Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc

Technology Plan and Related Policies


Currently the main office has a domain / server network in the Administration area and networked computers in different areas of the building. Employment Pathways has one peer to peer network. MEC, HEC and ISP have two staff computers each that are networked through a peer to peer relation. PEC and Printshop have three computers networked through a peer to peer relation. All computers have been purchased, handed down or donated from various sources. Internet access is available in each location through DSL or Cable.

Hardware (please see inventory for additional details):

The main office of Abilities has administration workstation desktops machines running a combination of Windows 7 and 10, and laptops running a combination of Windows 7 and 10. The Server is running Windows Server 2008 R2. There are various consumer desktops running Windows 7 or 10.

There are networked inkjet and laser printers within the offices that are various models such as HP, Brother or Epson. There are also networked Toshiba copiers.

The peer to peer network is linked using Cat 5 basic wiring. The wiring is centrally located and routed through a 10/100 auto sensing 24 port network switch located in the CFO’s office.

Internet access is controlled by a bridged Cable Modem that is connected to a 4 Port Router. The Router is configured to work as a DHCP server to assign any and all protocol TCP/IP addressing within the entire network. The router also has wireless capability that is encrypted with the WPA security standard.

In order to facilitate the new State requirements with Medicaid billing practices, we have purchased Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Tablets with Android based OS software. The 7 inch Tablets were purchased for staff to be able to access the Foothold database from within our 5 different locations. The 7 inch Tablets, with cellular internet capability, were purchased for Employment Pathway’s staff in order to access the Foothold database as well as other job critical information from anywhere, given the transient nature of their work. The 10 inch tablets were purchased with the express purpose of facilitating the learning of computer skills as well as habilitative purposes for the consumers within our 4 centers. For physical protection of the tablets, each was purchased an Otter Box cover.

There are currently a few other items we feel are necessary to ensure the quality of our business needs: digital camera, scanner, DVD burner and UPS/surge protectors.


Productivity software implemented agency wide is Microsoft Office which is purchased through our account at Techsoup. Techsoup is a nonprofit organization which provides donated and discounted technology products to nonprofit agencies. MS Office is installed on every workstation. There are two different versions of office being utilized by staff at the present time, Office 2010 and Office 2013.

Other software technologies being utilized consist of: Paypro HRIS to cover specialized needs of the Human Resources Manager; Quick Books and Grantstation is being utilized for financial and accounting purposes; Bloomerang, Adobe Creative Suites, Designshop and Printshop are also being used by Marketing and our Print Operations area. Foothold Awards is utilized for our new Medicaid tracking and billing requirements agency wide.

Tablets implemented in the technology plan run either Android or Apple OS.

Security: (please see full Information Security Policy)

Internal and external security is extremely important to us and at this present time we have employed strict security in the server base. The security policies are in conjunction with user need. Specific security policies through Server’s Active Directory have been employed to reduce the risk of a confidentiality breach to include the use of individual passwords, screen saver passwords and a practice of “logging off” when the computer is not in use. The router also has wireless capability that is encrypted with the WPA security standard.

Virus and Internet Security:

All computers with Internet access have anti-virus software installed. Internet security at the main office has been employed through the use of Software Antivirus and Firewall. The Current software in use is Avast for Business. The firewall employed is Windows firewall. All file downloads, uploads and email are being scanned at all incoming and outgoing ports. All open ports to individual machines are currently monitored and blocked as need is presented. All software is currently set to update its Firewall and Antivirus definitions automatically to ensure security from new threats. This plan has been implemented throughout all user systems to include all satellite programs as well as internal workstations. We also have Malwarebytes installed on all administrative machines to help with cleaning if ever a machine becomes infected. This acts as a secondary layer of clean up.

The Server currently uses a few different technologies to ensure access as well as security. Avast for business as well as Malwarebytes. The Server has also employed the Microsoft Server based advanced firewall and port detection system to comply with and secure the server from any external hacking and breaches. The Server holds backups remotely from the satellite locations and this data is encrypted with the 256AES logarithm provided by LogMeIn.


The need for Confidentiality has led us to user specific security plans on all confidential files. Leaving open access to only those individual’s whose job it is to administer or supervise those records.

Backup policies:

We currently have a 4 level backup plan in place to ensure the consistency of our files in case of hardware failure, software failure, data loss or environmental disaster.

The first level is making a backup of our entire server’s contents to a secondary drive in the server itself, Raid 0 mirror. This affords us the opportunity in primary hard drive failure to have a full copy of our system in order to get us back to work quickly after a new primary hard drive is secured and installed.

The second tier includes a daily backup of our data on the server to an uncompressed file on the secondary Hard Drive, done without user intervention. This is independent of the first level and is only concerned with the data itself - no operating, program or system files are included.

The third level of backup is contained in the Server operating system itself. System Restore has been activated at certain levels of operation to log any and all settings of the operating system to enable operating software failure to be set back to an earlier time if a problem ever presented itself during normal operation that was not hardware related issue.

The fourth level is concerned with extraneous disaster recovery preparedness. Please see our detailed Technology Disaster Recovery Plan within the Business Continuity Plan. This would include but is not limited to RansomWare, fire, lightning, hurricanes, etc. There is a backup of all data written to an external detachable drive switched out and taken offsite on a weekly basis. Application software is located in a fire proof cabinet at the agency headquarters.

All satellite programs are backing up to the main server at the office through LogMeIn Backup on a weekly basis. That data is being backed up again on the external hard drive which is taken offsite on a weekly basis.

Remote Technology:

Abilities currently utilizes LogMeIn Central. This product allows access to a Windows PC from any PC in the world with internet access. The “host” version for the target PC is installed at every location for support and monitoring. For security, this product requires separate passwords at each end of the process which are encrypted during transmission. There is a second level email/text verification in place as well. Please refer to the LogMeIn documentation for security specifics.

Assistive Technology:

At our Employment Pathways location we have an open source job search standalone computer with internet access. That can be used by the open public to help locate any need consistent with employment.

At present we have 6 computers in the classroom to facilitate consumer learning or staff training. We also have donated computers in our satellite centers. It is our goal to use these computers to teach various computer skills to the consumers we serve. They can be used for various needs including, but not limited to, pre-employment activities such as resume writing and internet access. Our plan consists primarily of designating those consumers who have interest and would benefit from technology training to increase their personal value to the current workforce in the community.

We also have android tablets, Smart tables and IPads to promote the development of skills on every level. Our Occupational Therapist, agency RN and BCBA’s are licensed and certified to provide direction and guidance when utilizing these technologies.

Electronic Health Record:


Foothold Technology Awards system is a web-based, easy and efficient service that provides documentation, communication and billing resources for Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. in providing support to people with developmental disabilities.

Foothold requires an online component to access, compose, store and review Foothold applications, as well as to send secure communication. The system has multiple levels of security. The Foothold Awards system is HIPAA compliant and data is subject to a 256-bit encryption process. Program computers and internet capabilities are to be used for designated Foothold documents and applications as designated by Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. The computer software is the property of Foothold Technology. The equipment and information is the property of Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. and is to be used only for legitimate business purposes. Users are provided access to the computer network to assist them in the performance of their jobs, and certain users may also be provided with access to the internet through the computer network.

All employees have a responsibility to use Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc.’s computer resources, Foothold, and the internet in a professional, lawful and ethical manner, and consistent with Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc.’s technology policy found in the employee handbook. Abuse of the computer network or the internet, or violation of this policy, may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, and/or civil or criminal liability.


The following are required for all employees that use the Foothold system:

· Employees will choose a password of their choice to enable access to the system and to review activity tracking. The “electronic signature” tracks time and date stamps all employees’ entries within Foothold. Employees should never give this password to other employees.

· Program computers and internet capabilities are not to be used for personal use, including but not limited to, on-line purchases (personal or for clients), accessing personal email accounts, visiting social media sites, etc. and accessing websites of inappropriate content (offensive, violent, sexual content, etc.).

· Communication through Foothold must be professional, accurate, sensitive, and respectful toward all parties involved. No derogatory, slanderous, discriminatory, harassing, obscene or otherwise inappropriate documentation or communication is permitted.

· Any research including topics that could be related to the programs must be approved in advance by Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. management.

· Employees are not permitted to install computer applications on program computers without prior authorization from Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. management.

· Clients’ friends, family, or guardians, are not permitted to access program computers.

· The use of Secure Communication in sharing sensitive information is strictly confidential. Any unauthorized sharing of such information may be considered a breach of confidentiality.

· Users are given computers and Foothold access to assist them in the performance of their jobs. Users should have no expectation of privacy in anything they create, store, send or receive using the company's computer equipment and Foothold. The computer network is the property of Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. and may be used only for company purposes.

· Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. has the right to monitor and log any and all aspects of its computer systems including, but not limited to, monitoring internet sites visited by users, monitoring Foothold access, monitoring chat and social medial sites, monitoring file downloads, and all communications sent and received by users.

· Non-exempt employees are prohibited from signing onto Foothold during their unpaid time, and are prohibited from signing onto Foothold at a location other than one considered company property unless authorized by their managers.

· All shift documentation must be completed by the end of each shift, and incident reports must be completed per Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. and state requirements.

Use of on-line documentation should be efficient, and should in no way decrease direct interactions with service recipients who are receiving support.

Org. 03/03

Rev. 6/09, 12/09, 8/10, 1/12, 8/13, 2/14, 6/15, 8/16