School Year Survey (Ed 306.18)
SAU: ____ School Name: _______________________________ Enrollment: _______School Year ___________
1. Which grades are offered at this school? For example, if Kindergarten is offered, write yes on the line.
If grades 1 through 3 are offered, write 1-3 on the elementary grades’ line. Please see Note on page 2.
Kindergarten: _________ Elementary (grades 1 – 6 ONLY): _________
Middle (grades 7 – 8): _________ High School Grades: _________
2. How many full days (6 hours or more, not early release days) are scheduled for the year at this school? _____
3. On full days, what time does school start and end? What are the total number of minutes students attend?
Elementary Grades: Start_________ End __________ Total Day Minutes: ________
Middle Grades: Start_________ End __________ Total Day Minutes: ________
High School Grades: Start_________ End __________ Total Day Minutes: ________
4. On full days, how many minutes are allowed for lunch in:
Elementary Grades: _____ Middle Grades: _____ High School Grades: _____
5. On full days, how many minutes are allowed for recess and breaks in:
Elementary Grades: _____ Middle Grades: _____ High School Grades: _____
6. On full days, how many minutes are allowed for homeroom in:
Elementary Grades: _____ Middle Grades: _____ High School Grades: _____
7. On full days, how many total minutes are allowed for travel between classes in:
Elementary Grades: ______ Middle Grades: _____ High School Grades: _____
(Note: If the average student spends 5 minutes traveling to a class or recess or lunch, multiply 5 minutes times the number of periods the student travels to a class or recess or lunch.)
8. For Elementary Schools (grades K-6 ONLY), complete this equation using the information noted above:
Total Day Min. (_________) MINUS # Lunch Min. (______) MINUS # Recess/Break Min. exceeding 30 Min.
(_________) MINUS # Homeroom Min. (________) EQUALS Daily Instructional Minutes (______________)
TIMES # Full Days (_______) EQUALS Full Day Instructional Minutes (______________)
DIVIDED by 60 = Total Full Day Instructional Hours (__________)
9. For Middle and High Schools (grades 7 – 12), complete this equation using the information noted above:
Total Day Min. (__________) MINUS # Lunch Min. (__________) MINUS # Recess & Break Min.(___________)
MINUS # Homeroom Min. (__________) MINUS # TOTAL Daily Travel Min. (___________) EQUALS
Daily Instructional Min. (______________) TIMES # Full Days (_______) EQUALS Full Day Instructional
Minutes (____________) DIVIDED by 60 = Total Full Day Instructional Hours (_______).
10. If the Elementary School has scheduled less than 945 instructional hours during Full Days, you may complete the following additional calculations:
Number of Early Release/Delayed Opening Dates: ____________________
Start Time: _________ End Time: __________ Total Day Minutes: (___________)
MINUS Minutes Allowed for Lunch: (_________) MINUS # Recess/Break Minutes
exceeding 30 Minutes (_________) MINUS # Homeroom Minutes (________)
EQUALS Total Daily Instructional Minutes: (___________)
TIMES # Short Days (_______) EQUALS Short Day Instructional Minutes (______________)
DIVIDED by 60 = Total Short Day Instructional Hours (__________)
11. If the Middle School and/or High School has scheduled less than 990 instructional hours during Full Days, please complete the following:
Number of Early Release/Delayed Opening Dates: ____________________
Start Time: _________ End Time: __________ Total Day Minutes: (___________)
MINUS Total Minutes Allowed for Lunch, Recess, Homeroom, and Travel: (___________)
EQUALS Total Daily Instructional Minutes: (___________)
TIMES # Short Days (_______) EQUALS Short Day Instructional Minutes (______________)
DIVIDED by 60 = Total Short Day Instructional Hours (__________)
NOTE: Per Ed 306.18, School Year. (2011)
(a) Each school district shall maintain a school year as provided below:
(1) The school district shall maintain in each elementary school, a school year of at least
945 hours of instructional time and in each kindergarten at least 450 hours of instructional time;
(2) The school district shall maintain in each middle and high school, a school year of at least 990 hours of instructional time. Districts shall provide at least 990 hours of instructional time for grades 7 and 8 in elementary schools that include grades 7, 8 or both.
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