Office Concierge brings music to Broadgate

Office Concierge, London’s leading Reception Management Company took their service delivery to another level by arranging for a series of lunch time concerts at one of their client’s and London’s largest office complexes – Broadgate.
Linking up with Blake, whose first album has already gone gold and have now been nominated for “Album of the Year” at this year’s Classical Brit Awards, Office Concierge gave the 30,000 office workers at Broadgate an opportunity to enjoy two mini classical concerts through their lunch break last Friday, 4th April with another scheduled for the 24th of this month.
The sun shone down on the four members of the group as their mellow tones reverberated around the Arena bringing us Swing Low Sweet Charity, Hallelujah and Jerusalem. As Clare Sabey, Associate Director of Vicinitee said “ I thought they were great .. and it was good to see so many people out around the Arena … roll on 24th”.
For further information on Office Concierge and their service offering, please contact:Clifford Baker or Simon Cooney on 020 7636 2829 or Email: