Dr Teodor Bulenda

Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation, University of Warsaw

Criminal Policy –mandatory course

Daily studies and extramural studies



Code: 10.4

I. Course Description

The aim of the lecture on criminal policy is to present basic questions concerning concepts, approaches, methods and means of crime prevention. Students who attend the lecture have the opportunity to get a more in – depth knowledge of criminology, building on the basics acquired during first years of studies, to apply such knowledge in the reflection on the existing and proposed theoretical and practical solutions to crime prevention, and to know methods and measures applicable in Poland in treatment of offenders.

The description of crime and crime prevention will include historical perspective, which may contribute to a better understanding of modern approaches and tendencies in the prevention of crime and of other closely interrelated pathologies. The scope of lecture will also cover the questions of axiology, ethics and praxeology.

II. Detailed List of Subjects:

1. Science of Crime Prevention

Characteristics of the science of criminal policy; controversies around its autonomy. Differences between practical and theoretical science of crime prevention. Subject matter of criminal justice; methodology, terminology, names of the scientific field. Relations between criminal justice and other sciences. Value of scientific approach to crime prevention.

2. Aims and Role of Crime Prevention

Definition of the ultimate aim: crime liquidation, limitation or maintaining status quo; specific aims of crime prevention relevant for specific structures within the prevention system. The role of crime prevention for the individual, group, local community, society and the State.

3. Crime Prevention – Axiological and Ethical questions

Axiology and ethics vs. political – criminal concepts. Selection and evaluation of crime prevention methods and measures from axiological and ethical point of view. Questions of axiology and ethics in legislation policy, at the stage of prosecution and investigation, in criminal policy and in the execution of criminal penalties, punitive measures, probation measures and other measures defined by criminal law. Ethical references will be made at the level of norms, assessments and models.

4. Praxeological Questions

Components of effective actions. Basic principles and conditions of effective actions: reference to the actions of prosecution and investigation bodies, courts and executive authorities. Praxeological context in crime prevention, including social prevention and treatment of offenders.

5.Crime Prevention in Historical Perspective

Periods of development and periodisation. Changes in approaches to socially reprehensive, criminal behaviours and to offenders. Evolution of methods and measures of crime prevention, starting from most simple to most comprehensive organizational forms of crime prevention. Philosophical, social, religious and ideological factors in approaches in crime prevention. Selected legislation (the Code of Hammurabi, Salic Law). Evaluation of past developments.

6.Purposefulness, Necessity or Randomness in Crime Prevention

Question of determinism and indeterminism. Evolutionary and revolutionary changes. Creative role of individuals and groups. Rational and irrational criminal policy –attributes, manifestations and conditions. Clarity of the policy, limits of publicity.

  1. Penological Aspects of Crime Prevention

Definition of criminal punishment: subjective and objective components. Retributive and preventive theories. Critics of penological theories. Evaluation of modern punishment system from the perspective of penological theories.

  1. Implication of Criminological Concepts in Crime Prevention Policy

Directions, approaches in crime preventions resulting from criminological concepts. Prevention methods and measures as conditioned by specific concepts. Crime prevention in the light of radical criminology.

  1. Characteristics of Modern Criminal Policy

Features and concepts of modern policy: from represiveness to tolerance. New genetic factors and forms of crime, stimulating changes in crime prevention. Description and evaluation of modern methods and measures of crime prevention. Towards new methods and measures – radical and moderate tendencies and its critics. Crisis of criminal policy and reform proposals.

  1. Questions of Criminal Policy System

Heterogeneity and role of systemic approach. Types of systems and sub – systems. Questions of legislation policy – legislative principles, object and subject – oriented approach to the society, valuation of social opinion, criminalisation and decriminalisation, penalization and depenalisation. Policy at the stage of investigation and inquiry – principles and measures of prevention. Penal policy – principles, court directives in sentencing, jurisprudence. Execution policy – execution of criminal punishment, other punitive, educational and correctional measures. The function system.

  1. Crime Prevention Organizational Forms

Police: organisation of central and local police forces, rules of functioning, tasks, competences, measures and limits of coercion, cooperation with the society. Public prosecutors: organisation, rules of functioning, tasks, competences. Courts: organisation, rules of functioning, tasks, competences. Execution authorities: types, tasks, competences. Cooperation between authorities and institutions. Rules and procedures of control.

12. Crime Prevention Strategies, Programmes and Plans

Definitions of the notions of “strategy”, “programme” and “plan”. Types of strategies, programmes and plans. Questions of their establishment and implementation at national and local levels. Crime prevention policy – planned and spontaneous actions. Crime tendencies forecasts and their impact in criminal policy.

13.Crime Prevention in Ordinary and Extraordinary Circumstances

Differences in crime prevention in ordinary circumstances, in time of social calm and in time of political or social – economic crisis and emergency states: state of war, state of natural disaster and others. Possibilities of control over potential and actual criminals and means of impact.

14. Issues in Crime Prevention on the Example of Selected Crimes and Categories of Offenders

Prevention of crime against human life and health, against freedom, public scandals, corruption, mafias, gangs and terror. Prevention of crime in local community, in cities and in the country. Rules, methods and measures of acting with minors, juveniles, adults and recidivists. Specificity of actions towards offenders with own business activity.

15. Social – Economic Implications of Crime and their Impact on Prevention

Social and economic implications - estimation and evaluations means. Impact of the implication on crimeprevention; influence on the choice of directions, methods and measures of prevention. Rules of functioning of crime prevention for central and local administration and for individuals.

16. International Standards of Crime Prevention, Necessity of International Cooperation

Conventions, conferences, seminars on crime prevention. Standards of Offender Treatment in international law. Cooperation of Polish authorities (Police, Public Prosecution, Courts etc.) with international institutions in the area of crime prevention.

III. Literature

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