Board Meeting of February 1, 2012

Board Meeting of February 1, 2012



At the call of the Chair, a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority was held at Ten Park Plaza, Offices of the Board, Third Floor, Boston, Massachusetts, on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at 1:00 p.m.

There were present: Messrs. Jenkins, Alvaro and Whittle, the Misses Levin and Loux, being all members of the Board.

Also in attendance were: the Secretary, Mr. Davey, the Acting General Manager, Mr. Davis, and Messrs. Kelley, Miss Estey, Special Counsel and Miss Fallon, Recording Secretary to the Board.

The Chairman, Mr. Jenkins, presided.

Chairman Jenkins called the 1056thOpen Meeting to order.

The first speaker was Anthony Hernandez, citizen of Cambridge. Mr. Hernandezproposed a long term goal for increased transportation of the state to create ways that we can make transportation more accessible to all people in Massachusetts.

The next speaker was Steven Kaiser from the Association of Cambridge Neighborhood. Mr. Kaiser gave some examples of how we may look to other options such as running commuter rail in house, energy savings and the gas tax.

The next speaker was Rene Mardones from the T Riders Union. Mr. Mardones was happy to see some of the suggestions from the first couple of meetings incorporated in the scenarios. He gave a couple of more suggestions for ideas of revenue and asked for better job getting information out about the public meetings.

The next speaker Marylyn MacNabcommented on the impact of the fare increase and service cuts on the disability community.

Chairman Jenkins closed public comment period.

The next item on the agenda is the approval of the December 7, 2011 minutes. The minutes for December 7, 2011 were approved. The minutes of January 4, 2012 were approved with an abstention from Director Loux because she was not present at the meeting.

The Chairman wanted to thank and recognize William A. Mitchell, MBTA General Counsel for his outstanding service at the MBTA and with the Board. He announced his retirement as of March 1, 2012.

Then next item on the agenda is the General Managers Report given by Acting General Manager Jonathan Davis. Mr. Davis wanted to thank Mr. Mitchell for his service, support and guidance that he had given to him over the years. He will be truly missed. Mr. Davis gave his report on safety, customer service, fiscal responsibility, innovation, employees and the public hearing process. (Attached)

Director Loux asked the General Manager if we could do a feasibility study to collaborate a pretax program with Hospital, Hotels, Universities and the MBTA would provide a bulk discount. This is where we could maximize some consideration of our regular riders. We could take the employees and students ID cards and make them the Charlie Cards. Mr. Davis stated that they could look into this idea.

Director Loux also requested a review on how MBCR is doing on performance, hiring diversity and labor contracts. Mr. Davis answered that they have been improving in all those categories. He noted that on time performance has improved but due to the aging infrastructure there have been some issues but it has generally been in the 80% on time performance. They have increased their diversity in their number of minorities in their workgroup as well as the use of disadvantage business enterprise. Mr. Davis stated that they have improved and are making some changes that improve the service to the customers.

Director Levin commented that she would like to make sure we have a program to make sure that we are engaged in the public process as much as possible.She would like a summary of key issues raised at the public meetings so they can look at them at any time and to know what the response to these issues are. She would like to see steps taken so they know that people’s voices are being heard. She would also like the timeframe and the information they will be receiving. Mr. Davis stated they will get all this information at the end of the week. He noted they send out responses to any comments, suggestions and concerns.

Director Levin also wanted to get information on the Commuter Rail and to make sure that we take a look at the contract overall regardless of who is doing the contract. We need to know what the right level of investment is in the project or contract so we can think about the structure of the new contract moving forward. Director Alvaro commented on the performance of the current operator and noted the decline in ridership and the rise in costs.

The Chairman noted that the presentation on the current Commuter Rail provider had been removed in consideration of time of the meeting and they will submit their information to the board in writing.

The Chairman also noteditem number four was also removed because the staff wasn’t ready to report their item.

The next item on the agenda presented by Wes Wallace was on the authorization for approval and signature of the Statement of Facts concerning the estimated assessments for the 175 cities and towns for the Fiscal Year 2013. Director Alvaro asked how much credit is taken by communities for providing local private transit services. Mr. Wallace stated that it is $63,800 total credit for paratransit service. Director Whittle noted the year to year fluctuations. Mr. Wallace said there are changes in the population and the credit from paratransit t belongs to other RTA’s. Now that more people belong to more RTA’s all of the numbers have changed. Director Whittle noted that in the future it will be helpful to have any new changes explained to them every year so they know why there are changes in the numbers. Director Alvaro asked for any amounts over 30% could they get an explanation. Mr. Wallace stated they could get the information to the Board.

On motion, duly made and seconded, it was


WHEREAS, this Board, in compliance with the provisions of Section 9 of the Chapter 161A of the General Laws, has by voted dated February 1, 2012, certified the amount of the Estimated Assessments for Fiscal Year 2013 and authorized said certified amount to be forwarded to the State Treasurer.

WHEREAS, said Section 9 requires that this Board certify and forward a Statement of Facts to accompany said certified amount.

NOW,THEREFORE, this Board hereby certifies that the attached Statement of Facts is correct and further authorizes said Statement to be forwarded to the State Treasurer in accordance with the provisions of Section 9 of Chapter 161A of the General Laws.

The next item on the agenda also presented Wes Wallace is the authorization for approval to submit the certification to the MBTA Advisory Board of voting strengths of the 175 cities and towns. These voting strengths are calculated based upon the revised local assessments to member communities calculated in compliance with Section 9 of Chapter 161A of the Authority’s enabling legislation.

On motion, duly made and seconded, it was

VOTED:That, whereas, in accordance with the requirements of Section 7A of Chapter 161A of the General Laws, as amended, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority has determined the total vote on the MBTA Advisory Board of each city and town included in the Authority, the Chairman be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to deliver notice in writing of such determination, in the following form, to the MBTA Advisory Board, this Board having determined that the Statement of Facts contained therein is correct.

On motion, duly made and seconded, it was unanimously

VOTED: To adjourn the 1056th Open Meeting.


Minutes of December 7, 2011 and January 4, 2012

General Manager’s Report

Staff Summary on Statement of Facts

Staff Summary on MBTA Advisory Board Voting Strengths