Pendleton Farmer’s Market Annual Meeting

February 6, 2010

Attendance: Deborah Jones, Goldie Souret, Eileen More, Jean Farmer, Karl Niederwerfer, Tina Jo Cave, Kristi Yunker, Paul Gadaire, Melissa Newman, Vic Aichele, Wallace Crafton, Ruth Crafton, Christine MacKenzie, Don Bridges, Phil Davis, Sally Davis, Michael Mathisen, Gus Wahner, Charles Denight, Barbara McCanne, Karen Wagner, Mary Ann McCune, Stephen Machado, John Finely, Chris Finely.

Karen conducted the meeting:

Overview of the 2009 market season:

- Moved to a new block – which was larger, but warmer, and new merchants to work with.

- We had struggles and opportunity for growth. Mid season, we lost the market manager, and Barbara McCanne resumed the job and did a great job getting us through the market season with little scars. Daniel was also a huge part of that.

- We are now considered a “medium size” market, and with that come high market fees and insurance. (but that is good)

- We had about 2500 shoppers in the busiest time of the season

- Barbara shared that food stamps had an increase of 400%

Preview of 2010 market season.

- Utilizing a Market Operations Committee to increase vendor communication and input for the market, meeting 3 times a year, one prior to the market, one mid market and one post market.

- Building a positive relationship with down town merchants

- Building a positive/working relationship w/ main street cowboys.

- Becoming more visual in our marketing goals, (i.e., newspaper stories/ads, first citizen banquet tables, radio ads.)

- Increase our debit card usage – having the market table more visual.

Committee reports;

- Treasure/budget report. Charles Denight reviewed the budget for 2009 season, and budget for 2010 year. Question on the floor about marketing budget for 2010. Charles responded that goes with the goal of increasing awareness of the market through ads, and promotions. Wally shared that KNUD is offering free promotion through ads, send in information and if approved, we would qualify for free ads.

Market operations report – Barbara McCanne

- Increase vendor membership

- Increase use of the debit cards – through increase awareness of the market table.

- Being part of the market operations committee, meeting 3 times a year with vendor and committee members.

Education/outreach: Mary Ann McCune

- Planned and carried out activities such as the “stone soup” @ the harvest fest, Salsa fest, wheat fest.

- Provided food demonstrations/working with CTUIR WIC/ UMCHS WIC, Master Gardeners, and other community members.

- Goal to work with the community more and connecting events to the farmer’s market.

Market Business -Karen –

In-put from vendors – recommendations in making 2010 better

- Allowing long distance vendors to sell @ the market. General consensus is if the market has that produce, not to allow outside our region to sell. Goal will be to reinforce our market guidelines.

- Getting tents/canopies for vendors/ possible doing fund raiser to provide in cash in purchasing those tents. – Karen brought up that storage would be an issue. Vendors are recommended to provide their own with weights.

- Wally recommended that in Sept, move up the time by 15 minutes, and then by Oct 1, start at 3:30 to allow more time for selling. (Realizing that for people who travel this might be a hardship) and downtown merchants might not like it as well.

- Karen recommended that we look @ a gleaning program from our market and ask who would be willing to participate. Several vendors agreed.

- Karen said working with the down town merchants - some concerns arose such as, blocking store fronts, (large trucks blocking them) Customers using their bathrooms, and the trash. – Goal would be to work with the merchants in solving these issues, building a positive working relationship with our down town merchants. One idea was to have a “red carpet” focusing on a merchant a week.

- Dates for the 2010 season are May 7-Oct 15th, with an option if the weather is good, and vendors have produce to extend it one week longer in October.

- Michael Mathisen from the Umatilla farmer’s Market shared that the Umatilla market will be starting this year. He shared that he has the music lined up for the season, with financial support of the Umatilla Chamber. He also encouraged all the markets to work together, supporting each other. Other markets that are functioning are Pilot Rock – Saturdays – starting at the end of June and going through July. Hermiston – Saturdays 8-noon, and Heppner has contacted him in starting up their market again. Umatilla market will be open on Thursday 4 until dusk. For more information contact Mike @ 503-999-2220 or face book

- State health division – Melissa Newman reviewed the temp restaurant laws that any one preparing food must have prior to the market. Sampling less than 2 ounces doesn’t fall under those guidelines. She left packets for vendors to have.

- Mary Ann McCune – WIC vouchers: Mary Ann reviewed the new WIC food instruments that clients will be able to use at the market this year, along with the FDNP coupons. Training will be provided to vendors from the State WIC Program. Local Agency coordinators are Mary Ann McCune – UMCHS WIC, and Jean Farmer – CTUIR WIC program.

Association business:

- Board of Directors elections. New Board of Directors for the term of 2010-12 are Don Bridges, Tina Jo Cave, Jean Farmer, Christine MacKenzie, and Kristi Yunker. Board members that are renewing for 2 more years are Charles Denight, John Finely and Mary Ann McCune.

Good of the order:

- Umatilla Markets (4) Mgr & Vendor meeting will be April 10.

- There will be an option to have another market day – May 15th in conjunction with the Underground tours.

- Gus encourage people to write their appropriate congressmen/senators on the upcoming house bill that will effect local farmers markets

- Small Farmers’ conference will be Feb 27 in Corvallis.

Karen thanked all who came.

Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted

Mary Ann McCune

PFM Secretary