Brochure Requirements
Please follow the guidelines listed below when preparing your brochure.
J Your group must work together to create a tri-fold brochure advertising your state.
J The brochure should make people want to visit your state by telling about the climate, major cities, major attractions, landforms and bodies of water.
J You must write a rough draft for your brochure that has to be approved by your teacher before you can work on the final draft.
J You will use My Brochure Maker at to complete the final draft of your brochure. You will be making a brochure without a mailing panel.
J In addition to your title page, your brochure must have one panel for each of the four research areas; climate, major cities, major attractions, landforms and bodies of water.
J You must insert pictures of important landforms or attractions from your state into your brochure.
J Your brochure needs to be professional looking and persuasive. Remember, you are convincing people to visit your state by explaining all of the great things you discovered.