diversity and resources. See for yourself how important these 'stand of trees' are and even explore some not so tropical rainforests.
Learning Standard 4001 Observe and identify characteristics among species (such as plant parts, animal parts – feet, teeth, mouths, ears, eyes, and body coverings) that allow each to survive and reproduce.
Participants will:
o  learn where rainforests can be found
o  learn why rainforests exist
o  learn the characteristics of rainforest with regard to temperature, rainfall, plants, and animals
o  Explore the numerous rainforest products that humans use
o  Learn about the four levels of rainforests
o  Realize what they can do in their community to conserve the rainforest
Content Provider/Project Creator:
Lee Richardson Zoo
Misty Ayers
312 Finnup Drive
Garden City, KS67846
United States
Phone: (620) 276-1250
Fax: (620) 276-1259
Cost (subject to change):
Link for more information:
Important! 2 Weeks notice in order to schedule a program! Unable to schedule anything further than 3 months into the future.
Title: / Grade level:
Mixed Up Mixtures and Solutions / Third Grade
Subject(s): / Six Weeks/ CPG:
Science / Fourth/
During Mixed up Mixtures and Solutions, students are encouraged investigate and explore various scientific principles. What is the difference between a mixture and a solution? and how can we apply the scientific method to exciting experiments?
Learning Standard 3001 Gather information including temperature, magnetism, hardness, and mass using appropriate tools to identify physical properties of matter.
Students will
o  To increase understanding of the scientific method.
o  To investigate with demonstrations and hands-on experiments the characteristics of mixtures and solutions.
o  Begin to understand molecules and their characteristics.
Content Provider/Project Creator:
Life Science Education Center at Marian College

3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN46222
United States
Phone: (317) 951-2222
Fax: (317) 951-2224
Cost (subject to change):
Link for more information:

Fourth Six Weeks

Title: / Grade level:
Our Solar Neighborhood / Third Grade
Subject(s): / Six Weeks/ CPG:
Science / Fifth/5,6
During this event, students will exchange information about the distinctive planets orbiting one massive star, our sun. They will learn about current NASA missions and how the information gathered is used to further space exploration.
Learner Standard 3019: Identify the planets in our solar system and their position in relation to the Sun.
·  discuss, the scale and size of each planet and its distance from the sun.
·  identify the inner and outer planets of the solar system.
·  list physical characteristics of the planets
Content Provider/Project Creator:
NASA Digital Learning Network
Cost (subject to change):
Link for more information: – Cart Manager must have registered the school prior to requesting the video conferencing following the steps outlined on the log in page. Teleconference must be requested 30 days prior to the desired date.

Fifth Six Weeks

Sixth Six Weeks

Title: / Grade level:
Earth According to WORF / Third Grade
Subject(s): / Six Weeks/ CPG:
Science / Sixth/3,4
In this teleconference, students will view data acquired by astronauts through images from space and relate it to the geography of the Earth.
Learner Standard 3017 – Identify and record properties of soil such as color and texture, capacity to retain water, and ability to support the growth of plants.
·  Define geographic features by analyzing photographs taken from space.
·  Describehow geographers usedata collected from remote sensing to answer questions about physical and human interactions on our planet through examination of NASA images.
·  Use interpretive skills with NASA imagesto identify observable characteristics that provide new insights and understandings about the physical and human aspects of our planet.
·  Compare changes between two images from the same location at different time periods and predict future outcomes.
Content Provider/Project Creator:
NASA Digital Learning Network
Cost (subject to change):
Link for more information: – Cart Manager must have registered the school prior to requesting the video conferencing following the steps outlined on the log in page. Teleconference must be requested 30 days prior to the desired date.