B.A.S.S. Nation National:

The first change is that there will be three Super Regionals that will replace the six Divisionals. The states will be divided into North, South and Western Regionals. These tournaments will be bigger than current Divisional tournaments.

The Super Regional tournaments will be B.A.S.S. Open style format—Angler and Co-Angler with each state qualifying ten boaters and ten non-boaters. There will be an entry fee of $200 for the boater and $100 for the non-boater. Anglers will fish for individual cash prizes, with the top state team winning a boat. This is different from now because all the money and prizes are awarded to the team.

B.A.S.S. National Championship:

The new format allows more members to experience the B.A.S.S. Nation Championship. Each state will qualify its highest boater and non-boater to move on to the Championship. In addition to this, a boater and non-boater will advance to the Championship for every 500 members in a state’s Nation.

The Championship will be a three day event. The non-boater champion will be crowned after two days. The non-boater champion will win a trophy, a new boat, entry into the Bassmaster Opens as a co-angler and a Bassmaster Marshal slot. Cash and merchandise will be paid down the field.

The boater field will be cut to the top ten boaters plus the highest finishing boater from each of the six divisions that are not in the top ten.

Anglers fish with Marshals on Day Three. Boater Champion earns a Classic berth, Elite Series berth, paid entry to Bassmaster Opens (division of their choice), a boat plus another fully rigged boat and new truck to use for a year. Second and Third place win the same package with the exception of the Elite Series berth.


B.A.S.S. Nation loses three Bassmaster Classic slots. B.A.S.S.’s goal is to cut the overall Classic field. Classic spots will be taken away from other B.A.S.S. tournament trails to make the Classic more elite.


More members advance past state level.

Pro-Am style event

Regionals and Championship tournaments are bigger

More members advance to Championship

Nations Best Program provides tournament-ready wrapped boat with a new wrapped Toyota truck for the top three anglers to use for a year.