May 2016 Meeting Minutes

President Wayne Warner opened the meeting promptly at 7 PM

28 members were in attendance.

Corrections to errors made by new jacket supplier were made and voted as approved. More errors were found. Susan Craig will provide a Data Disk with the proper specs to the supplier.

The treasurers report was accepted.

It was brought to the clubs attention that the state of NC has changed its tax evaluation method for antique vehicles and this will cost owners likely 10-30 times more personal property tax for their early vehicles. A new evaluation book is being used by the counties for vehicle evaluation. No actual evaluation is being made on a vehicle by vehicle basis, and values estimated set according to the book. Objections to evaluations will be heard and adjustments to the evaluation will be made if justified. The only way to avoid this new increase is to have "Antique" plates on vehicles 35 years old or older. There seems to be a grandfathered law that limits tax value of those vehicles to $500. One member had his car re-evaluated at 36 times its former tax value. OWNERS BEWARE.

The club will sell sponsorship of the 16 primary trophies to be given at our October show. The sponsorship of those trophies will be $25 each.

A trophy will be purchased for Belks to award a sponsors choice at the show.

Our mini-golf outing is set for June 5 in Emerald Isle. 3 PM at Professor Hackers, on Hwy 58 in Salter Path.

May 21 is the date for the New Bern antique Boat and Car display, 9-3PM. The club will attend this display with at least 10 cars committed. Location is at the Galley Store Marina, approx 300 yards north of Union Park, near the circle. Later that evening the monthly cruise in will start at 5PM in James City.

Our summer picnic at the beach is scheduled for July 10.

Our Xmas party is set for Saturday Dec 3 at Morgans, New Bern, 5 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Joe Salinger

Club Secretary