Inspired Facilities Self Assessment Statutory Bodies
Please complete this checklist before beginning your Inspired Facilities application.
If you are in doubt about anything, please call us on 08458 508 508.
1. Are you either… Yes No
Applying for a project delivering a Sport England Recognised sport
A National Governing Body
Local Authority
Education Establishment
2. Has your organisation…. Yes No
Are you financially sound with no unmanaged debts got suitable governance controls to manage a grant from Sport England
(e.g. regular committee meetings, financial reporting etc.)
If you answered YES to ALL of the above, please CONTINUE
3. Are you looking for funding for… Yes No
Help with general running costs (e.g. rent, heating etc.)
Salaries for existing positions in your organisation
Project which is entirely for equipment
Project focused solely on children under 14 or for an Individual
Improving a playing field
Activity that the state is legally obliged to provide (e.g. school curriculum)
A project that has already started
A higher risk sport, where you are NOT affiliated to an appropriate National Governing Body.
Higher risk sports list.
If you answered YES to ANY of the above, your project may NOT be eligible for an Inspired Facilities grant. Please contact us before applying. Otherwise, please CONTINUE…
4. Can you provide (electronically preferably)…
The following documents in the name of the body applying for the funding Yes No
Copy of Security of Tenure( project must be on a site where you own or lease)
Copy of Child Protection Policy
Sports Development Plan that outlines the impact on sport your project will have
An Income & Expenditure forecast showing how the project will cover running costs and be
financially stable and sustainable once it opens
If you answered NO to ANY of the above, your project may NOT be eligible for an Inspired Facilities grant. Please contact us before applying. Otherwise, please CONTINUE…
5. Does your project… Yes No
Show how you will retain and ideally attract more people to play sport
Demonstrate that the project is needed and wanted by the local community
Explain how it will cover running costs and will remain open for years to come
Describe who & how people will access your project and how they will benefit
Show how your project will keep and, ideally attract more people to play sport
Monitor the numbers of participants to show how successful the project is
Provide a clear and detailed project costs/budget
Work to be started within 6 months of receiving a grant & open to the public within 18 months
If answered YES to ALL of the above, please CONTINUE…
6. We will give priority to projects that… Yes No
Will be receiving lottery funding for more than £10,000 for the first time
Offer local opportunities to people who do not currently play sport
Be the only public sports facility in the local community