1. Have you considered any titles for this project? List them:
2. What is the subject?
3. Describe the project
4a. Identify the goal(s) of this project
4b. Identify the specific objectives of this project
5. Identify the educational need for this project
6a. How are the materials produced to be used? (check all that apply)
training individual group
distance education
other (specify)
6b. How will the materials be distributed?
cd-rom internet LAN WAN
print audio video
broadcast commercial cable internal
other (specify)
6c. What are the associated costs with distributing this product?
6d. Will there be a charge to the user to acquire/access this product? yes no not sure
7a. Who is your target audience? (primary business discipline, job function, ages, special needs, etc.)
7b. Number to view the production at one time?
one 2-5 6-20 21-50 21-100 more than 100 unknown
7c. Educational status of target audience?
Grade school high school college post-graduate other (specify)
7d. Previous knowledge of (or experience with) subject matter?
none some considerable unknown
7e. Interest level?
low some high unknown
7f. Attitudes? (viewers may fall into all categories)
sympathetic antagonistic motivated apathetic compliant unknown
8. What is the purpose of this project? (check all that apply)
orientation general history information
procedure/process technique
9. Desired media you wish to incorporate? (check all that apply)
35 mm slides video audio printed materials illustrations photographs animation other (specify)
lOa. How frequently will this product be used?
once once a day once a week once a month every 6 months once a year other
10b. Over what length of time?
10c. Desired duration of the program?
lOd- Any limitations on the length of the program?
10c. Will user performance need to be tracked during this time?
10f. Will user progress need to be tracked and saved for future use?
11a. Has Material on this subject been produced elsewhere?
11b. Will this project relate to any other material previously produced or currently in use?
11c. Can this material be used as a resource for this project?
12a. In your opinion, can the previously produced materials be improved upon?
12b. If so, in what way?
13. Why is this program needed?
14. Will this program contain any content that will become obsolete over time?
15. Estimate the length of time it would be before it was necessary to update
the content?
16. What percentage of the program would you consider dated information?
0% 25% 50% 75% 100% unknown
17. What printed information (brochures, forms, charts, etc.) must be shown or referenced in the program?
18. Will other non-print materials or resources accompany this project? Describe these:
19. What is the proposed budget for this project?
20a. Please identify your source of funding for this project
cost center grant fund number personal funds outside or other (specify)
20b. Does a payment schedule need to be established?
21. When do you wish to begin the project?
22. By what date would you like the project completed?
23. Who will be the content experts? (who will verify the facts?)
24. Who are the people who will be identifed with this project?
name function
name function
name function
25. Who will consult?
26. Who will approve the script prior to production?
27. Who will review the Program Prior to completion?
28a. Do you think a printed handout or manual need accompany the program?
28b. If so, briefly describe the contents of the handout
29. What are your plans for evaluating this program?
30. Are there any aspects of this program that may be considered controversial in nature? subject matter audience selection
31. other (specify)
31a. Will any institutions or corporate identity, policy or philosophy
(graphic or editorial) influence the design of this product?
31b. Describe:
32. What will be the environment in which the program will be presented?
classroom conference room auditorium desktop (home) (office)
33. Please check that will be required:
Formal? NTSC PAL other (specify)
Platform? MacOS Win 3-1 Win 95 Win NT
other (specify)