· Google Wonder Wheel

(click on “show options” and choose Wonder Wheel)

Organizes search results in an expandable graphic organizer instead of as

a linear list.

· Google Timeline

(click on “show options” and choose Timeline)

Organizes search results chronologically by years with graph representation. Allows user to focus on a specific time period and date.

· Google Squared

Organizes related data in chart/spreadsheet form for easy comparison.

· WebNotes

Provides a free toolbar with highlighter and sticky tabs that allows the user to highlight important information from websites and add sticky notes for reminders and organizational purposes. Saves these in the users online account. Allows user to organize research and print reports.


Webnotes files

Webnotes reports

· Yolink

Free toolbar that allows user to type in key words or phrases. Yolink then searches all links attached to a website to locate information related to that search term. In other words, it searches way beyond the original page. It also pulls out the related text and highlights the user’s search terms within the text. This is very helpful to reluctant readers.


· VoiceThread

Similar to a blog except that in a blog, the conversation is chronological. In VoiceThread the conversation is clustered around a central focal point of discussion (could be an image, video clip, literary passage, etc.). Students may respond using text or audio responses.

· Wordle

Neat little tool that allows the user to create “word clouds” of text passages, web pages, or typed in text. These word clouds may be printed or saved as internet links from the original creation. They may also be copied and pasted once they are published in the gallery.

· Animoto

Is a “movie generator” of sorts. Users import pictures and Animoto automatically creates the movie. Short movies (i.e. 30 seconds) are free. Longer movies require a relatively nominal fee.

· Skype

This website provides users with the ability to talk to people around the world for free. Educators are using Skype to create classroom connections with students around the world, set up interviews with experts, etc.

· Print, Cut, Fold

Provides templates using PowerPoint that allows students to create their own “foldables” in a variety of formats. It teaches them some technology skills in the process of creating a learning tool for subject matter content.

Instructions for each are provided.

· Photostory 3

Provides an easy to use tool that allows users to import still images and turn them into a movie. Music, text, and narration can also be added.

· Zunal

Provides a generator/template for creating webquests.

· Wikis

Pbworks is a tool that allows users to create their own wikis and control access from the ability to comment all the way to editing material on the site.

· Jing

Provides a tool that will capture still images from the computer screen. It also allows users to “record” a movie of what is being done on the computer in a given period of time. For instance, if I turned on Jing and told it to capture video, you would actually see me typing this information on the page. English teachers could have students create movies of peer review that includes audio explanation as well as video capture. Teachers could have kids create short “how to” videos when teaching sequencing.

· Glogster

Provides users with a neat, easy to use and free tool that allows the user to create an interactive digital poster. Teachers can set up student accounts so that students can view each other’s work in a secure environment.