STudent Activities Council (STAC)
Event Proposal/Request of Funds
To submit STAC Proposal/Request of Funds, read the instructions and fill out the form below. Email the completed form to .
The Northern Arizona University STudent Activities Council (STAC) provides financial support for events that enhance and enrich students’ lives on the Mountain Campus. STAC has two areas of focus: large-scale entertainment events ($5,000 and over) and small scale events ($500-$4,999). Any department or registered student organization can seek funding through STAC. Student organizations seeking funding of less than $500 should go through the Associated Students of Northern Arizona University (ASNAU) Organization Allocation (OA) process.
Please note the following requirements before submitting a proposal:
· Funded events must be open to all students
· Funded events must take place on campus
· No more than $250 or 5% of total STAC funding, whichever is greater, can be used to purchase food
· STAC cannot allocate funds to events that raise money for charitable organizations
Additional information before submitting a proposal:
· Proposals should be submitted no less than 30 days prior to the event
· The STAC Council Clerk will notify the Event Coordinator (person submitting proposal) to arrange a formal presentation during a regularly scheduled meeting.
· Presentation should not exceed 15 minutes.
· STAC meetings are scheduled weekly.
· Unless addition al information is requested, proposals will be voted on by STAC immediately following the presentation. Requests may be funded fully, partially, or denied. Once a decision is reached the presenter will be invited back into the room to hear the decision.
· If awarded money by STAC, the Event Coordinator will have to schedule a meeting with Deborah Harris, STAC Co-Adviser, within 2 business days to review event planning and STAC funding procedures.
All proposals are due on Wednesday by 5:00pm for review at that Friday’s meeting. If you have questions regarding your proposal please contact one of STAC’s advisers. Deborah Harris can be reached at 928-523-5181 or and Rick Brandel can be reached at 928-523-5181 or .
STudent Activities Council
Event Proposal/Request of Funds
Event Name/Title:Sponsoring Organization/Department:
Event Coordinator Name: / Phone: () - / Email:
Adviser’s Name: / Phone: () - / Email:
Event Date: / Event Time:
Event Location:
Projected Attendance: / Past Attendance (if applicable):
Please provide a general description of event including purpose and how it will benefit the students of Northern Arizona University. (Attach additional information if applicable).MARKETING/PROMOTION PLAN
Please provide a detailed marketing plan, including advertising methods and timelines:BUDGET INFORMATION
Will the event be ticketed?: Yes No Anticipated ticket price (if applicable) for students: $ public: $Explanation as to why the event is ticketed (if applicable):
Marketing/Promotion Costs:
Banners/posters/flyers: $ / Lumberjack Newspaper ad: $K-Jack Radio: $ / Other publication advertising: $
Other radio advertising: $ / ads: $
Other advertising: $ Explanation of other advertising (i.e. t-shirts):
Speaker(s)/Performer(s) Costs:
Speaker/performer cost: $ / Transportation costs (if applicable): $ / Hotel costs: $Other costs: $ explanation:
Facility Costs:
Rental fee: $ / Equipment fees: $ / Staffing fees: $Other costs: $ explanation:
Food Costs:
Total food cost: $Other Costs (decorations, etc.):
Cost: $ explanation:Cost: $ explanation:
Cost: $ explanation:
Total Costs:
Marketing/Promotion: $ / Speaker/Performer: $ / Facility:$ / Food: $ / Other: $Total cost of event: $
Organization/Department contribution (if applicable): $
Additional Funding sources (if applicable): $