Kildwick C E C Primary School Telephone: 01535 633682

Priest Bank Road

Kildwick Email:

Nr Keighley

West Yorks BD20 9BH Web Address:

Mr T Whitehead


Kildwick CE VC Primary School

Year One – Summer 2

Dear Parents,

I hope you have all had an enjoyable half term and that the children are ready for their final half term in Year One and Class One!

Homework and Reading Books - Reading books will be changed on a Monday or Tuesday. We are now sending all children home with two books a week. Please could we ask that you send in a picture of your child reading at bedtime (any book!) this will form part of a display to launch our new reading scheme. Children will continue to bring home spellings to learn weekly and have homework in their green books to complete at their own pace.

Sports Day

We have confirmed Sports Day as Thursday 29th June. If the weather is not appropriate on this date then we have Friday 30th June in the diary as a ‘plan B’. Keep an eye on the Facebook page for further information.

Phonic Screening

All Year One children, nationally, will be assessed in Phonics week commencing 12th June. Schools will not be told the threshold mark until Monday 26th June and therefore will not be able to advise you as to if your child has reached the expected level immediately. I cannot stress enough that this is nothing for your child, or you, to worry about, it is simply a measure of our teaching of phonics in school. Results from the phonic screening will be included in your child’s end of year report.

Transition Days

On the 3rd and 4th July children will spend the morning in the class they will be taught in next year.

Father’s Day

We would like to invite Fathers, Grandfathers or any male relative into school to have lunch with the children on Friday 16th June. Lunch will be at 1pm, followed by a chance to play with the children in their learning environment and have a look at their Learning Journey’s. Unfortunately, due to lack of space, we can only allow one adult per child. A letter and confirmation slip will be sent home.

I am sure it is going to be a fantastic final half term. I will be sad to say goodbye to the Year One children who have been with me since I started at Kildwick! However, I am delighted with the progress they have made and I have enjoyed every single minute of teaching them! Thank you.

Miss Akrigg.

This half term we will continue to work on keyboard skills. Children will also use the computer to research Mary Anning and explain why she is famous for their homework. / Maths
In Maths this term we continue to work on:
Number: Four operations Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20.
Add and subtract one digit and two digit numbers to 20, including 0.
Read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+) subtraction (-) and equals (=) signs.
Solve one step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems.
Count in multiples of twos, fives and tens.
Solve one step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher.
This half term will also be used to consolidate any weaker areas of learning in preparation for Year Two. / Science
Our topic next half term is dinosaurs which will be launched on the first day back as a whole school activity! Throughout the half term we will work on being able to ask simple questions about the prehistoric past and changes, observe and recognise some characteristics of dinosaurs. The children will research where dinosaurs have been found and identify places on a map. We will learn to group dinosaurs thinking about the Jurassic period, Triassic Period and the Cretaceous period. We will do this by identifying their similarities and differences. We will also think about what dinosaurs ate and sort them appropriately. Here is a useful website for home learning:
This half term children will think about moving onto their next school year. They will set targets and goals for next year. / RE
In RE we will be thinking about friendships.
This will help us think about how friendships may change or stay the same as we move through school.
This half term the children will be training for the ‘Mini Olympics’ and for sports day. Children will continue to have tennis coaching on a Friday. / Year One – Summer 2
Dinosaurs / English
In English we will use our dinosaur topic to support our writing. We will use the ‘Harry and His Bucketful of Dinosaurs’ stories to help us develop our fiction writing this half term and children will work on developing their own stories and their creative writing skills.
We will continue to have a discreet Punctuation and Grammar session each week. This half term the children will focus on using suffixes including plural noun suffixes, ’s’ or ‘es’. For example, dog, dogs; wish, wishes. We will also look at adding suffixes ‘er’ and ‘est’ where no change is needed to the root word ie, helper; helping.
Children will also be working hard on making sure that they ALWAYS use their capital letters and full stops!
This half term the children will be learning end of year songs. / Art/DT
In art children will draw a dinosaur. They will visualise where parts of the body would be on page, choose starting point and copy an image. In DT we will use air drying clay to make our own fossils. / Topic
As last half term was so short we will continue to learn about the geography of China through focusing on the main human and physical features of the country, extending children’s knowledge of the world. Children will learn about the geographical similarities and differences between China and the United Kingdom. Children will continue to build on their map skills using atlases, world maps and globes more widely, along with using webcams, online mapping programmes and interpreting a range of information.