Nomination for MN Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (MNAAP)

Distinguished Service Award

Nominees must be Fellows in good standing with MNAAP. Nominees will be considered if they meet one or more of the suggested criteria.

The three most important criteria are:

§ Excellence in clinical areas

§ Work in advocacy for children;

§ Involvement in special projects or activities that contribute to the improvement of child health care.

Other criteria are listed in descending order of importance.

§ Involvement in special state level projects or programs that serve the needs of children.

§ The nominee should be well-respected in the medical and public communities.

§ The nominee should have involvement in community public awareness campaigns on behalf of children;

§ The nominee should have longevity with a minimum of ten years devoted to the community and the Chapter on behalf of children;

§ The nominee should have active involvement in local Chapter initiatives.

§ The nominee should have active involvement in state level committees.

§ The nominee should have active involvement in the passage of state legislation benefiting children.

For a list of past award recipients, visit

Please take this opportunity to review the names of those whose work you admire and whom you would consider to be worthy candidates for this award. Please note that nominees do not have to meet all criteria in order to be considered. Nominations must be received by May 1st of each year for consideration by the MNAAP Nominations Committee.

I would like to nominate __________________________________ and feel that she/he would be a worthy recipient of this award for the following reasons (award criteria are listed above):

My name:_____________________________________ Email:_____________________


Please complete and return by May 1st of the year and submit to: or fax to: 651-699-7798 or mail to 1043 Grand Ave. #544, St. Paul, MN 55105