Solid Waste Advisory Committee
October 24, 2001
Welcome and Call to Order: Rick Thompson.
Committee members in attendance:
Joe Aline, Cascade County -- Barb Butler, Billings -- Sherryl Rhys, Jefferson County -- Roger Schmidt, Fallon County, -- Clay Vincent, Unified Disposal District – Doug Sparrow, Helena
Others in attendance:
Ted Lange, MSU -- Jim Wilbur, JRW Consulting, Helena --Barry Damschen, Entranco, Helena,– Laura Nicholai, Lincoln – David Seeberger, Missoula –Greg Wennnerberg, High Plains -- Mark Nelson, Polson—Will Selser, Helena -- Rick Thompson, , Helenann Cannon, DEQ.
Review Minutes from September 18, 2001:
Motion to accept both by Clay Vincent, Seconded by Doug Sparrow. Motion carried.
Discussion of meeting Format:
Request by committee that agenda, minutes and other handouts be mailed/emailed at least one week before the next meeting.
Motion to:
a. Elect at the next meeting a new chair/facilitator.
b. Conduct meeting in a fairly formal manner, using Robert’s Rules of Order as a guide.
c. To not allow committee members to appoint a proxy for meetings.
d. Replace a committee member misses 3 consecutive meetings, he/she will be replaced.
e. Limit agenda to what can reasonably be discussed during the meeting.
f. Open discussion to audience before committee votes.
g. Replace Rick Thompson as committee chair to serve as DEQ non-voting representative.
Moved by Sherrel Rhys; Seconded by Clay Vincent. Motion carried.
Motion to: Table tire bale issues until a DEQ legal opinion can be obtained.
Moved by Sherrel Rhys; Seconded by Doug Sparrow. Motion carried.
Discussion of DEQ Internal Review Sequence (Draft)
Move to accept Review Sequence with the following changes.
- In item #3, cc the applicant.
- In item #4, strike the word “preliminary”.
- In item #13, strike the words “on old”.
- Revisit Review Sequence in six months.
Moved by Joe Aline; Seconded by Sherrel Rhys. Motion carried.
As a result of the discussions on the license review sequence, the committee inquired if a similar internal review sequence could be developed for ground water submittals. The SWP will therefore develop a draft ground water internal review sequence and present it at the next meeting.
Requests by Committee that PPA (Recycling Program) attend the January meeting and present and agenda of projects they are working on.
Discussion of Alternative Final Cover.
The Committee requested more information on the Bill Albright alternative cover design and modeling seminar. Based on the pending educational opportunity, the Committee moved to table the alternative final cover discussion.
Moved by Clay Vincent; Seconded by Sherrel Rhys. Motion carried.
Discussion of On the Job Training for DEQ staff at various Solid Waste Management Facilities, either at the request to DEQ or the facilities. The training would comprise of SWP staff being on site to observe how the day-to-day operations or how a specific operational component of the landfill activities is conducted.
Motion to recommend training opportunities by Doug Sparrow; Seconded by Barb Butler. Motion carried.
Topics for the January, 2002 meeting:
- Elect a new chair/facilitator.
- Revisit tire bale issue.
- Discuss DEQ Organizational Chart.
- Discuss DEQ SW budget.