Policies and Procedures
Welcome to the Policies and Procedures Manual for Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre Inc. Established in 2005, the Purpose of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre is to:
· Connect people in our community
· Nurture lifelong learning in our community
· Develop a program of activities allowing people from all walks of life to meet, exchange ideas and knowledge, and gain new skills
· Seek out opportunities to resource a broad program of activities
· Seek out a home for our programs
· Form partnerships which will support our mission statement.
These policies and procedures have been established and maintained to support our committee, staff, volunteers and users to provide a safe and welcoming environment and to provide a framework for governing and managing the neighbourhood centre.
Policies and procedures are dynamic and can be changed to ensure a continuous improvement approach to the management of the neighbourhood centre. This is achieved through research, feedback from users, community and other stakeholders and a systematic regular review by the committee of management.
1.1 Membership 12
1.1.1 Membership of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre 12 Membership Application 14 Application Continued 16 Membership Process 18 Ceasing Membership 19 Discipline, Suspension and Expulsion of Members 20 Membership 22 Roles and Responsibilities of Members 24 Members Access to Documentation 25
1.2 Committee of Managment 30 Committee Roles 30 Committee Responsibilities 32
1.2.2 Committee Meeting Information 35 Types of Meetings 37 Proxy Form 42 Proxy Form 44 Sample Agenda for normal Committee meetings 46
1.2.3 Committee of Management Succession 48
1.3 Management of Organisation 52
1.3.1 Organisational Chart 52
1.3.2 Values 53
1.3.3 Deed of Delegation 54
1.3.4 Planning 56
1.3.5 Policy and Procedure 57
1.3.6 Conflict of Interest 59 Conflict of Interest Form 60
1.3.7 Code of Ethics 62
1.3.8 Access and Equity 64
1.3.9 Family Friendly Policy 67 Communication 68 Personal communication 70 Auspice (for projects) 72 Auspice (for activities) 73 Auspice Agreement 74
1.3.12 Partnerships 76
1.3.13 Grievance Policy 77 Tutor/Student Grievance Form 80
Human Resources
2.1 Recruitment 84
2.1.1 Induction Checklist 85
2.1.2 Employee Information Sheet 88
2.1.4 Payment Authorization 91
2.1.5 Individual Employee Time Record 92
2.1.6 All Employee Time Record 93
2.2 Probation 94
2.2.1 Probation Report 96
2.3 Performance Management 100
2.4 Leave 101
2.4.1 Time In Lieu 103
2.4.2 Parental Leave Policy 104
2.4.3 Request for Leave or Approved Absence 106
2.5 Disciplinary Action Policy 108
2.6 Bullying and Harassment 109
2.6.1 Complaints 110
2.7 Disputes and Mediation 114
2.8 Wellbeing and Welfare 115
2.9 Personal Conduct 116
2.9.1 General Policy on personal conduct 116
2.9.2 Dress code policy 116
2.9.3 Professional development statement 116
2.10 Professional Development 117
2.11 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) 118
Risk Management
3.1 Occupational Health and Safety 122
3.1.1 Occupational Health & Safety 123
3.1.2 Manual Handling 124
3.1.3 Accident Compensation 128
3.1.4 Smoking Policy 129
3.1.5 Alcohol 130
3.1.6 Fire Plan 131
3.1.7 Emergency Plan 132
3.1.8 First Aid Kit Logbook 134
3.1.9 Employee’s Report of Injury Form 136
3.1.10 Manager’s Accident Investigation Form 138
3.1.11 Incident Investigation Report 140
3.1.12 Volunteer Incident Reporting Form 144
3.2 Complaints and Appeals 146
3.2.1 Complaints Form 148
3.2.1 Investigation Policy 150
3.3 Fraud 151
3.4 Risk Management Register 152
3.5 Financial Risks 158
3.6 Emergency 160
Legislation and Compliance
4.1 Legislative Compliance 164
4.2 Duty of Care 165
4.3 Privacy 167
4.4 Disability Action Plan 168
4.5 Environmental Management 174
4.6 Discrimination 175
4.7 Documentation 177
4.8 Police Checks 180
4.9 Working with Children’s Check 180
Finacial Management
5.1 Banking 184
5.2 Reimbursement 185
5.2.1 Expenses Claim Form 188
5.3 Personal Use 190
5.4 Purchase of Equipment, Stationary and the Handling of Petty Cash 192
5.5 Budget Planning 193
5.6 Fundraising 195
Volunteer Management
6.1 Volunteer – Administration 199
6.2 Volunteer Application Form 214
6.3 Volunteer Incident Reporting Form 216
Information Management
7.1 External 220
7.2 Intellectual property policy 221
7.3 Copyright 223
Information Technology
8.1 Email Retention and Archiving 228
8.2 Acceptable use of Computers, Internet and Email 230
8.2.1 Computer Use 232
8.2.2 Staff Computer Use 233
8.3 Social Media Guidelines/Instructions 234
Programs and Services
9.1 Students 238
9.1.1 Student Expectations 239
9.1.2 Student Expectations Continued 240
9.1.3 Student Rights and Responsibilities 242
9.2 Fees and Refunds 243
9.2.1 Withdrawal from Program 246
9.3 Code of Conduct 248
9.4 Diversity Policy Statement 250
9.5 Tutor Handbook 253
9.5.1 Tutor interest letter 265
9.5.2 Tutor Proposal Form 266
9.5.3 Tutors Induction 272
9.5.4 Tutor Contract 274
9.5.5 Tutor Agreement 278
9.5.6 Student Checklist 280
9.5.7 Tutor Checklist 282
9.5.8 Sessional Timesheet 284
9.5 Curriculum Policy 286
9.6.1 Course Unit Folder Checklist for Completion 288
9.6.2 Course Lists 290
9.7 Mandatory Reporting 292
9.7.1 Mandatory Reporting Form 294
10.1 Media Relations 300
10.2 Media Relations Procedures 302
10.3 What to do in a Media Crisis 304
11.1 Centre Hire Form 310
11.2 Production Policy 312
11.3 Conditions of Use of Room Hire 313
Members of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre
1.1 Membership
1.1.1 Membership of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre
Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre is a community based not for profit organisation committed to addressing the needs of the local community. We assist individuals, families, groups and communities to develop skills and behaviours needed to through the provision of programs and services. MNC is committed to create a healthy community where people share skills and resources, develop a sense of responsibility for themselves and each other and contribute to a cohesive community that encourages and educations and has the courage to shape its own future.
Participation in MNC
The group is open for everyone to join or participate in.
Meeting Venue: / Membership is open to the general public and applications for membership can be completed at any time, by submitting the Application Form. The Annual General Meeting is usually held at the end of September or early October each year. The Committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month, for ten months of the year at the MNC.The venue iswheelchair accessible.
Opening Times: / 10am – 1pm - Monday and Wednesday,
10am – 3pm - Tuesday and Thursday,
Closed - Friday
Membership Fees / Annual Subscription: / $2
Adopted / Reviewed:
Summary of changes: Membership Application
First name: Surname: .
Address: .
Town: .
Occupation: .
I , desire to become a member of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre.
In the event of my admission as a member, I agree to be bound by the rules of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre for the time being in force.
Signature of Applicant Date
I, , a member of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre, nominate the
applicant, who is personally known to me, for membership of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre.
Signature of Proposer
I, , a member of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre, second the nomination
of the applicant, who is personally known to me, for membership of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre.
Signature of Seconder
Date of C O M Meeting approved Date of entry into register
31ST December
2012 Date Paid...... Receipt No......
2013 Date Paid...... Receipt No......
2014 Date Paid...... Receipt No......
2015 Date Paid...... Receipt No......
2016 Date Paid...... Receipt No......
2017 Date Paid...... Receipt No......
2018 Date Paid...... Receipt No......
2019 Date Paid...... Receipt No......
2020 Date Paid...... Receipt No......
2021 Date Paid...... Receipt No......
2022 Date Paid...... Receipt No......
2023 Date Paid...... Receipt No......
2024 Date Paid...... Receipt No...... Application Continued
Salutation: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Other (Please specify)First Name
Last Name:
How did you hear about us?
Do you have any involvement in other community groups?
Do you have any handy skills you could help us out with?
Would you be interested in volunteering at MNC? (not essential) Yes / No
Approx. number of hours per week: Membership Process
Membership, entry fees and subscription
(1) A person who is eligible applies and is approved for membership as provided in the rules is eligible to be a member of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre on payment of the entrance fee and annual subscription payable under these Rules.
(2) An application of a person for membership of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre must —
a) be made in writing in the form provided by Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre; and
b) be lodged with the Secretary of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre.
(3) As soon as practicable after the receipt of an application, the Secretary must refer the application to the committee.
(4) The committee must determine whether to approve or reject the application.
(5) If the committee approves an application for membership, the Secretary must, as soon as practicable—
a) notify the applicant in writing of the approval for membership; and
b) request payment within 28 days after receipt of the notification of the sum payable under the rules as the entrance fee and the first year's annual subscription.
(6) The Secretary must, within 28 days after receipt of the amounts referred to in above, enter the applicant's name in the register of members.
(7) An applicant for membership becomes a member and is entitled to exercise the rights of membership when his or her name is entered in the register of members.
(8) If the committee rejects an application, the committee must, as soon as practicable, notify the applicant in writing that the application has been rejected.
(9) A right, privilege, or obligation of a person by reason of membership of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre —
a) is not capable of being transferred or transmitted to another person; and
b) terminates upon the cessation of membership whether by death or resignation or otherwise.
(10) The entrance fee is the relevant amount set out by Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre.
(11) The annual subscription is the relevant amount set out by Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre and is payable in advance on or before the Annual General meeting in each year.
Adopted / Reviewed:Summary of changes: Ceasing Membership
A member of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre who has paid all moneys due and payable by a member to Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre may resign from Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre by giving one month's notice in writing to the Secretary of his or her intention to resign.
After the expiry of the period referred to in subrule (1)—
a) the member ceases to be a member; and
b) the Secretary must record in the register of members the date on which the member ceased to be a member (within 14 days).
Adopted / Reviewed:Summary of changes: Discipline, Suspension and Expulsion of Members
(1) If the committee is of the opinion that a member has refused or neglected to comply with the Rules of the Association, or has been guilty of conduct unbecoming a member or prejudicial to the interests of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre, the committee may by resolution—
(a) suspend that member from membership of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre for a specified period; or
(b) expel that member from Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre; or
(c) fine that member an amount not exceeding $500
(2) A resolution of the committee under above does not take effect unless—
(a) at a meeting held in accordance with above), the committee confirms the resolution;
(b) if the member exercises a right of appeal to Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre under this rule, Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre confirms the resolution in accordance with this rule.
(3) A meeting of the committee to confirm or revoke a resolution passed under subrule (1) must be heldnot earlier than 14 days, and not later than 28days, after notice has been given to the member in accordance with subrule (4).
(4) For the purposes of giving notice in accordance with subrule (3), the Secretary must, as soon as practicable, cause to be given to the member a written notice—
(a) setting out the resolution of the committee and the grounds on which it is based; and
(b) stating that the member, or his or her representative, may address the committee at a meeting to be held not earlier than 14 days and not later than 28 days after the notice has been given to that member; and
(c) stating the date, place and time of that meeting; and
(d) informing the member that he or she may do one or both of the following—
(i) attend that meeting;
(ii) give to the committee before the date ofthat meeting a written statement seeking the revocation of the resolution; and
(e) informing the member that, if at that meeting, the committee confirms the resolution, he or she may, notlater than 48hours after that meeting, give the Secretary a notice to the effect that he or shewishes to appeal to Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre in general meeting against the resolution.
(5) At a meeting of the committee to confirm or revoke a resolution passed under subrule (1), the committee must—
(a) give the member, or his or her representative, an opportunity to be heard; and
(b) give due consideration to any written statement submitted by the member; and
(c) determine by resolution whether to confirm or to revoke the resolution.
(6) If at the meeting of the committee, the committee confirms the resolution, the member may, not later than 48 hours after that meeting, give the Secretary a notice to the effect that he or she wishes to appeal to Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre in general meeting against the resolution.
(7) If the Secretary receives a notice under subrule(6), he or she must notify the committee and the committee must convene a general meeting of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre to be held within 21days after the date on which the Secretary received the notice.
(8) At a general meeting of Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre convened under subrule (7)—
(a) no business other than the question of the appeal may be conducted; and
(b) the committee may place before the meeting details of the grounds for the resolution and the reasons for the passing of the resolution; and