Online Tools for Stress Management - A very comprehensive list of links that encourage relaxation and mindfulness, including music, videos, activities, quizzes, aromatherapy tips, etc. - The Mind Tools website does offer materials to buy, but the articles on this site can also be very helpful. This link takes you to the “toolkit”, while the link below takes you to articles related to stress and anxiety. - A blog about personal and workplace stress. It stresses the perspective that worry itself does not change anything and thus has no value. The key is changing our actions or changing our perceptions to cope with worry. - Online book of information about stress as well as some short descriptions of techniques you can use to cope with stress. Click on the Table of Contents, which will allow you to select the most pertinent sections. Each page is short and to-the-point. - Article that includes some online games and activities to ease stress and tension - Uses pictures with different colors to encourage deeper breathing and relaxation in different parts of your body. Although it is based on the idea of chakras, the benefits of the focus and breathing that the activities encourage are accessible whether you want to learn more about chakras or not. - Includes developmentally appropriate information, guided meditations, strategies from other teens, and a list of apps, books, and other resources – mindfulness meditation website and app

Free Apps:

· Anti-Stress Quotes

· Breathe2Relax

· Take a Break! – Guided Meditations for Stress Relief

· Deep Relax – Your best companion...

· My Stress Coach

· Zen Space

· Yoga 101

· Stress Management Tips

· Stop, Breathe, and Think – for youth

· Insight Timer - virtual “bells” to time and support your meditations

· MindShift - for teens developed by AnxietyBC, with mindfulness and other coping skills for anxiety

· Smiling Mind - for young people, from Australia

· Headspace - simple meditations, free introductory period will expire

Revised 4/6/16