Cincinnati STD/HIV Training Center
NJMS Global Tuberculosis Institute
Topic: Interaction of TB and HIV
Date: Thursday - July 12, 2006
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Audience: This interactive online web conference* is designed for nurses who work in STD or Family Planning Clinics and for other clinicians who provide care to clients who are at high risk for sexually transmitted disease
Objectives: At the end of the web conference, the audience will be able to:
· Discuss epidemiological factors that impact the medical management of patients with HIV and TB
· Understand the complicated interconnections between HIV and mycobacterial infections
· Describe how TB may present differently in patients with HIV infection
· Incorporate current strategies for the medical management of the patient co-infected with HIV and TB
Faculty: Reynard McDonald, MD
Medical Director – NJMS Global Tuberculosis Institute
Professor of Medicine UMD - New Jersey Medical School
For more information please contact or 513-558-3197
Please note that enrollment is limited to participants in Region V. This includes the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
* You will be able to view a demonstration of how to use the online interactive software prior to the program. It’s free! You will need to download a free copy of JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM) software and install it on your computer to participate. (Technical assistance can be provided.)