Powerpoints for mounting Art Station: Titan at your institution
Included in this folder are different powerpoint files for mounting Art Station: Titan in different configurations. Since we are providing the ppt files, please feel free to alter them to suit your museum or school.
1) To mount the show using two screens as we do it in Denver (and as shown in the Training Video – Art Station Titan Show) you will need two powerpoint files: Art Station Titan RT and Art Station Titan LF for your left and right screens. These powerpoints are designed so that you can advance both of them in sync. In other words, when frame 17 is on the left screen frame 17 should also be on the right screen.
2) To mount the show using a single screen, use the
Art Station Titan ONEPROJECTOR powerpoint file.
3) We also include the Art Station Titan ONEPROJECTOR powerpoint file which we use for distance learning. You will probably not use this version.
Note: there are Mac and PC versions for all of these files. The only difference is which movies work on which platform. The mp4 movies are for Macs and the wmv movies are for PCs. The movies need to be in the same folder as the powerpoint ppt file. However, you may need to re-link the movies. The first movie shown in the presentation is the Saturn to Titan movie and the second one shown is the Atreya movie.