June 5, 2013

Topic of the Meeting:

The Global Classroom

Meeting Initiator/Convener:

Darryl Ross


Janis Michael

Meeting Participants:

Lon Appleby

Thomas Bradley

Nicole Doyle

Jed Looker

Mike Mckenney

Valerie Smith

Angela Solonsky

Items Discussed:

- Connecting classrooms around the world. Lon has created a global classroom at Durham College.

- The goal is to help students become better local and global citizens.

- They connect with a guest speaker and students in two or three other classrooms in the world.

- Students become very engaged with each other. They learn how others feel and how they see the world.

- They have debates on students’ real world view of ethical issues.

- It is an excellent way to add cultural experience to the classroom.

- Uses Skype. Each location needs a microphone.


o Some of the participants are:Trinidad, Russia, California, Durham, China, Italy, Germany, South Korea, India, South Africa, Nebraska, Montreal (Vanier College).

o Taped classes can be posted on this site and it is a resource for others.

o Topics need to relate to humanity and globalization.

- Need to test and ensure connections are working but in general they have had very few technical problems.

- In a way, it is Interactive ted.

- Classes last 45 – 60 minutes

- There is a facebook page to hold blog, class discussion etc.

- Lesson plan is developed between faculty in the three different countries. Students read material or watch a video ahead of time.

- One class revolved around 3 fundamental questions on their world view

o Is there an after-life and why?

o Is one’s station in life determined by birth and why?

o Are people born evil then learn how to be good or is it the other way around?

- Skype in a discipline expert who talks for 15 minutes about what it is like working in the field then the floor is open for questions. Faculty needs to have a list of prepared questions just in case.

- One discussion line was Arab Uprising: discussed freedom, dictatorship. Students learned a lot about freedom hearing about a 17 year old who was willing to give his life for freedom in Egypt.

- Best format is 3 classes and one guest expert.

- Students do videos on the topics and upload them.