Antrim PTO presents...

'Our Delicious Dinner Event'

Help support the Antrim PTO while dining at delicious local restaurants.

Make this a ladies night, date night, family night, any kind of night you’d like…but get out there and enjoy our community restaurants.

April featured restaurant:

Beach Diner

500 Arnold Ave. 899-9989

Come in to Beach Diner on any Tuesday in April (4/4, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25) between 5pm-8pm and present this flyer (either on your phone or bring it with you) and Beach Diner has agreed to donate 10% of your total bill to the Antrim PTO.

Call now to make our reservation.

Have a great night out while supporting our local economy and the Antrim PTO!

Christina Umek (914)772-2768

Kristi Monticelo (732)539-5455