“Medicine Rocks State Park”

June 28, 2012

Mike Gurnett: In Southeastern Montana, it’s a long ways between houses, it’s a long ways between fences and here in this vast landscape a visitor will find Medicine Rocks State Park.

Mike Gurnett: (On Camera) For the second consecutive year the folks at Montana State Parks and Montana State University Billings are using the latest in digital photography and three dimensional imaging to reveal and record some of the history and mystery of this fascinating place.

Ryan Sokoloski: What we are finding and capturing here

Ryan Sokoloski: (On Camera) are the markings left prior to the homesteading era and a written history of the early pioneers who settled this area.

Tim Urbaniak: What we have is actually the remnants of an animal. Historic inscriptions really tell us the story of who we are and to document them we have students and volunteers who are locating

Tim Urbaniak: (On Camera) with the Global Positioning System, the GPS. We’re using digital cameras to photograph the landform and all of the inscriptions that are on the landform. Recently we’ve started working with a process called photogrametry through which we can create three dimensional models by extracting the information from digital images.

Kevin Hegland: Through the use of technology,

Kevin Hegland: (On Camera) and the use of computers in our school, we can show these things in three dimensional that Tim is doing here and hopefully that will spur an interest from the students to come out to sites like Medicine Rocks and other historical sites and see those on their own.

Mike Gurnett: One of the likely outcomes of this effort will be the nomination of Medicine Rocks State Park to the National Register of Historic Places. This is Mike Gurnett, out among Montana’s fish, wildlife and parks.