Minutes of the Board of Directors

PA State Nurses Association

May 16, 2012/Page 5

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

PA State Nurses Association, Harrisburg, PA

Giant Super Food Store Community Center/May 16, 2012/10 a.m.

Roll Call:

Board Members in attendance:

Chris Alichnie, President; Paul Tarves, Vice President; Mary Ann Dailey, Secretary (joined via conference call); Julia Greenawalt, Treasurer; Niki Hartman, Andrea Hollingsworth, Kelly Kuhns, Donna Ayers Snelson. Absent: Helen Burns, Carol Coles and Pat Sweeney.

Guests in attendance Diane Barben, PSNA District 5 President; Rachel Lawton, NFP intern; Britte Earp, Ridge Policy Group/PANA; Jude Kristovensky, Ridge Policy Group/PANA intern; Staff in attendance: Betsy Snook, Karen Reinert, Jennifer Neidig, Wayne Reich and Kevin Busher. PSNA Consultants: Patti Gates Smith and Linda Smith. Nursing Foundation of Pennsylvania: Shirl Shaffer

Topic / Discussion / Action / Ownership
A. Review and approve minutes / Chris Alichnie opened the meeting at 10 a.m. She asked that the Board approve the meeting minutes from March 22, 2012. / Motion #1: Paul Tarves made a motion seconded by Julie Greenawalt to approve the March 22, 2012 minutes as circulated. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Report from the President / • Chris Alichnie referred to a written report that she created regarding her recent activities as President of PSNA. The report listed many events that she has attended since the March Board meeting and included upcoming scheduled events that she plans to attend in the coming months. Chris also joined multiple conference calls and webinars over the past two months related to the Pennsylvania Action Coalition, ANA restructuring and bylaw proposals, and other activities of PSNA.
• Chris thanked Donna Snelson for the invitation to attend the event hosted by Misercordia University regarding their history of nursing display. She also thanked Donna and Pat Sweeney for the District 3 & 4 collaborative meeting held on April 24th in conjunction with Sigma Theta Tau—over 160 were in attendance.
• Chris also congratulated staff and Board members on the signing of the Title Protection bill. She indicated that PSNA’s Legislative Day was a success; the day ended with the Governor signing the Title Protection bill.
• Chris asked that Board members review the PSNA strategic plan and send Karen corrections/changes; four responses have been received to date. Chris will finalize the PSNA Strategic Plan at the August Board meeting. Betsy Snook pointed out that Board members may want to keep in mind that PSNA is now working with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Pennsylvania Action Coalition) and, therefore, may want to think nationally or globally when making changes/updating the strategic plan.
• Latasha Kast, immediate past president of SNAP, has agreed to serve as co-chair for the “New to Practice” group. Wayne Reich will meet with Latasha to discuss who will serve on this Committee. Additionally, SNAP agreed to distribute materials to their students regarding the Pennsylvania Action Coalition meeting in Philadelphia on June 7th.
• Chris reported that the Executive Committee will meet on June 4th, to begin the CEO evaluation process. Chris will distribute information/forms to the Executive Committee along with Betsy’s 360 degree evaluation. / FYI
Chris asked that all Board members review the PSNA Strategic Plan and submit corrections updates to Karen. Chris’ goal is to finalize the Strategic Plan at the August Board meeting.
SNAP will distribute information regarding the upcoming Action Coalition event on June 7th.
Chris will email information to the PSNA Executive Committee regarding the CEO’s evaluation. / Board members
C. Report from the Treasurer / • Julia Greenawalt reviewed the Financial statement from March 2012. She reported that overall PSNA is doing well with a monthly gross profit of $6167.05; total expenditures were 4% under budget. A 2% increase in membership continues to keep PSNA viable and moving in a positive direction. Increased revenue from CE reflects the addition of services provided to PSNA’s adopted New York State providers and the PSNA bundling option. Website advertising also contributed to an increase as well as the revenue realized from the Annual Summit. Julie thanked staff for all of their efforts regarding keeping expenditures in check.
• Julia Greenawalt reported that the Investment Committee met on May 15th and all is going well; the Investment Committee continues to adhere to the PSNA policies regarding investment funds. A recommendation was made that all funds remain as is and no changes be made at this time. / M FYI
The next Investment Committee meeting has been scheduled for August 15, 2012, as a conference call.
D. Report from the CEO / • Betsy Snook reported that much work has been done in the past two month with the PA Action Coalition. Identifying Steering Committee members for the Action Coalition and setting up the meeting in May (for the steering committee members) as well as the statewide meetings to be held June 6th and 7th in Harrisburg and Philadelphia respectively has consumed much of the CEO’s and the presidents time as well as the PSNA staff. Betsy reviewed the different groups that have agreed to be part of the Steering Committee and indicated that a list of the Steering Committee members will be distributed at the June 7th meeting in Philadelphia since it is not yet completed.
• Betsy Snook reported the Action Coalition is currently looking for an Executive Director and also a co-lead. When the process began, the Pennsylvania Center for Health Careers agreed to be the co-lead (along with PSNA) in the Action Coalition. However, recently a decision was made by the Governor to pull out as the co-lead due to issues/concerns regarding some of the recommendations the Action Coalition plans to advance. / The Steering Committee list will be distributed at the June 7th meeting.
The Pennsylvania Action Coalition will hire an Executive Director and find another co-lead to work with PSNA. / Betsy/
E. NFP / • Paul Tarves, PSNA Board liaison to the NFP, reported that Renee Chenault Fattah has joined the Nursing Foundation Board of Directors along with Michael Hershock and Jonathan Freeman.
• During Nurses’ week, Paul sent an email to the members of his District (27) to let them know that he set up a challenge gift of $500, which will be used to match individual gifts given to the NFP from members in his district. He indicated that the NFP operational account is dwindling and the NFP needs money to pay salaries—all gifts made will go to the operational/unrestricted account.
• Two deadline dates were reviewed; the Pauline Thompson scholarship application deadline is May 30th and the deadline for the VFW’s Jack Barger lottery scholarship was April 30th—recipients have been selected for the Barger scholarship. .
• A copy of Ms. Fasick’s will has been received and the NFP is waiting to hear from her attorney regarding her bequest for a named scholarship. (minimum of 100k) to benefit the NFP.
• The NFP is also waiting to hear from Albert Einstein Center School of Nursing’s attorney. The NFP is waiting for the transfer of funds in the amount of (approx. $140,000 - $190,000) from the defunct Albert Einstein SON to the NFP.
• The Chad Cope Memorial Fund has been established and will be used for supporting education and activities to raise awareness of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and to provide a stipend for students studying government relations.
• The NFP will submit the Standards for Excellence that have been completed by the NFP Board members, no later than May 31st to PANO.
• Additionally, Chris Alichnie will represent PSNA and the NFP on Comcast Channel 28 with host Dene Liott. The topic will be “The Long White Line” and it will take place on May 31st at 12 noon on the “What’s Happening LIVE” show. / Motion #2: On behalf of the Nursing Foundation of Pennsylvania, Paul Tarves moved that Renee Chenault Fattah is approved as a Board member of the Nursing Foundation of Pennsylvania. Motion passed unanimously.
Eight Standards completed by the NFP Board will be submitted to PANO on May 31st.
Chris can be seen on repeats of the show on www.pottscomtv.com. / Chris Alichnie and Donna Ayers Snelson
E. Staff
Reports / Membership:
• Wayne Reich reported that membership is currently at 2,220. He is currently trying to increase the number of conversions, which is at 57.65% as of May 2012. When a member does not renew, he contacts them/sends a survey to determine the reason for cancellation.
• PSNA updates Facebook consistently and is also on Twitter to get PSNA’s message of advocacy and education to nurses, which are the top two reasons nurses join PSNA (from information gathered on surveys taken by members of PSNA).
• PSNA has recently changed to “Course Park”, which is a company that offers CE online activities to members at a cheaper rate than the previous company used by PSNA ($29.95 annually).
• Wayne reported that the PSNA Bylaws Committee met on April 10th. The Committee made two recommendations, which were approved.
• Jennifer Neidig reported that she is busy working with the Action Coalition. She has been working with Susan Hasmiller’s group and is currently handling media outreach for the June 6th & 7th events.
• Jennifer is also supporting the NFP by creating press releases and any other forms of communication deemed necessary to promote the NFP.
• The 2013 Summit is currently being planned; a site has been selected and Jennifer is in the process of reviewing paperwork
• The June Pennsylvania Nurse will include information regarding the upcoming PSNA Summit, which will be held on November 1 & 2, 2012, at DeSales University
• The upcoming issue of the Pennsylvania Nurse pertains to Nursing Ethics. Chris Alichnie indicated that articles are needed for this issue.
Professional Development:
• Patti Smith reported that the CE department has received 5 additional applications since she submitted her written report for the Board packet. The CE department is currently 30% above income and 10% per cent below expenses and they are extremely busy.
• Patti Smith stated that the PSNA Congress recently met; it was a very good meeting with members of the SBON in attendance
• The ANCC reaccreditation visits for both CE Provider and Approver have been scheduled—they are virtual visits this year versus site visits. The CE Committee made one recommendation to accept Rosanna LeRose as a Reviewer Unit member.
• Recently a PSNA Practice Cabinet member resigned. The Cabinet made a recommendation to appoint Margaret Rosenweig to the Cabinet replacing Cindy Bubb who moved out of state and transferred her membership.
• The Environmental Health Committee (EH) will meet on June 8th. They will focus on finding a site for the 2013 EH conference after the June 7th Action Coalition meeting has been held.
• Patti reported that a former Star Leadership graduate, Jim Ballinghoff, was nominated for a nursing excellence award—the award was “advancing and leading the profession”.
• Evaluations received for the CE events held on Legislative Day were very positive. Patti plans to contact all in attendance to let them know that the presenter, Ann Marie Papa, is also one of the presenters at the upcoming Summit at DeSales.
• PSNA has submitted a resolution to ANA; it was an intense process and Patti worked along with Betsy Snook and the Environmental Health Committee to complete the resolution. Patti reported that she is not aware that PSNA submitted a resolution in the past.
• PSNA has put out a call for abstracts for the upcoming PSNA Summit in November; they are due July 23, 2012.
• PSNA has a new intern, Ashley Baer. She will intern during the summer. Chris Alichnie indicated that she knows someone that wants to work with PSNA during a sabbatical and will give the name to Betsy.
• Kevin Busher reported that Title Protection (HB 469 and 470) was signed into law on May 8, 2012, and will take effect on July 7th. Kevin thanked all those that worked on the bill, specifically, Chad Cope (former PSNA Director of Government Affairs), Bob Archibald (former PSNA lobbyist), Patrick Kenny, Mary Ann Dailey and Chris Alichnie.
• Currently, the Safe Staffing bill has 72 co-sponsors. A meeting with HAP was held—HAP takes issue with the makeup of the committee but seems supportive of the majority of the bill. A follow up meeting will be scheduled to discuss steps forward. The bill sits in the House Health Committee.
• Kevin referred to his written report where he listed all of the Senators and Representatives that he has met with since the last Board meeting in March.
• Kevin stated that the PSNA PAC made a donation to Senator Argall’s campaign to make sure he is re-elected in the Fall. Currently, 57% of the Government Relations Committee has donated to the PAC and 45% of the PSNA Board; the goal is 100 % from the GRC and the PSNA Board.
• Kevin reported that Legislative Day was very successful; it began with 25 legislators attending the breakfast at 7:30 a.m. and ended with the Governor signing the Title Protection bill at 5 p.m. A press conference was held in the rotunda—it was covered by PCN and will be broadcast several times over the next month. Additionally, the Lt. Governor attended a Town Hall meeting scheduled between two CE sessions held at the State Museum on Legislative Day, which was well attended.
• A discussion ensued regarding the date of Legislative Day. Chris indicated that she would like to see Board members in attendance. A suggestion was made to change the date to early Spring or Fall (Legislative Day is usually scheduled during exam week and Board members that teach are not available to attend).
• PSNA is working on an APRN bill and to date has decided to hold off on the introduction of a joint CNS/PsychCNS bill.
• A Town Hall meeting has been scheduled in District 6 at Excella Health in Pittsburgh. Julie Greenawalt and Diane Barben both indicated that they will attend. / FYI
Motion #3: The Bylaws Committee made a recommendation that the Board of Directors approve the proposed bylaws changes developed at their April meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion #4: The Bylaws Committee made a recommendation that the Board of Directors approve the changes/corrections/updates made to the PSNA District Model bylaws. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion#5: The Continuing Education Committee made a recommendation to accept Rosanna LeRose on the PSNA Reviewer Unit. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion #6: The Practice Cabinet made a recommendation to appoint Margaret Rosenwieg to the Cabinet replacing Cindy Bubb. Motion passed unanimously.
Patti will email attendees regarding Ann Marie Papa presenting at the PSNA Summit.
A resolution titled Nurses Role in Recognizing, Educating and Advocating for Healthy Energy Choices has been submitted to ANA for approval during the ANA HOD meeting in June.
Abstracts for the PSNA Summit are due on July 23, 2012.
The goal of the PSNA PAC is 100% donations from the Government Relations Committee and the PSNA Board members.
The press conference held in the rotunda will be broadcast on PCN several times following Legislative Day.
Kevin will meet with Betsy Snook to discuss the option of moving Legislative Day to accommodate Board members that cannot take off during exam week.
A Town Hall meeting has been scheduled for May 31st. / Patti
J. Misc. / Chris Alichnie asked each Board member to give a personal update regarding themselves and share how they think the PSNA is doing to date. / FYI
Next Meeting / The next PSNA Board of Directors meeting will be held as a conference call on August 23, 2012
Adjournment / The morning portion of the meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m.
Executive Session / After lunch, the meeting continued in Executive Session. Three items on the agenda were discussed: 1) the PSNA Budget was reviewed for approval; 2) an update regarding the ANA HOD Meeting was given to Board members; and 3) Authorization of a Parliamentarian to attend the ANA HOD on June 14-16, 2012, was requested. / Motion #7: Julie Greenawalt made a motion seconded by Andrea Hollingsworth to authorize funding to include travel, overnight accommodations and meals for the PSNA parliamentarian to attend the ANA House of Delegate meeting scheduled for June 14 – 16, 2012.
The PSNA proposed Budget for 2012-2013 was approved as presented.

Respectfully submitted,