July 30, 2010

PCC Meeting Chicago

Board Meeting Update (Jennie and Christine)

-  Big ideas presented to the Board:

1)  Develop Leaders – GtG

2)  National and Regional Awards Program

3)  Community Super Users

-  Discussion of Cross-Council collaboration particularly related to the Collegiate Council

Next Steps

1)  Work with Anna to connect the PCC with the CCC. Provide the CCC with a list of PCC collegiate contacts by Chapter. Push out to the PCC chapters the schools within their geographic reach. (MEGAN/ANNA)

2)  Summarize what the big deliverables are from each Council to help see how the PCC may serve the other Councils. (DEB)

  1. PCC to determine if or how they would like to create outreach across other Councils (CHRISTINE)
  2. Consider quarterly conference calls with appointed liaisons from each Council (DEB)

IH Update

Community (Nancy P)

-  Provided a PowerPoint presentation providing an update on the progress of the roll out of the community project along with ideas on how the PCC can support the roll out

Next Steps

1)  Chapter options…how will this be rolled out? (MEGAN)

2)  Chapter questions...presented as ideas and best practices (MEGAN/NANCY P)

3)  Board in the Box alignment (MEGAN/NANCY P)

  1. Separate out the Collegiate and Community Relations Group (get rid of community word)
  2. Separate Sponsorship and Finance Groups
  3. Keep Pres/Pres-Elect name

4)  Content creation for Community (MEGAN)

5)  Mid-years workshop on Community (MEGAN/KEVIN)

  1. Task force members as Chapter leaders at the mid-years?

6)  Work with Chapter Leaders to obtain Ambassadors for the various areas of the Chapter leader portal ...look at active LinkedIn participants (MEGAN)

  1. Karen has plenty of ideas of people who would be honored to be part of it

7)  LinkedIn content migration (MEGAN) ...

Website Re-Org ideas – Show what Collegiate is doing as a sample of what is planned for Professional (Megan)

New Chapters – how they come to be (Megan)

Group Membership (Deb)

- Program will continue to evolve ...considering where to go next with it

Dues Increase (Deb)

-  Mentioned that budget requires a $10 increase Jan 1 but no final decision has been made; still considering postponing to July 1 at $15

Next Steps:

1)  IH will keep the PCC up to date ahead of final dues increase decision to solicit their help in announcing and garnering support for the increase amongst Chapters and Members (MEGAN)

New Marketing Brochure handed out (Megan)

Next Steps:

1)  Request for a PowerPoint presentation to explain the new branding guidelines (MEGAN/MARKETING)

Board in the Box on line (Megan)

Next Steps

1) Discuss with the printer the ability to create a version that can be updated (MEGAN)

2) Follow up with Tim regarding a scanned version that can be edited (MEGAN)

3) Follow up with David Kinard or Tracy Sullivan or Ric Sweeney (MEGAN)

April Meeting Notes

Value of Chapters


-  One goal: building member value and tying IH together; value of IH to Chapters

-  Here is the dollar value that IH provides to Chapters

-  Making it too complicated? Can we accomplish the goal in a more simplified manner?

-  Need to get back to what the goal is; simplify back to who/how value is being communicated

-  Communication of BC (for example) is out there but are the Chapters listening

-  What do you use that you don’t even realize you are not using

Next Steps

1)  Send out value document to the PCC (MEGAN)

2)  Council to work on how to communicate value out (CHRISTINE)

Budget Review (Christine/Deb)


-  LS and Mid-year retreats how do they fit together? Have the priorities evolved....

-  Need to re-think how people at Chapters learn and what to receive information

-  Information needs to be deeper than what BiB provides

-  What is the objective of the research that may be needed? What is more?

-  Need to provide fresh way to use the BiB practices? Checklist? Self-assessment tools?

-  Can BiB be made more user-friendly? Should there be a cheat sheet?

Next Steps

1)  Encouraged the PCC team to propose what they think they need as early as possible in the fiscal year and IH will seek to find resources to fund (PCC to MEGAN)

Membership (Lore, Amy, Pat, Tim)


-  Lori update:

o  So Cal: Leadership transition underway; Past President staying in place for one more year

o  SWest Michigan: seems happy; Megan a big help to establish Chapter; working on Group Membership

o  Montreal: Pat has not heard from them; dues collection issues; do not submit plans etc.

-  Pat Update:

o  Talked to 17 of 19 Chapters

o  Calling Chapters much earlier than year ago thanks to PCC re-organization (Karen)

o  Chapter retreats: two approaches: 1) Program all developed and they fine tune, 2) Place to get started

o  Lots of new Board people in larger Chapters (Chicago, Colorado)

o  Central IL: (Watch Chapter) three board members; President in place for three years; good attitude shift

o  Louisville: third year as President.. has three small children/broke her foot... struggling

o  Connecticut: history of poor leadership

o  Akron, Cleveland, St Louis: on track

o  Colorado, Columbus, Richmond, Triangle, Rochester: all strong and doing really well

-  Tim update:

o  Email deluge from IH etc.

o  Yahoos groups outdated....

o  K City: where should they go to mid-year retreats geographically?

o  What is the selection process for location? And Chapter hosting? For mid-year retreats

-  Amy update:

o  14 of 19 calls completed

o  Surprised by number of board transitions going on; reminded them to update their officer report form and why it is important

o  Lots of new jobs/life changes (babies, deaths, etc)

o  Cincinnati, South Florida, Central Virginia, West Michigan: not yet connected with

o  Trends: sponsorship interest, cash programs, building member value, collegiate, building value for being on the Board, bench strength for the board, mid-year budgeting

o  Jacksonville and DC: have reached out to her for mid-year hosting

o  Knoxville: planning retreat in Oct; asked for a PCC rep to attend; 10 year Board member/President not aware of CEA

o  Dallas/Ft. worth: no Pres-Elect

o  Hampton Roads: never had a board election; current leader is strong; no non-sense; commitment forms etc

-  Unveiling of dashboard (Amy)

o  How do we build in the already established Intervention metrics ....quantified

o  Be careful about creating a scoring system that positions the PCC as a Big Brother that the Chapters don’t want to chat with OR creating a lot of Volunteer work

o  Intervention process provided to Council members in Binder handed out at meeting

Next Steps

1) Conduct an on-boarding for new PCC members materials; cheat sheet etc (MEGAN)

2) Document Business Requirements for report portal, share with PCC and hand off to IT (MEGAN)

3) Creating and updating dashboard and national volunteer base (AMY)

- Membership team to evaluate level of detail of draft proposal and bring back to the PCC (LORI)

4) Responsible for Mid-year retreats communication: content, logistics etc (TIM)

5) Creation of best practices development of Chapter leadership conversations (PAT)

Volunteer Development and Expansion (Amy)

-  Three goals:

1)  Build a template to track (sample provided in binder that was handed out)

2)  Develop processes

3)  Identify jobs that need to be filled

-  Tracking items such as experience (i.e. past president year), contact info, historic connections to big programming (CEA. LS etc.)

-  Use list in the following ways:

1) Project management

2) PCC feeder

3) Thanking Volunteers

Next Steps

1)  All PCC members to provide feedback on (to AMY):

  1. How the list will be used in order to know what data to collect?
  2. Provide feedback on the current people on the list to help clean it up right now...update status
  3. Who is missing from the list?
  4. What is the criteria for being on the list?

CEA (Stacy)

-  Due date for submission is Aug 31; Judging is Sep 24 in Chicago

-  CEA Objectives for Chapters:

1) Create an annual report for your Chapter

2)  Document and build on success

-  IH/PCC:

-  Emphasize the Chapter objectives in the communication

-  Uncover chapter innovations that should be rolled up as best practices and/or lessons learned

- Is value of Topic awards recognized and fully promoted ...can this be improved at the LS?

Next Steps

1)  Identify and invite CEA judges in mid-August (STACY)

2)  Determine if there are stronger ways to recognize topic leaders at the LS (KAREN/JESSICA)

3)  Outstanding issues: increased transparency, provide Chapter scores/winning Chapter score AND average score, ensure Chapters know IH is not involved in the process, consider electronic vs. paper submission, evolution of BiB, consider posting all executive summaries from all entries, ensure feedback is objective and thorough ...all to be discussed in October (PCC team)

4)  Report the results and make recommendations for improvement at Oct PCC Meeting (STACY)

Mid-Year Retreat (Kevin)

- Content: repetitive between MY and LS?

- Objective: idea sharing/rejuvenation, cross-fertilization/idea sharing, breaking through challenges, are we really where we should be, what’s broken and how to fix, regional connectivity

- Survey feedback – most frequently mentioned things liked: sharing time, new initiatives, role of being part of a larger wheel (connection w/ IH), tactical problem solving

- MY provide an opportunity for more people to attend this event than the LS

- Ask membership team to escalate the patterns of issues they are hearing across programming, leadership and membership to use as a center point for topic discussion

- Scholarship usage...process needs to be more objective than subjective ...Nov 1 grant submissions

- No correlation between the use of the scholarship funding and Chapter success

Next Steps

1)  Decide who will attend each meeting (KEVIN/MEGAN)

2)  IH to determine its content portion: Community etc (MEGAN)

3)  IH to ensure all Chapters are listed at least once for each mid-year meeting (MEGAN)

4)  Content evolution (KEVIN/JESSICA/MEGAN)

5)  Decide location strategy and hosting strategy (PCC)

6)  Ensure no communication goes out regarding the MY scholarships until other funding priorities have been solidified (MEGAN/TIM)

Leadership Summit (Karen, Jessica)

-  Shared Summit 2010 results

-  2011 Theme: It’s Showtime ...staff themes/dress....weave theme throughout the year: MY: Dress Rehearsal...provide a sense of building up towards the LS educational event

-  Year long educational view: 1) Membership team calls, 2) MY content

-  Workshop idea: session on membership/programming etc. ...brief presentation ...brief case study or hot seat (Chapter showcase) ... brainstorming in small groups around a problem... each small group presents to a large group ....work on you own plans

-  Center for Great Management (Peter Drucker way) ...willing to come in for free? Karen Stone leading conversations

-  Marketing is moving more to a one on one approach so how can that be reflected in the sessions at LS (or ahead of time) as a way of personalizing the experience....directing the content to YOUR needs

-  Each session needs to be more highly produced... more upfront preparation ***** improve the overall experience

-  Is the AMA too incestuous.... looking from within only as opposed to looking out across other Associations

-  User generated content..... people like to hear themselves talk

-  Like idea of walking away with the “tip card”

-  Volunteer usage to help drive sponsorship (for example) ...board members... Chicago Chapter volunteers...collegiate volunteers perhaps to work on video/photos/legwork etc

Next Steps

1)  Share results with Cher ...point out issues related to food and AV...why would food quality decrease? Did we cut the AV budget? What can/should we put back based on looking at verbatims? (MEGAN)

2)  Look at negative comments and draw conclusions/observations (MEGAN)

3)  CONTENT/content delivery needs to go through an evolution (KAREN/JESSICA)

4)  How can we prioritize what we think we need to put back in that will have the biggest impact? (MEGAN, KAREN/JESSICA)

5)  Think about movies with leadership themes (MEGAN/PCC)

6)  Need to improve the IH resource table one more time (questions for example) (MEGAN)

7)  Travel budget management decide early and free up some money; can send money to chapters in January (MEGAN)

Zappos Author tour (Karen)

Next Steps:

1)  Ask Karen for contact info for Zappos for Marketing News (MEGAN)

2)  Provide Karen with list of Chapter contacts (MEGAN)

2011 PCC Leadership Goals

Best practices database (Stacy)

·  who, how , when, access etc, how to keep it current via people contacts

·  Functionality – more resources to help Chapters connect with one another (one example)

o  Capture results

o  Ideas (separate from BP)

·  Provides the benefit of spotlighting what Chapters are doing well

·  Expand idea to annual white papers

·  How do you distinguish between a best practice or just an idea?

·  Language of what we are trying to accomplish should be examined

Next Steps

1)  Work w/ Nancy P on how to use Community to capture, collect best practices in database format (MEGAN)

2)  Send Stacy the IT request from for filling out Business requirements (MEGAN to STACY)

Board in the Box

-  Re-launch it... important to have something tangible they can hold on to ...shows it importance by having it printed...maybe it can be a checklist that sends you to the book...tangible nature of it makes an impression...

-  Introduced in Fall of 2004 and used at LS in April 2005

-  Originators: Ric Sweeney, Sue Reninger (happy to help), Colin Hageney, David Kinard, Tracy Sullivan, Michelle has the research (maybe), Cynthia Holiday may have the research, Nancy C

-  Should how the information was presented be challenged (truths, but he numbers, rock n roll)

-  Consider more checklists, sound bites (less paragraphs) ....simpler reference guide ...different readabililty

-  Consider an Index in the back

-  Want to create a train the trainer mentality

-  Basic enough to not be intimidating: like beginner, moderate, advanced segmentation

-  Can it be re-branded to better communicate its value?