4 Up SkillingStudent Feedback Form

Our primary focus is to deliver excellence in Vocational Education and Training. To assist us in achieving this outcome, your feedback is very important. Please take the time to complete this feedback form and return it to your Trainer as soon as possible.

Name:(Optional) / Organisation:
Date: / Trainer:

1. Overall how would you rate the following?(Please circle the appropriate number)

Excellent / Very Good / Good / Average / Poor / Very Poor
Overall course / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Course presentation / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Training Resources / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Activities / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1

2.What did you like most about the training (please explain)?


3.What did you like least about the training (please explain)?


4. Was the subject content relevant and useful (please circle correct response)?Yes/No

5. Didthe Trainer effectively explaining things adequately? Yes/No

6. Did the Trainermake the subjects interesting? Yes/No

7. Were the assessment arrangements fair? Yes/No

8. As a result of the training will you make change to your work practices? Yes/No

9. I would recommend this training to other people? Yes/No

10. Did you find the training content easy to understand? Yes/No

Please rate the answers to the following questions by circling the appropriate number.


Not Applicable / 1
Less than Satisfactory / 2
Satisfactory / 3
More than Satisfactory / 4
Outstanding / 5

14. Rate the level of difficulty of the training material provided

Too easy / 1
Minimal input / 2
Satisfactory / 3
Difficult / 4
Extremely difficult / 5

15. Rate the quality of the training material provided

Very low / 1
Below average / 2
Satisfactory / 3
Good / 4
Outstanding / 5

16. Rate the trainer’s preparation and organisation relating to the training

Not acceptable / 1
Less than Satisfactory / 2
Satisfactory / 3
More than Satisfactory / 4
Outstanding / 5

17.Rate the trainer’s ability to communicate the training material

Not acceptable / 1
Less than Satisfactory / 2
Satisfactory / 3
More than Satisfactory / 4
Outstanding / 5

18. Rate the trainer’s approachability and friendliness

Not acceptable / 1
Less than Satisfactory / 2
Satisfactory / 3
More than Satisfactory / 4
Outstanding / 5

19.Rate the trainer’s ability to answer questions

Not acceptable / 1
Less than Satisfactory / 2
Satisfactory / 3
More than Satisfactory / 4
Outstanding / 5

20. Rate the level of difficulty for tasks

Too easy / 1
Minimal input / 2
Satisfactory / 3
Difficult / 4
Extremely difficult / 5

21. Additional comments (do you have anything else you would like to add?):



22. Would you agree for us to use your comments to be displayed on our Website and/or marketing material?

Yes No (if yes please sign)

Please Sign: ………………………………………. Date: …………………

*Thank you, for taking the time to complete this survey

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