One year after moving into “the new building”



On July 14, 2002 we celebrated our first services in the new worship space (after receiving a temporary Certificate of Occupancy in late June). Since then, we have been experiencing the beauty and spaciousness of our new, expanded building (over twice the size of the old one), and the opportunities it provides for enhancing and expanding our ministries. We have also (with help from the Worship Committee regarding liturgical space and the now-concluded Task Force on Optimizing the Use of Non-Liturgical Space) moved carefully to enhance the furnishings and art in the church building as a whole.

Last winter, after the Parish Leadership Retreat, the Vestry established a Master Plan Committee and charged it to develop a new long-term plan for the church. For the last few years, as we worked on preparing for and implementing the building project which produced the new Worship Space, Welcoming Area, the Bolmer Room and more parking, we have focused on “hardware” (meaning tangibles like the building) and look forward to thinking more about “software” (programs and activities). However, through this first year we have increasingly realized that we still have a few more “hardware” projects.

We plan to do two relatively small, outdoor projects this summer with funds already given to the Building Fund. One is putting Belgian Block from the end of the current block around the driveway’s curve to meet the tan-colored stone wall. (This would be similar in style to the gray block along the driveway by the entrance to the upper level of the church by the top of the outside staircase.) This area has regularly “washed out” during rainstorms, leaving gravel all over the parking area, and will continue to erode unless dealt with. The other project is putting the 2” of “top” asphalt on the middle parking lot. We have been parking on asphalt “base” since that lot was finished in 1994. We postponed topping the lot until after construction on the new building. This work is now overdue, and is needed to preserve the base (which took a beating last winter) and therefore save lots more money. The Vestry has authorized these two projects to go forward upon the receipt of satisfactory bids by Fr. Hubbard and the Wardens.

Two more major projects remain. First, South Brunswick Township has required us to install a sprinkler system in the old building by August, 2004 (we have one now throughout the new construction). That will necessitate new ceilings and lighting systems for both floors of the old building. The Master Plan Committee has previously recommended, and the Vestry agreed, that our second highest priority for capital expenditures (after paving) should be construction of the sprinkler system and, at the same time, converting the former sanctuary (the big room on the second floor) into usable classroom space which could be used for Sunday School and other meetings and activities of the parish. This is more complicated and more expensive than might be thought, but it is badly needed; the noise from other classes in the current, undivided room makes teaching and learning in Sunday School unnecessarily challenging. Having three rooms with permanent walls and drop ceilings (and accordion-pleated walls to subdivide them) would be a vast improvement – and would also give us independently usable spaces on the second floor, such as a place for prayer and meditation, and separate meeting rooms. The cost of this project looks to be about $90,000. The Vestry has not yet given final approval.

Second, our pipe organ needs replacement. The current instrument was started in 1992 and never finished, and is now deteriorating steadily. We have had unfortunate experiences with two organ builders, so we recently had four builders with better references come and evaluate our situation. The Organ Committee has recommended that we purchase a new Allen (digital) organ to replace our current instrument. (Elaine Harned’s skills as an organist have enabled her to disguise the growing limitations of our organ, but there is a limit to what even she can do.)


The Committee has recommended an Allen Model C-14, for c$24,000, plus an electronic “expander” (for $2,700, which would add 100 “voices”, including piano sound, to the organ) and antiphonal speakers (two for the back of the church, for $2,500). The proposed organ is the same model as the one we borrowed from Allen for Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter. Committee members include Jeff Flick, Barbara Sanfilippo, Karen Ayers, Dave Evans, Elaine Harned and Fr. Hubbard. The Vestry has not yet authorized the church to enter into a contract for this purchase.

We realize that many people have given very generously to support the Building Fund over the last few years, and we thank you! We would not presume to burden further those who may feel they have “done their bit”. There are some who are still paying Building Fund pledges (including some new ones, renewals and extensions) who we appreciate very much as well. If you are new to the church since the Building Fund drive, or are now able to make an extra gift or pledge of any amount to the church above and beyond your regular operating fund pledge or gift, we humbly invite you to consider this. A mailing inviting either gifts or pledges will be going out in July. There also may be people who take particular interest in either (or both) of these projects, some of whom may wish to make a special gift in memory of someone or as a thanksgiving; please speak to me if this is the case. We already have received two such gifts.

We are looking into financing options as well as new gifts to help make these plans possible; clearly, gifts and pledges will reduce our costs by reducing the amount we might have to borrow. If all goes well, we intend to do the renovations in the first half of 2004; that is the more urgent priority. We would consider buying the organ as funds for that become available.

Dave Lefever, Senior Warden and 2003 Chair of the Master Plan Committee, will be making a brief presentation on Sunday, June 29. He and I welcome your comments and questions, as do other members of the Master Plan Committee: Bill Armstrong, Shirley Bowers, Monica Devanas, Matt Eltringham, Jeff Flick, Sandy Johnson, Darrell Kidd, Paul Pospiech, Bill Reeder, Rap Reinhardt, Tom Romine, William Straughn and Jon Young .

– Father Hubbard


The Rt. Rev. David B. Joslin, Assisting Bishop of New Jersey, presided at the 10:30 service on Sunday, June 1 and confirmed Carly Dashiell, Joseph Dombrowski, Andrew Herbach, Gregory Kilbride, John Lomauro, Michael Lomauro, Laura Pospiech, Annetta Sanfilippo, Courtney Snyder, and Nicole Stolte, and he received into the Episcopal Church as confirmed members Lara Dombrowski and Mary Ann Thomas. Bishop Joslin also met briefly with the Vestry and commended the parish for our commitment to reaching out to newcomers and to growing in attendance and in ministry, and he endorsed the idea of a sabbatical of about three months for Fr. Hubbard during 2004. Bishop Joslin will be retiring when Bishop-elect George Councell is consecrated on October 18. His ministry in this diocese is very much appreciated.


On June 22, the parish recognized all who participated in Sunday School during 2002-03, and said thank you to Brenda Reeder for her service this year as Superintendent. We honored Romelle Lysenko as Teacher of the Year. She and Marlene Botsch will be leading our planning for next year. Many thanks to all who served – and all who will serve as teachers!



Our 10th annual Vacation Bible School will run Monday - Friday mornings, July 28-August 1, with and at Christ the King Lutheran Church, Rte. 27, Kendall Park, as for the last two years. It will be open to children from age 4 (as of August 1, 2003) through those who have just finished the 8 th Grade. The cost is $10 per child. VOLUNTEERS are welcome to sign up to help with teaching, crafts, games, music, snacks, providing transportation and taking pictures during that week, and to provide and/or prepare craft materials, paint banners and set up before July 28. Volunteer forms and registration forms are available after services and during office hours. VBS opens to the general public July 1, so parishioners should get their registrations in now. Questions? Call Barbara Sanfilippo, VBS Director.


Now through September 7, our 10:30 service will be designed to be “user-friendly for children” and include an “interactive sermon” involving the preacher and the children and songs led on the piano, and be shorter than usual. (One person likened the style to a “campfire experience.”) All ages are welcome. There will be no Nursery Care or Sunday School until September 14; Sunday School registration and the Parish Picnic (on the church’s grounds) will be September 7. The Quiet Room is open during both services for children (with their parents) who are being too noisy to be in church; from there, you can see and hear the service but not be heard. Our entire building is air conditioned. There will be fellowship & Coffee Hour following the 10:30 service each Sunday; Grocery certificates will be sold following each service.

The 8:30 service continues as is through the summer – a quieter, more contemplative experience with no music and a more formal sermon designed for adults.


We welcome our friend and neighbor the Rev. William O. Breedlove II as a non-stipendiary priest associate of the parish. This means that he will help out on a limited basis for a limited period of time and as a volunteer (except when he is taking Sunday services when Fr. Hubbard has a Sunday off). Fr. Breedlove, who lives in Somerset with his wife, Elizabeth, works as Librarian for Union City, N.J. and has previously served several churches in this diocese. He was Chair of the Diocese of New Jersey’s Church Architecture Committee when we were going through the early stages of our construction project and was both helpful and supportive. He will preside and preach at both services on July 13, when Fr. Hubbard is on vacation, and will preach at both services on July 20, when Fr. Hubbard will be back.

While Fr. Hubbard is on vacation July 10-19, the Rev. William Guerard of St. George’s Episcopal Church, Helmetta will be on call for pastoral emergencies (732-521-0169). Vestry members Bryan Botsch and Maria Flick will be the Lay Leaders of the Week during that time; please call them or Aleen Crispino at the Church office (732-297-4607) about non-emergency concerns. Please always call the church if a family member is hospitalized, as we no longer are notified automatically by any hospital.



The Vestry is considering granting Fr. Hubbard a special leave for personal spiritual renewal and growth for a part of next year. The (paid) leave might be for three months (separate from and in addition to vacation time.) The Sabbatical Task Force, chaired by Leon Merriweather and also including Carol Arnold, Monica Devanas, Sandy Johnson, Jonathan Hill, Darrell Kidd, Vincie Ridley, Shirley Bowers and Carolyn Hales, has prepared a proposal for a grant from the Lily Foundation which will be considered at a Special Meeting of the Vestry on July 1.


Our bills are being paid fully and in a timely manner. Through May, our expenses are tracking the budget except that snow plowing ran $2,000 over budget. On the income side, the departure of our tenant, Centro Cristiano Alabara in April means $3,400 less in rental income in 2003. However, both regular pledges and Building Fund pledges are running ahead of budget; regular pledge and envelope giving through May was 17% higher than through May, 2002. Please remember that our ministries (and therefore our expenses) continue through the summer, so if you are away, please mail your pledge payments to the church at 142 Sand Hill Road, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852. THANK YOU!

Summer Fun

The annual Women’s Link pool party will be at the home of Stephanie Carr on Sunday, July 13 after the 10:30 service. Sign up at church to come & bring something, or call Stephanie. Rain date July 20.

The annual Men’s Club Golf Outing will be Saturday, July 19 starting at 1:30 p.m. at Bunker Hill Golf Club, Griggstown. The cost is $60. All men age 18 and up are welcome. Sign up and pay by July 7. Call Joe Dombrowski or Jon Young.

The annual picnic and trip to the Trenton Thunder minor league baseball game will be Saturday, AUGUST 16. The picnic will start at 5:15 at the Sanfilippos’ home and the game starts at 7 p.m. Sign up at church. For ALL AGES!


We honor our 2003 graduates: Sean Merriweather (Emory University) and High School graduates Chanelle Doryumu, Margaret Flick, Ethan Hayden, Ashley Hendrickson, Tom Hubbard, Danielle Lewis-Williams, Kristin Pall and Eric Snyder.


This spring Terry Webb was part of the team from G.O.A.L. (Global Outreach for Addiction Leadership) helping to train people in Russia and Spain in Recovery ministries and 12 Step programs (Alcoholics Anonymous, etc.). We look forward to hearing a report to the church!