NAME AND ROLE / Wuliang Zhang International Student’s Officer
DATE OF REPORT / 17/11/16


1.  Full time Officers should list 5 – 7 objectives / outcomes in Part A and B list; Part-time Officers should list at least 3 objectives / outcomes in Part A and B.

2.  The current status should be indicated using the key below, and as demonstrated in the first line of the ‘Manifesto’ section; select the cell, right click and use the ‘borders and shading’ function achieve this.

Not Started / Underway / Completed

3.  In Part C please describe the engagement activity that you have taken part in the period since your last report including how the information collected is to be used, and the number of members that you engaged with.

4.  In Part D please list any and all gifts or hospitality that you have received, whilst in office and because of your role, since your last report, including the person or organization that gave you the gift or hospitality and the value (or an estimate if unknown).


Objective and expected outcome(s) / Activity (what I will do to achieve this) / UPDATE / Status
1.  / Investigate the effectiveness and issues of academic support for international students in University / Gathered secondary data from university website statistic and CFAP booklet;
Did 50 copies of questionnaire for international students and 1 interview for international students academic manager in Avenue;
Asked the academic tutor in Park Campus for further suggestion;
Sent online questions through WeChat and Facebook Page to gather statistics;
Analyse all of data, giving feedback and put forward relevant recommadtion;
Communitae with Sammi and Faculty Reps about some recommadtions. / Suceffully obtained sufficient information for both primary and secondary data;
With the help of academic tutors, by suggestion, the main issue of academic support for international students are language barrier, culture difference and lacks awareness of the academic help.
From student’s prespective, the main reaons are less opportunities and not very useful.
Sent email back to the academic tutors about the feedback;
Failed to discuss the issues in the last Education Meeting because of personal assignment deadline, but will try to discuss with Danjie about relevant recommadtions.
2.  / Increase the effectiveness of academic support for international students in Uniersity / To creat more promotion about the importance of academic helps thorugh social media;
Attend the next Course Rep Coner to listen to their feedback particularly about international students;
To encourage international students to be involved in the academic support by creating certain campaigns. / Posted it in the Facebook Page and still wait for the permission of the official WeChat created by Drew;
Failed to attend the Course Rep Roner is on 6th December and try to manage another time.
Will attend the FQSC meeting at 19th Jan.
3.  / Celebrate a traditional festival for international students.
Eg. Chinese Spring Festival and Hindu Diwali Festial. / Spoke to relevant staffs (David, Megan and Krsitie) to discuss details about the budget;
Met Xiaoxin who is in charge of CSSA (Chinese Students & Scholars Association) to determine forms of corporation about Chinese Fesivals;
Discussed with Indian charities about the celebration of Diwali, which is a Hindu traditional festival of lights in the autumen time;
Promote ideas in the Facebook Page to get more involvement;
Continuously seek relevant supports from other societies and clubs, like Indian Society and Chinese Cultural Society. / Successfully celebrated the Halloween party at 31/Oct with CSSA in the Attic;
Communicated with IHWO (International House World Organisation) and Drew about the celebration of Indian Diwali Festival in the town centre but failed to do it because of limited budget (Have to rent stalls and equipment);
Spoke to the leader of CSSA about the celebration of Chinese Spring Fesitval and wait for the response.
4.  / Increase the awareness of international students to be involved in the SU / Continue to promote societies and sport clubs, in the Union Day and in the activities of other clubs and societies;
To build a strong relationship with FISH (Friends, International, Students and Hosts), Buddy Scheme and CFAP to help international students in different aspects;
Use the Main Facebook Page for international students to do more promotion and create an official WeChat page. / Have organized a walking tour to Brixworth with Chinese Cultural Society and Buddy Scheme;
Came to the Folk night with FISH and helped Buddy Scheme to make a promotion video;
Promote in the Facebook Page about the information of SU and the WeChate page is in progress with Drew;
Will organise a day trip with Chinese Cultural Society in the next Sunday, 17th Dec.
5.  / Enhance the communication of multiple cultures in the university / To hold an event to integrate students coming from different nations;
Keep a strong relationship with FISH to organise more relevant events. / Spoke to the leader of Buddy Scheme about the idea of Multiple Nations Gala, scheduled the date at 24th Feb and will discuss with Kristie and Drew to get societies involved and ask for funding.
Organised the Folk Night with FISH in Jesus Center of Town Center about the music culture from different nations.


Objective and expected outcome(s) / Activity (what I will do to achieve this) / UPDATE / Status


What was the objective of the engagement activity you took part in? / How is the information collected, going to be used? / No. of members


GIFTS AND HOSPITALITY RECEIVED (of more than £10 in value)
Gift or hospitality / Received from whom (organization or individual) / Date / VALUE
(estimate if not known)
Not Started / Underway / Completed