Physics First Six Weeks Extra Credit Assignment
· This assignment will require the use of Logger-Pro (See attached guide for: “How to use videos in Logger-Pro”)
· This assignment will require the use of a digital video recorder. If you need assistance recording, or uploading video to your computer, ask Mr. Adams.
· When completed, this assignment will allow your lowest daily grade to be replaced with a 100.
Real-World Motion Graphs
Assignment: Record video of a real-world object in motion, then provide motion graphs describing the motion of that object.
Using a digital camera (or phone camera), record video of a real world object of your choice. Your video should face your subject from the side (not at an angle), in order to get the most accurate motion graphs.
TIP: The moving object should move from one side of the screen to the other, objects that get closer or farther away from the camera will distort your motion graphs.
To see an example, open Logger Pro, select “File” ->“Open”, then select the “Sample Movies” folder, then open the file “Basketball shot with analysis”.
TIP: Try and keep your camera steady. Shaking the camera will make the object look like it is moving when it isn’t. (This might mess up your motion graph).
To get credit for your assignment you’ll need to turn in 2 files.
1. The logger pro file with your video and plot points.
2. The following form with a description of the motion and the 4 motion graphs.
TIP: Keep your video short! A longer video means more points to plot, and can be harder to graph.
This extra-credit assignment is due by Friday, October 4th.
Extra-Credit: Motion Graphs
Describe the motion you recorded: (Example: A basketball was shot in an arc and bounced one time.)
Draw the following motion graphs (use the Logger Pro graphs for reference). Use the line and shape tools. You don’t have to include any accidental recording errors in your graph. Ex: If the camera shook, you don’t have to grab the motion caused by shaking. Don’t draw dots, use straight and curved lines.