PlayLab Unit Application SEASON 19


Members of the Unit will be selected by application, with preference given to dedicated early-career writers — any age (18+) and any gender expression welcome. We seek Boston-area writers of diverse backgrounds who connect with C1's mission and who may not necessarily have had access to the kinds of residencies or fellowships available to artists further along in their careers. While Unit applicants do not need extensive professional experience, we are looking for writers who are driven, passionate, and who are either finding their voice as theater artists or are looking for an active creative outlet to exercise their voice.

We are not able to accept applications from current college students, or from playwrights currently enrolled in graduate theatre programs. Writers must be able to attend 3 matinee performances of C1 productions on February 11, May 6, and July 29 as well as 7 additional meetings between January and August - a consistent meeting date will be decided by the Cohort after the selection process, but will most likely be a Saturday morning or Thursday evening.


Program Includes:

Ø Monthly meetings during which writers:

o Present and develop a writing project of their choice that is in line with Company One’s responsive programming initiative.

o Enhance their understanding of the craft of playwriting through discussion and hands-on writing exercises.

o Learn best practices for dramaturgical feedback, and how to provide that support to fellow writers.

Ø One-on-one office hours with Kirsten Greenidge (Playwright/Artist in Residence) and Fran Da Silveira (Dramaturg/Literary Manager)

Ø Shadowing of C1 staff to learn about various aspects of professional theatre administration. Participants will write a short blog post of their experience to be featured in the PlayLab Alumnx New Work Newsletter and shared on C1’s social media platforms.

Ø Tickets to attend matinees of C1 shows, after which both PlayLab Fellows and Unit Cohorts will participate in on-the-spot responsive writing exercises

Ø Special additions:

o Advance invites to C1 special events: parties, Studio Sessions, post-shows, first rehearsals,and Street Team and Education events.

o Invites to special events with C1's affiliate organizations

o Access to C1's artists, mission, and production/administrative processes


PlayLab Unit Application SEASON 19

Application Materials

Applications will only be considered complete if all materials are included. Documents should be attached as a Word or PDF file and should be named in this format:


(example: DaSilveira_Unit_ArtistStatement.pdf)

Please send the following documents to before:

November 14, 2017, 11:59PM EST.

Completed Application Form, saved with the file name [LastName_Unit/Fellows _Application].pdf

A Writing Sample - applicants have the option of submitting a 10 page sample of work reflective of their voice and style OR responding to the writing prompt below with a 7-10 page script. Applicants may only submit ONE writing sample, saved with the file name [LastName_Unit/Fellows_Sample].pdf

PROMPT: Please write a scene during which one character tries to change another character’s world view.

An Artist Statement that is no more than one page, saved with the file name [LastName_Unit/Fellows_ArtistStatement].pdf

A NOTE: The process of writing an artist statement can often seem longer and more painful than the act of writing the play itself. They are, however, extremely useful in getting to know an artist’s voice and the history of their work beyond the nuts and bolts of a resume or bio. Statements should be genuine and reflect the artist as a whole, similar to a company’s mission and values. As a resource, here are what playwrights, directors and theatre makers have said about artistic statements: link.

Some questions to consider:

What is your Truth and how is it reflected in your plays?

What keeps you coming back to theatre, day after day?

Who do you write for and what does your ideal audience look like?

What does it mean to you to be a playwright in Boston today?

How are you continuing to grow as an artist?

A theatre resume OR bio, saved with the file name [LastName_Unit/Fellows_Resume].pdf

Basic Information


street Address:

city: state: zip:

telephone: e-mail:

gender pronouns (she/her? he/him? they/them? something else?)

Online Presence (optional)

website: twitter:

new play exchange: other:

Submission Details

did you submit a sample or prompt response?

if sample, what is the title of your play?

What is your connection to Boston? Did you grow up here? Go to school here? Work here? Other? (approx. 100 words)

As part of PlayLab, writers will be asked to select a C1 department to shadow. What departments or aspects of a professional theatre company would you be interested in knowing more about? (approx. 100 words)

Is there anything else you would like us to know? (Feel free to leave blank!)