Northern Highlands Regional High School

English 9

Vocabulary List 18

1. anguish

Definition: Acute mental or physical suffering.

Sarah Bernhardt, the French actress, was famous for her ability to portray the anguish of a forlorn lover.

Synonyms: agony, misery, distress, pang, torment

Antonyms: pleasure, ecstasy, delight, jubilation, joy

2. covert

Definitions: 1. (adjective) Secret; hidden from view.

The soldier was accused of having covert dealings with the enemy.

2. (noun) A sheltered or hidden place.

The animals hid in a covert deep in the forest.

Related Form: covertly

Synonyms: (adjectives) clandestine, furtive; (noun) shelter

Antonyms: overt, above-board, frank, candid

3. discreet

Definition: Showing good judgment and care, especially in speech.

It is best not to trust Mary with a secret; she has shown that she cannot be discreet.

Related Forms: discretion, discretionary, discretional

Synonyms: prudent, cautious, circumspect, careful, judicious, wary

Antonyms: indiscreet, imprudent, incautious, rash, injudicious

4. expound

Definition: To make clear; to set forth in detail.

The judge expounded his view that parents are responsible for juvenile delinquency.

Related Forms: exposition, expository

Synonyms: explain, discourse, expatiate, elucidate

5. indefatigable

Definition: Incapable of being easily wearied.

The pioneers of our country were indefatigable; they worked tirelessly at clearing the wilderness and building up the country that we now take for granted.

Related Forms: indefatigably, indefatigability

Synonyms: untiring, tireless, assiduous, unflagging, unremitting, diligent

Antonyms: indolent, slothful

6. mutation

Definition: change.

School effected a remarkable mutation in John’s habits.

Related Forms: transmutation, mutable, mutability, mutant

Synonyms: alteration, metamorphosis, variation

Antonyms: constancy, steadfastness

7. persevere

Definition: To continue steadfastly in performing something difficult.

Only by persevering in the face of great obstacles did Mr. Thomas attain success in his job.

Related Forms: perseverance, persevering

Synonyms: persist, endure

8. reciprocate

Definition: To interchange; to give in return.

I gave my friend a sweater, and she reciprocated by giving me a pair of gloves.

Related Forms: reciprocation, reciprocity, reciprocal

Synonyms: exchange, repay

9. simultaneous

Definition: Occurring, done, or existing at the same time.

Simultaneous with the sound of the bell, there was a bright flash of light.

Synonyms: coincident, concurrent, in concert, synchronous

10. volition

Definition: Act of willing; exercise of the will.

She surprised her mother by cleaning up her messy room on her own volition; her mother did not have to ask her to do so.

Synonyms: will, choice, option, preference

Antonyms: compulsion, duress, obligation