An Osteopathic Module
for the Pediatric Migraine Patient

Pediatric Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Module

Name ____________________________________ Date _____________________


___ Cervical Kneading

___ Sub Occipital Tension Release

___ Cervical HVLA


1. A 12 year old presents with headaches that have been defined as migraines. You may perform the following OMT.

a. Galbreath maneuvre

b. Occipital release

c. Sinus efflurage

d. Triple release

e. Temporal release

2. Dr Still once used this to treat his own migraine:

a. a pulley system

b. a mule

c. a swing

d. a tractor

e. a tree limb

3. Migraines are typically caused by problems with which nerve:

a. vagus nerve

b. trigeminal nerve

c. occipital nerve

d. phrenic nerve

e. accessory nerve

GLOBAL ASSESSMENT: Demonstrated understanding of Osteopathic management considerations to the pediatric patient presented in this module:

( ) Competent and able to perform OMT independently

( ) Competent with more knowledge

( ) Competent with more clinical experience

( ) Not competent


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Intern / Resident Supervising / Evaluating physician

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Pediatric Residency Director Director of Medical Education