Population Ecology: (Ch. 52)

• A population is a

• group of individuals

• single species

• simultaneously occupy the same general area.

• Shaped by interactions between individuals and their environment.

Population Growth

• Change in population size

Change in population = Births during – Deaths during

size during time interval time interval time interval

• How would immigration & emigration affect population growth?

Age Structures showing different growth patterns

2 Types of Population Growth

• Logistic

• slows to match the carrying capacity

• What is the ∆N?

• Exponential

• Doesn’t slow growth rate

• What is the ∆N

• Logistic or exponential growth?

What Causes Changes in Population Growth?

• Ideal Conditions = Unlimited Resources

• Exponential Growth

• Why?

• Typical Conditions

• Limited Resources determines carrying capacity (K)

• maximum stable population size a particular environment can support

Limiting Factors

• Prevent a population from rising above a certain population size.

Density-Dependent Density-Independent

• Food Natural Disasters
• Shelter Storms
• Disease
What is the difference between these two types of Limiting factors?

2 types of limiting factors

• Density-dependent factors

• Effect on population increases as the populationdensity increases.

• closer to K, the smaller ∆N

• Negative feedback.

• Density-independent factors

• Unrelated to populationdensity

• no feedback to slow population growth.

Negative feedback prevents unlimited population growth

• Due to Resource limitations in crowded populations

• Reduction in successful reproduction

Causes of Negative Feedback (limiting factors)

2. Intraspecific competition (2 different species)

• competition for resources

3. Territoriality (Intra or interspecific)

• Competition for space

4. Predation & Food

• Effect on prey population

5. Waste Accumulation

• Yeast fermentation

6. Disease

• Rate of dispersal

What Type of Limiting Factor results in each growth pattern

• K-selection

• Density dependent

• r-selection

• Density independent

K or R strategists?

• Is the carrying capacity consistent?

• Determined by abiotic & biotic factors

Human Population Growth

• K or R strategist?

• 1650 the Plague took an untold number of lives.

• What is allowing the shift from logistic to exponential growth?

• How might this population increase stop?

Survivorship Curve

• Graph of the number of individuals in a group still alive at each age.

• Type I: low death rate early in life (humans).

• Type II : constant mortality rate (squirrels).

• Type III: high death rate early in life (oysters).

• Which are R strategists? Which are K strategists?