When students are outside, staff should position themselves so that they can carefully monitor all activities to maintain safety, this includes:

· checking the playground for any safety hazards before students use it, such as, glass, broken playground equipment, thinned mulch under swings, etc.

· making sure that students to use the equipment properly, one at a time. This means walking around the area to keep a close eye on student interactions. You are being observed by school personnel, parents, neighbors and the community - staff members sitting on a bench chatting does not demonstrate interactive supervision with youth.

· carefully monitoring children's activities even when conversing with a child, parent or other person outside.

· maintaining a separation between students in our care and students that are not in our care. This is important for our staff/child ratio and to prevent problems that may occur when "outside" students are aggressive, careless or use bad language. It also prevents conflicts that can occur between children that can end up involving parents, who are not connected with the program. It is OK to tell unattended children that the school rules require that they have an adult with them to use the playground during the hours of aftercare.

· monitoring other people that may pass through the playground area, such as middle or high school students or young adults. Students may want to interact with them, but casual contact is how pedophiles develop initial relationships with children and it is our job to limit children's access to others, who have not been cleared with a criminal background check.

· keeping the school doors secure so that unauthorized people do not have access to the building. This includes neighborhood children that want to use the bathrooms and water fountains indoors. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to let people into the building. If the school office is open they are welcome to go there to request access.

· greeting anyone that approaches the children on the playground, so it is obvious that you are paying attention to the children's safety. This includes people that pick-up the students, as well as teachers, custodians, or other visitors that may appear.

· not allowing students to go into the street or parking lot to retrieve a ball, unless you are watching for their safety and they are not taking a risk in doing so.

Remember to bring in all equipment and supplies that our staff and youth took outside. Students should not leave any trash, jackets or personal possessions outside. Be sure that doors are tightly closed as you come back into the building.

Thank you for your efforts in this important role!