AP US History

Practice Test Items – The Dynamics of Growth – Chapter 9

1. By the 1820s, the fastest way to travel from New Orleans to Pittsburgh was by:

A. steamboat

B. stagecoach

C. railroad

D. flatboat

E. horseback

2. By the 1840s, a communications revolution had been triggered by the development of the:

A. telephone

B. telegraph

C. Pony Express

D. railroad

E. post office

3. The cotton gin’s invention:

A. meant that fewer slaves were needed

B. made cotton a major export item

C. spurred immigration to the South

D. caused slavery to spread to Ohio and Illinois

E. increased imports from Britain

4. Cyrus McCormick’s grain reapers:

A. transformed the economy of the South

B. guaranteed that farmers would be successful

C. were powered by gasoline engines

D. were manufactured at his factory in Chicago

E. had to be assembled by farmers

5. Jefferson’s embargo in 1807 and the War of 1812:

A. almost destroyed American manufacturing

B. had little effect on the growth of textile manufacturing in America

C. encouraged rapid growth in American manufacturing

D. restricted exports and thereby hurt the growth of American manufacturing

E. encouraged Americans to live more simply because consumer goods were scarce

6. By the early 1800s, the five largest American cities were all major:

A. military centers

B. seaports

C. iron-producing centers

D. cotton exporters

E. state capitals

7. By 1860, had become the largest city as its population surpassed one million.

A. Boston

B. Philadelphia

C. Baltimore

D. New Orleans

E. New York

8. In antebellum theaters, audiences:

A. quietly watched performances

B. were an equal mix of men and women

C. preferred patriotic dramas to comedies

D. were not capable of judging the quality of the acting

E. responded vocally to the quality of performances

9 . In terms of political behavior, the Irish:

A. seldom voted

B. generally supported Democrats

C. idolized John Quincy Adams

D. started a new party for immigrants

E. were easily manipulated into voting against their interests

10. The Germans who came to the United States:

A. were overwhelmingly Catholic

B. were poor and uneducated

C. settled mainly in rural areas

D. were highly individualistic

E. for religious reasons, did not drink beer

11. The Know-Nothings campaigned primarily to:

A. cut taxes

B. establish public schools

C. promote Christianity

D. prohibit drinking

E. limit immigrant influence

12. Trade associations, or guilds, formed by artisans in the early 1800s attempted to do all the following EXCEPT:

A. recruit unskilled workers

B. improve working conditions

C. influence politicians to support protective tariffs

D. uphold standards of quality production

E. maintain decent wage levels