I would like to welcome you to my 6th grade social studies class. This year we will look at different cultures throughout the world and the history, government, economics, and overall geography of these places. Our lessons will be based on the “Geography Alive” program used in all of the sixth grade social studies classes. To succeed in my class you must demonstrate three qualities: respect, responsibility, and effort!


1.Projects (100 points) – You will be given plenty of time to complete the required projects both at home and at times in class. Your length of time between the project being assigned and the due date will factor into the quality of the final assignment.

2.Grading Period Tests (100 points) – You will be tested over content standards that we have covered each grading period. You will be given a handout explaining what you should expect to be tested over each 9-weeks.

3.Class Participation Grade (100 points) – Each student will begin the grading period with 100 points in participation. If students have 3 or more incomplete / missing assignments in a grading period they will lose 10 points for each assignment. If a student misbehaves or breaks class rules they will lose points.

4.Chapter Test (100 points) – Each chapter will have a test based on the chapter review questions, that was given out at the beginning of the chapter.

5.Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) (50 points) – For each chapter students must complete the activities in their student notebooks. ISNs will be graded on the day of the chapter test.

6.Geoterm Quiz (50 points) – Each chapter has a selection of key words call “geoterms.” You will have to memorize the definitions of these geoterms and will be quizzed over them on the review day for the chapter.

7.Review Quizzes (25-50 points) – From time to time you will have review quizzes given over material you know of geographic or historical significance. Prior to most quizzes you will be given a review sheet for the quiz. Full preparation will be up to you to complete.

8.Chapter Review (25 points) – Students will be given a chapter review to use in preparation for the chapter test. Accuracy is vital to earning all 25 points!

9. Geoterm HW (25 points) – In the ISN there will be a geoterm section that must be completed on the first day of the new chapter. This is an “all or nothing” grade of 25 points!

Students may earn extra credit each 9-week period by completing the board assignment posted. Students will also receive extra credit for having their textbook fully covered with a paper cover on the final day of each week!


100 % - 92.45% =A

92.44% - 84.45%=B

84.44% - 76.45%=C

76.44% - 69.45%=D

69.44% - 0%=F

Work hard and complete all assignments and you will succeed!

Your final class grade is based on all 4 grading period percentages being averaged together!

Absence Policy:

If you are absent for any reason (except vacation) you will have the same amount of days to make up the necessary work.

If you are going on vacation it is your responsibility to talk to me PRIOR to leaving and arrange for the work to be completed. If you fail to talk to me before leaving you will have a maximum of two days to complete all incomplete / missing work.

Failure to make-up work when out based on the above requirements will result in a zero (0) for each assignment not completed.

Class Rules:


Failure to meet those expectations will result in anything from a call home, lower grade, extra work, to even DAC /Suspension/Expulsion.

Cheating on test, quizzes, homework, or projects will not be tolerated! If you give or receive answers without my permission or copy another person’s work (plagiarize); you will be given a zero (0) on the assignment and will lose thirty points from your class grade. If caught a second time, you will receive an automatic “F” for the grading period (maximum of 69%).

Interactive Student Notebooks (ISN):

Each student will receive an ISN to be used along with the textbook. Each copy is approximately $8.00 with the cost of the first copy being included on your student fees. DO NOT LOSE YOUR ISN!!!

Contact Information:

If for any reason a parent or student needs to get in touch with me, the best way would be via email. I will typically check my email several times a day and a few times over the weekend. I am available for conferences from 8:35 – 9:10 AM (Monday – Friday) on school days.


PHONE – (330) 882-3812

**Please do not wait until a situation gets bad before acting. If there is any issue or concern you feel needs to be brought to my attention please do so immediately!!

Please Sign & Return just the bottom portion to Mr. Easterling ASAP!!!


I have read the following with my son/daughter ______and understand what is expected in 6th grade social studies for the 2011-2012 school year. I understand that I need to contact Mr. Easterling if I ever feel there is a situation that needs to be addressed.


Parent Signature Date Student Signature