Joseph Sims

Elementary School

Parent and Student Handbook


Milly Schrader, Interim Principal

Peter Lew, Vice Principal

3033 Buckminster Drive

Elk Grove, CA 95758

Phone: 683-7445

Fax: 683-6313

Mission Statement of the Elk Grove Unified School District (Adopted by the Board of Education on June 18, 2001)

Provide a learning community that challenges ALL students to realize their greatest potential.

Our Core Values:

·  Outcomes for students

·  Achievement of core academic skills

·  Confident, effective thinkers and problem solvers

·  Ethical participants in society

·  Commitments about how we operate as an organization

·  Supporting continuous improvement of instruction

·  Building strong relationships

·  Findings solutions

·  High expectations for learning for ALL students and staff

·  Instructional excellence

·  Safe, peaceful, and healthy environment

·  Enriched learning environments

·  Collaboration with diverse communities and families

Board of Education/District

Beth Albiani / Dr. Crystal Martinez-Alire / Christopher Hoffman, Superintendent
Nancy Chaires Espinoza / Anthony “Tony Perez / Donna Cherry, Associate Superintendent
Carmine S. Forcina / Bobbie Singh-Allen / Bob Roe, Director, Pre-K-6 Education
Chet Madison, Sr. / Fawzia Keval, Ed.D, Director, Pre-K-6 Education
Jenifer Avey, Director, PreK-6 Education

School Site Administration School Office

Milly Schrader, Interim Principal Susan Clark, School Secretary

Peter Lew, Vice Principal Dawn Wirick, Office Assistant II

Brandy Pennington, Office Assistant II

Office Hours

School office hours are 7:30 - 4:00. The telephones are answered between the hours of 7:30 - 3:30.

Answering Machine

To accommodate parents and their needs, an answering machine operates before and after school hours. When calling the school number (683-7445) before 7:30 a.m. and after 3:30 p.m., a machine will take your messages. The machine will be used during the day when there are emergencies or fire drills or we are busy at the counter.

Mission Statement of Joseph Sims Elementary School

Joseph SIMS Elementary is a community dedicated to providing a well-rounded education in a safe environment that academically challenging and nurturing to all students.

School Vision

Shine and delight in learning through expert instruction in Common Core, the consistent utilization of best practices and academic achievement.

Thoughtfully engage in 21st century learning everyday by communicating, collaborating, being creative, and thinking critically; including the use of technology.

Applaud artistic accomplishments through the fine arts, including music, theater, visual arts, and dance.

Raise future leaders who are problem solvers in an ever-changing world.

Students respect themselves, each other, staff, and other adults and are held accountable through the consistent implementation of positive behavior strategies.

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:

Welcome to Joseph Sims Elementary School, Home of the Shining Stars! We are excited to embark on a fun-filled journey with you and your child. At Joseph Sims Elementary School every child will have opportunities to SHINE and reach their potential. Not only will your child have access to rich and rigorous classroom instruction, they will also have opportunities to develop leadership ability, become involved in the region’s top-notch visual and performing arts program, excel in sports and competitions, and participate in extended day opportunities such as intersession, after school clubs, and our project-based GATE program called Genius Hour.

Joseph Sims Elementary School supports student behavior with school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) .Through a non-punitive approach, students are rewarded for positive behavior and re-directed in a positive way for negative behaviors. The focus is primarily on the explicit instruction of the school –wide expectations that ALL Shining Stars are RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and PERSEVERE.

The following pages will highlight important information regarding school policy and procedures. We encourage parents and students to review the contents together. If you have questions, please contact the school office at 683-7445. We look forward to open and clear communication between school and home to work together for to the success of your child and our educational program.

The Joseph Sims Student Planner was designed to assist your child in organizing his/her assignments. In addition, we feel that the handbook pages will be a helpful reference for parents as they seek to provide academic support at home.

We are proud to be a part of this community and take pride in our work and the accomplishments of our students. We look forward to a great 2017-2018school year and welcome your participation and support.

Milly Schrader, Interim Principal

July 13, 2017 / First Day Of School Tracks B, C, D
August 10, 2017 / First Day Of School Track A
May 22, 2018 / Last Day Of School Track D
June 22, 2018 / Last Day Of School Tracks A, B, C

Regular School Day

A.M. Kindergarten / 8:00 - 11:31
P.M. Kindergarten / 10:59 - 2:30
Grades 1 - 6 MTTHF / 8:00 - 2:30
Wednesdays / 8:00 – 1:40

Minimum School Day

Grades 1 - 6 / 8:00 – 12:30 p.m.

Instructional/Support Staff

Track A /
Kindergarten / Gina Bishop / /


Grade 1 / Deanna Keskeys / / Milly Schrader / Interim Principal /
Grade 2 / Cynthia Wood-Kilmer / / Peter Lew / Vice Principal /
Grade 3 / Barbara Roth /
Grade 4 / Mary Landy / / Resource
Grade 4/5 / Brandy Prather-Payne / / Computer/Cross / Dave Ogden /
Grade 5 / Elaine Stralen / /


/ Katy Papalardo /
Grade 6 / Erika Yee /

Learning Center

Track B / Teacher / Susmita Roy /
Kindergarten / Pam Smith / / Teacher / Ryan Burke /
Grade 1 / Allyson Munsey / / Teacher / Josh Wilson /
Grade 2 / Kathy Rebhan / Grade 3 / Lauretta Larbig / / Intersession / Tori Greer /
Grade 4 / Krista Puett / /
Grade 5 / Malcolm Andrews /
Grade 6 / Michael Yount / /
Speech and Language
/ Rachelle Jaggers /

School Psychologist

/ Kirsten Banks /
Track C /
Kindergarten / Michele Peterson
Brittney Blodgett /

School Secretary

/ Susan Clark /
Grade 1 / Dina Uldall /
Grade 2 / John D. Watson
Karen Lopus /

Office Assistant II

/ Dawn Wirick /
Grade3 / Heather Carda / / / Brandy Pennington /
Grade 4 / Karl Mansfield / /
Grade 5 / Anna Vellanoweth / / Food Services
Grade 6 / Katie Feickert-Miles / / Lead Food Service / Stacey McDuffie /

Track D

/ Lead / John Montgomery
Kindergarten / Erin Arnoldy / / Evening / Penglin Chen
Grade 1 / Natalie Knyff / / Evening / Peter Lui
Grade 2 / Sandy Wasson /
Grade 3 / Shelly Stoller / / School Nurse / Janet Mazur
Grade 4 / Maria Leones /
Grade 5 / Kathie Morgester /
Grade 6 / Debi Zavada /

Joseph Sims Elementary School


Master Bell Schedule

Teacher Work Day

/ 7:45 – 3:15
Kindergarten A.M. / 8:00 – 11:31
Kindergarten P.M. / 10:59 – 2:30
Grades 1-6 / 8:00 – 2:30

Regular Day Schedule Early-Out Wednesday Schedule

8:00 – 2:30 8:00 – 1:40

Grades 1&2 /

Grades 3&4

/ Grades 5&6 / Grades 1&2 /

Grades 3&4

/ Grades 5&6
8:00-10:00 / 8:00-10:20 / 8:00-10:40 / 8:00-10:00 / 8:00-10:20 / 8:00-10:40
10:00-10:15 (R) / 10:20-10:35 (R) / 10:40-10:55 (R) / 10:00-10:15 (R) / 10:20-10:35 (R) / 10:40-10:55 (R)
10:15-11:00 / 10:35-11:40 / 10:55-12:20 / 10:15-11:00 / 10:35-11:40 / 10:55-12:20
11:00-11:23 (L) / 11:40-12:03 (L) / 12:20-12:43 (L) / 11:00-11:23 (L) / 11:40-12:03 (L) / 12:20-12:43 (L)
11:23-11:40 (R) / 12:03 – 12:20 (R) / 12:43 – 1:00 (R) / 11:23-11:40 (R) / 12:03 – 12:20 (R) / 12:43 – 1:00 (R)
11:40-2:30 / 12:20-2:30 / 1:00-2:30 / 11:40-1:40 / 12:20-1:40 / 1:00-1:40
335 Instructional Minutes / 335 Instructional Minutes / 335 Instructional Minutes / 285 Instructional Minutes / 285 Instructional Minutes / 285 Instructional Minutes

**(R) = Recess

**(L) = Lunch

Rainy Day Lunch Schedule

1st & 2nd Grade / 11:00 – 11:40
3rd & 4th Grade / 11:45 – 12:25
5th & 6th Grade / 12:30 – 1:10

Minimum Day Schedule (1st-6th)

/ ASD follows a Traditional Schedule
8:00 – 12:30
Grades 1&3 /

Grades 4&6

/ ASD Pre School / 7:50-12:50
8:00-10:00 / 8:00-10:40 / ASD K / 7:50-12:50
10:00-10:30 (L/R) / 10:40-11:10 (L/R) / ASD 1-3 / 7:50-1:50
10:30-12:30 / 11:10-12:30 / Minimum Day for ASD
ASD Pre School / 7:50-10:50
240 Instructional Minutes / 240 Instructional Minutes / ASD K / 7:50-10:50
ASD 1-3 / 7:50-11:50

Nutrition Snack and Morning Recess

All children have a mid-morning recess/nutrition break. Children are allowed to bring a nutritious snack from home to eat at this time. Please do not send candy, gum, soft drinks, or a snack that is high in sugar.

School Attendance

One of the most important elements of successful learning is regular, on-time attendance at school. If an absence is necessary, please call the office between 7:30 a.m. – 10:00a.m (before the auto-dialer goes out at 10:30). Before 7:30 a.m. an answering machine will pick up all calls. STATE LAW permits the excuse of an absence for the following reasons:

·  Illness

·  Quarantine, as directed by the Health Department

·  Medical, dental, or eye services rendered

·  Attendance at funeral of immediate family member to extent of ONLY ONE DAY in California, and NO MORE THAN THREE DAYS outside of California.

The school office Assistants and other designated office staff have been directed to contact the home on a daily basis if necessary to follow-up when students are shown to be absent on the attendance roster. These calls will confirm your notes to the teachers or make you aware of any absence that has occurred without your knowledge.

Tardiness can also interfere with success in school. Students are expected to be at school before the tardy bell rings. Students must report to the office for a tardy slip when late, in order to be admitted to class. Please do not send or take your child to class without stopping by the office. The teacher cannot admit any student without an entrance slip.

Leaving early is sometimes necessary. Students can be released from school early with a note from the parent indicating the reason for early dismissal. However, this is permitted on a “need basis” only and should not occur on a regular basis. Parent(s) or a person identified by the parent must sign the student out in the office before the student can leave the campus. Students cannot sign themselves out. This guideline is for the protection of your child. The office can require identification of a person other than a parent or guardian picking a student up for an early dismissal.

PLEASE NOTE: A student will not be permitted to leave school with a person other than his/her own parent or guardian unless we receive a note signed by the parent or guardian. A student cannot ride another bus or go home with another student without written permission from the parent. Students who are bus riders may not walk home without written permission from his/her parent.

Home-School Communications Guidelines

Each classroom is equipped with a telephone for emergency calls to parents and to the office. As a part of the behavior management system, teachers may elect to have a student call her/his parent at any time during the day at the parents’ home or at her/his place of work. Parents need to reinforce with students that if a behavior call is received from the school at any time, it is considered serious. If a child is ill, she/he will be sent to the office for the call to be made by the office staff and should have no negative impact on the student.

Teachers welcome your emails, notes and calls. Conferences can be arranged through your child’s teacher. The office staff will take messages anytime, and the teacher will return the call as soon as possible.

If You Are Concerned About Something:

1.  Talk to the Teacher First. Besides you, the teacher has the most direct contact with your child.

2.  Talk to the Principal or Vice Principal

3.  If the concern is still not resolved, the Principal/Vice Principal will facilitate a meeting between the teacher and the parent.

Registration of Students

Transitional Kindergarten

A child must be 5 between September 2nd and December 2nd.


Kindergarten registration for the 2018-19 school year has yet to be determined. A child must be at least 5 on or before September 1.

Physical Examination

At first grade entry, all students must provide the district with written evidence of a physical examination (by licensed physician, surgeon, or clinic), completed no sooner than 18 months prior to first grade entry.

Dental Screening

As of January 1, 2007, California law, Education Code Section 49452.8, requires that your kindergarten child have a dental screening by May 31. Dental screenings that were completed within the 12 months before your child entered school also meet this requirement. The law specifies that the assessment must be done by a licensed dentist or other licensed or registered dental health professional. California law requires schools to maintain the privacy of student’s health information. Your child’s identity will not be associated with any report produced as a result of this requirement.

New Students From Within EGUSD

Parents are required to register children who have been attending other Elk Grove schools. Registration occurs in the school office. At the time of registration, the Office Staff will request all documents from the previously attended school. Two Proof of residence (within our school zone) must be presented at the time of registration.

Parent Teacher Organization

The PTO is a vital part of the community and is comprised of parents, school personnel, and other community members. It sponsors activities for our school community in correlation with goals of the school. We would love to have your support. Ways to support PTO:

·  $10.00 Family Membership Dues

·  Volunteering to help with activities

·  Attending monthly PTO meetings

·  Supporting fundraisers that give monies to school programs

We look forward to and encourage all parents to become involved in the PTO. Check out our new website: or call the school at 683-7445 if you have questions.