Participation Announcement Letter for Administrators and Academic and Support Units

Upper Midwest Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (UMW HERC)

[Insert institution name] announces its membership in the Upper Midwest Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (UMW HERC). UMW HERC is a collaboration of more than 50 colleges and universities in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin designed to enhance dual-career and diversity hiring. The consortium is a premier example of the higher education community working together to advance the region.

The UMW HERC region consists of five sub-regions: Lake Superior, Lakes and Valley, Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan Area, Mississippi River Valley, and Southern Prairie. Job seekers may focus their searches on colleges in a particular sub-region.

A vital feature of the UMW HERC is its regional Web site, The site can be used to find faculty and staff job postings at all member institutions. If one member of the couple is considering or has already accepted an offer, the spouse/partner will be able to monitor opportunities for him/herself. The couple also has access to diversity, cultural, and business resources in their selected sub-region.

Many benefits accrue to UMW HERC member institutions. [Insert institution name]’s participation increases its national and regional visibility, encourages candidate retention and position acceptance, allows for the cost-effective and efficient posting of all jobs, indicates work/life sensitivity, and promotes the region and sub-region.

The HERC concept originated in northern California in 2000 and the model has spread across the country. Approximately 500 public and private colleges, universities, and teaching hospitals in Metro New York/Southern Connecticut, Michigan, New England, New Jersey/Eastern Pennsylvania/Delaware, Northern California, Southern California, Upstate New York, the Mid-Atlantic states, the Chicago area, and the St. Louis area are now members of regional HERCs. The national HERC Web site is at The organization has received recognition and support in such publications as the Chronicle of Higher Education, Diverse Issues in Higher Education, and Women in Higher Education.

We encourage you to use the UMW HERC as a recruitment and retention tool. HERC materials are available for inclusion in recruiting and offer packets. For more information about the UMW HERC, contact [your institution’s representative] or Mary Everley at 612-626-0775 or .