Dear Room 11 families,
I am delighted to welcome you and your child into Room 11. It’s going to be a wonderful school year, and I am excited about getting to know each of you and your children.
Who I am…
My name is Lisa George. I obtained my degree in Teaching and Learning at the University of Canterbury College of Education. On completion of my degree I joined the Cotswold Teaching Staff, and have taught new entrants, year ones and year threes. I am looking forward to the new challenge of a year 2/3 composite class.
Routines and Expectations
- School start time – Children can enter the classroom once the bell rings at 8:30. If they arrive before 8:30 they are to assemble in front of the hall until the bell rings, not in front of the classroom. It is important that children arrive at school with plenty of time to organise themselves before the 8:55 bell.As we encourage self-managed learning at Cotswold School, it will be expected that the childrenunpack their own books andfruit break, and have pencils sharpened etc. before the bell rings.
- Library Day is Thursday. Books must be returned by this day or children will not be able to issue another. If books are lost a replacement fee will be charged.
- Home learning –Formal homework will start from week 3. It will be sent home on a Monday and expected to be handed in before school on a Friday.
Spelling will start from week 3. It is sent home on a Monday and tested on a Friday during class. Children will be given 3 words from their ‘Cotswold Essential Word List’ and 3 words on the particular spelling sound we are covering that week.
Maths Buddy will replace the maths section of our homework. See the office for information if you are interested in this and do not already have a login.
Children may require adult encouragement and support in order to complete their homework. Reinforcement between school and home is hugely important for children and will help their learning flourish. Nightly reading practice is of particular importance.
- Hats –Hats are compulsory during term 1 and term 4. School rules are no hat, no play. Hats must be wide brimmed or bucket hats. No caps.
- Notices – These will be sent home in the children’s reading folders as they arise. Occasionally I will send a note home in the reading notebook as well if I have a concern, celebration, or update, so keep your eye out for these.I invite you to do the same if you have a celebration or concern you notice at home. (I check these Mon-Thurs so it is a good way to contact me).
- Cotswold Values– The school values focus this term is caring, and a big part of this is learning respect for others, both elders and their peers. We will be doing a lot of work on this at school, but you may like to further reinforce these things at home. Focuses will be:remembering please and thank you, turn taking, sharing, opening doors for adults, and greeting the teacher and friends in the morning when they get to the classroom.Our other school values are creativity, communication, contributing, and challengeand allwill be covered across the year.
- Behaviour Management – I have high expectations for both learning and behaviour, and will follow the Cotswold School Behaviour Management Plan displayed in the classroom.
- Art Supplies –The children will require a named art shirt to be kept at school for the remainder of the year. This could be either an old shirt or t-shirt, and just needs to be large enough to cover their uniform.
- Reading – Books come home four nights a week. Reading folders must be returned to school each day. Please read the story that comes home with your child, and record the title of the book and sign off its completion in the reading notebook that accompanies it. A guide would be 15 minutes per night of reading and follow up discussion.
At some reading levels, books may last for more than one night. As a child works their way up the reading levels the expectation is for more time to be spent on more complex texts, expanding the children’s comprehension and understandings.
When reading with your child do not solely focus on correct word pronunciation; it is also important to discuss the story with your child. Which words do they recognise immediately? Which decoding strategies can they use for unknown words? Can they answer questions about the story? Can they predict what might happen next? Can they retell what happened in the story in sequential order after reading? Comprehension of a text is an equally important part of reading.
- Poetry folders – Poems are used for reading on a Friday. They will come home in a scrapbook for sharing over the weekend sometimes (not every week) and need to be returned on the Monday following.
- Reporting – All children will be given a formal report and interview twice a year. This will be either term 1 and 3 or term 2 and 4, depending on their birthday (this will be the same terms as they had last year).
- Parent help – Please let me know if you would be able to help with the returning of the children’s guided reading books. This can be done once a week before or after school at your convenience and would be greatly appreciated
At times, I may require assistance with classroom activities as well, so let me know if you would be interested in this.
- Allergies – As we may sometimes do baking and may share food on particular occasions, please advise me if your child has any allergies I need to be aware of if you haven’t already done so. Please also let me know if you have any strong disagreements related to consumption of any particular foods/treats.
If you have any queries or would like any further clarification on any of the above please do not hesitate to come and see me. I am available before and after school most days, except forTuesday afternoon when we have staff meetings, and Wednesday mornings where I volunteer on the Walking School Bus. Alternatively, you can email me:my address is , or ring me at school on 3598035 ext. 711. If I am not in my room please leave a message and I will aim to return your call as soon as possible.
I am very friendly and approachable, no question is a silly question, and I will endeavour to make time to discuss anything of need.
Kind regards,
Lisa George