The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis

Historical Analysis Chapter Reflection

Literature groups will orally present the information gained from primary resources to the class as the chapters are completed. Upon completion of the book they will present their 4 additional category/fact comparisons from the Comparison Chart.

Chapter 1

  1. Using the primary resources from the Library of Congress table, follow the link to examine the first map of Afghanistan and the map of Central Asia. Locate the countries Parvana talks about in chapter 1; Persia, Greece, Arabia, Turkey, Britain and the Soviet (Russia). Why do you feel these countries wanted to take over Afghanistan?
  1. What was Father’s job? In which languages was he literate?

Chapter 2

  1. Using the primary resources from the Library of Congress table, follow the link to the photographs of America has provided over $170 million in aid to Afghanistan… How is Parvana’s description of her home similar to the home pictured in the photograph?
  1. Why does Parvana have to go to get water for the family? Why does the water

have to then be boiled?

  1. Why doesn’t the family talk to the neighbors or invite friends over?
  1. Why do the four soldiers burst in the room and take Father away?

Chapter 3

  1. What problem does Parvana and her mother face on their search for Father?
  1. How did they look for Father?
  1. How did Parvana’s mother have to dress? Since Parvana does not have to dress the same way, what privileges does Parvana have?

Chapter 4

  1. What were the effects of the soldier’s beatings on Parvana and her mother?
  1. What are the living conditions by the end of the chapter?
  1. Go to

Click on Teachers from the Library of Congress homepage. From Teachers, search Afghanistan

Select the second result

Then select Afghan News Network

Read a news article from the front page, refugees or human rights.

How have things remained the same as the issues that Parvana’s family dealt with? What has changed?

Chapter 5

  1. Why was Parvana scared to go shopping alone? How were women supposed to


  1. Why did the Talib hit Parvana with the stick for shopping?

Chapter 6

  1. Why does Parvana go back to the market?
  1. Go to

Click on World Digital Media

Click on Global Gateway

Click on Portals to the World

Click on Afghanistan

Click on Organizations

Click on the link for

Read the background on the Taliban and women.

Chapter 7

  1. What is special about Parvana that most people in Afghanistan do not have?
  1. What did Parvana do for the Talib?
  1. What did the Talib help her realize?

Chapter 8

  1. How has Mrs. Weera been living?
  1. Why did Maryam go outside? How was the experience for her?
  1. What became a daily routine?
  1. Who did Parvana think she saw in the market?

Chapter 9

  1. How did the family react to Shauzia?
  1. How is Shauzia’s living situation?
  1. What do Mrs. Weera and Mother want to start in the school?
  2. Go to

Click on Teachers from the Library of Congress homepage. From Teachers, search Afghanistan

Select the second result

Then select Afghan News Network

Go to the Human Rights section and search Women’s rights.

Read the article about Afghan women start businesses, help reconstruct a torn nation

How is Afghanistan changing with regards to women working?

Chapter 10

  1. What is a better way to make money for Parvana and Shauzia?
  1. Do they turn in all their money into their families? Why or why not?
  2. Go to the primary resource table and go to the image described as Detroit, Michigan. Conference between U.S. Army… Click on the link in the URL.

Look at the weapons on display and discuss the use of these weapons in the war. What impact did land mines have on Parvana’s family?

Chapter 11

  1. How does Mother react to Parvana’s job?
  1. What has happened between Nooria and Parvana?
  1. What were the soldiers doing to the men and why?

Chapter 12

  1. How is Parvana feeling?
  1. What is Shauzia planning on doing? Why is she in a rush?
  1. What did Parvana really want?

Chapter 13

  1. What do Nooria and Parvana talk about concerning the marriage?
  1. Why is Parvana not going to Nooria’s wedding?
  1. How does Parvana feel with an empty house?

Chapter 14

  1. Who did Parvana meet? What was wrong with this person? What was this person wearing?
  1. Go to

Look at the various pictures and descriptions of Afghan veils. Describe the differences. What type of veil did Parvana want the woman to wear outside?

  1. What happened in Mazar?
  1. What happened to Parvana after Homa told her what had occurred on Mazar?
  1. Who came home?

Chapter 15

  1. What conditions was father in when he came home?
  1. What was different about Parvana now?
  1. What did Father and Parvana decide to do? What about Mrs. Weera?
  1. What did Parvana do for the window woman?
  1. Before they left Kabul, what does Mrs. Weera show Parvana and her Father?
  1. What agreement to Shauzia and Parvana make?

Chapter questions adapted from