Photo Essay Assignment
The final project for this novel is a photo essay. The photo essay is a way for you to explore one of the themes in the novel using multiple perspectives. Your response to the novel includes visual representations and writing.
Choose one theme from the novel:
1. Individually list as many themes as possible, make the list as long as you can.
2. In class, we will discuss these themes and create a larger list of possible themes.
3. Choose one theme using the following questions:
A. Which theme makes the most sense to me?
B. Which theme is carried through the entire novel? (beginning, middle, and end)
C. Which characters or events relate to the theme?
D. Which theme seems to be the most significant?
Find eight excerpts from the book to support the theme:
1. Choose eight quotes form throughout the novel- beginning, middle, and end.
2. Choose quotes about significant events. Think about why these events are significant to the development of the theme.
3. Choose quotes about or from significant characters. Think about why these particular quotes are important to the theme.
For each excerpt, find one picture that illustrates the idea:
1. You may take your own photos, create your own drawings or collages, or use pictures from magazines or postcards.
2. The pictures do not have to specifically or literally illustrate the excerpt. However, they must reflect the ideas or concepts represent in the excerpt.
Write an artist’s statement explaining which theme you have explored and how your excerpts and pictures reflect that theme:
1. Identify the theme and define what it means.
2. Describe the parts of the novel in which the theme is developed.
3. Explain why you chose these particular quotes and excerpts. What was significant about them?
4. Your artist’s statement must be typed and double-spaced (over 250 words)
Assemble the photo essay as a book:
Title Page: Page Two: Remaining Pages:
Your Name Artist’s Statement Excerpts and pictures
English 8 and class period
Teacher’s Name
A. Title Page: Name, Class, Teacher’s Name, Date
1 2 3 4 5
B. Artist’s Statement: Typed, double spaced, 250words minimum
1 2 3 4
A. Artist’s Statement
1. Theme identified and defined
1 2 3 4
2. Describes how the theme shows up in the novel
1 2 3 4
3. Explains how excerpts and pictures reflect the theme
1 2 3 4
B. Excerpts
1. There are 8 quotes that fit with the theme.
1 2 3 4
2. The quotes are from throughout the novel.
1 2 3 4
3. Quotes are from significant events.
1 2 3 4
4. Quotes are from significant characters.
1 2 3 4
C. Pictures
1. There are 8 pictures.
1 2 3 4
2. Each picture reflects the theme or quote.
1 2 3 4
III. CONVENTIONS: Spelling, Capitalization, Punctuation, Use of quotations, Sentences (no run-ons or fragments)
1 2 3 4 5