New Hampshire Department of Education

Instructions and Forms for Completing the

2011-2012 District Improvement Progress Report and

2012-2013 Action Plan

As required by NH RSA 193-H and Federal Law 107-110

For Non-Title I Districts in Need of Improvement

April 2012

Virginia M. Barry, Ph.D., Commissioner

New Hampshire Department of Education

101 Pleasant Street

Concord, NH 03301

Instructions and Forms for Completing the

2011-2012 District Improvement Progress Report and 2012-2013 Action Plan

For Non-Title I Districts in Need of Improvement

Statutory Requirement and Purpose

New Hampshire’s state accountability law (NH RSA 193-H) requires an annual report of progress by any school or district officially designated in need of improvement. The law specifies that “...This report shall include evidence of satisfactory implementation and progress towards state performance targets or lack thereof, and recommendations regarding future actions pursuant to subparagraph II (b).”

This document is therefore designed for districts identified for improvement to provide:

Ø  evidence of satisfactory implementation of the strategies and activities as described in the district’s improvement plan for the 2011-12 school year; and

Ø  evidence of progress for students who are not yet proficient in the area(s) for which the district is identified.

Report Format and Deadline

This progress report is designed specifically for Non-Title I districts in need of improvement; that is, districts not receiving Title I funds for school year 2012-2013.

All necessary instructions and forms are provided. Completed reports must include:

Ø  Cover Page

Ø  2011-2012 Progress Report

Ø  2012-2013 Action Plan

Send the completed report by October 1, 2012 via electronic mail to:

Ellie Riel

Bureau of Accountability

NH Department of Education

101 Pleasant Street

Concord, NH 03301

Form Page 1 – District Improvement Plan Progress Report

2011-2012 District Improvement Progress Report and

2012-2013 Action Plan

As required by NH RSA 193-H and Federal Law 107-110

For Non-Title I Districts In Need of Improvement


District Name:
Tel: / Fax: / E-mail:

Secondary Contact:

Tel: / Fax: / E-mail:

District’s AYP Status for 2012-2013 (i.e. DINI Year 1 Reading and Year 4 Math):


Form Page 2 – District Improvement Plan Progress Report

2011-2012 Progress Report

Evidence of Progress in Plan Implementation

Instructions: For each goal listed in the district’s 2011-12 improvement plan, use the format below

to provide a status report on the strategies and activities implemented during the 2011-2012 school year.

Duplicate this page as needed in order to report on the status of each goal in the plan.

AYP Area(s) of Focus

Check all areas and list student subgroups for which the district was designated as in need of improvement during School Year 2011-2012.

☐ Reading:

☐ Math:

☐ Attendance/Graduation Rate:


Improvement Goal for 2011-2012

State the improvement goal:

Click here to enter text.


Implementation of Activities

List the activities implemented during the 2011-2012 school year to accomplish this goal:

Click here to enter text.

Select one descriptor that best describes the status of these activities at the end of 2011-2012. If selecting a descriptor prefaced with an asterisk (*), provide a brief narrative regarding why the strategy/activity was not implemented as originally planned.

¨ Completed as planned and as described in the improvement plan

¨ Completed as planned, with changes/refinements to certain strategies and activities

¨ Progressing as planned, with no changes to strategies and activities

¨ *Progressing, with changes/refinements to certain strategies and activities

¨ *Beginning stages of implementation

¨ *No strategies or activities implemented

Narrative (if needed): Click here to enter text.

Form Page 3 – District Improvement Plan Progress Report

2011-2012 Progress Report

Evidence of Progress in Improving Student Outcomes

Instructions: Respond to the following reflective questions:

§  What accomplishments were documented during the 2011-2012 school year that resulted in improved outcomes for students scoring below proficient in the areas for which the district is identified for improvement?

Click here to enter text.

§  Overall, where there is greatest evidence of improvement in implementing the plan, what factors were most influential in generating change?

Click here to enter text.

§  Where improvement is less evident, what factors have impeded the desired change?

Click here to enter text.

§  Based on the outcomes described above, what modifications to the action plan are proposed for 2012-2013? If the district is now identified for a new area or areas

(i.e. was identified for Reading and is now also identified for Math), explain how the action plan in the next section of this document has been revised to address such area(s).

Click here to enter text.

Form Page 4 – District Improvement Plan Progress Report

2012-2013 District Improvement Action Plan

Instructions: Use the format below to describe the action plan for 2012-2013. Duplicate this form as needed. Complete one form for each strategy.

Provide sufficient detail so that anyone reading the plan may better understand the relationship between the proposed activities and the stated objectives, especially improving the achievement of students who are not proficient in the areas for which the district is identified.

(to be written as responses to the italicized questions) / What are the anticipated outcomes? How will professional practice be modified and improved by implementing this strategy?
What are the anticipated outcomes? How will student learning be improved by implementing this strategy/activity?
Proposed Activities for 2012-2013
Describe the activities to be implemented to achieve the desired outcomes in school practices and student learning. Provide sufficient detail regarding the purpose of each activity and how it will be implemented. / Resources
What existing and/or new resources will be used to accomplish the activity? / Timeline
Projected timeframe for this activity / Oversight
Who is primarily responsible for this activity? / Monitoring (Implementation)
What evidence will be collected to document that the activity is being implemented as intended?
How often and by whom? / Monitoring (Effectiveness)
What evidence will be collected to demonstrate effectiveness of this activity? How often and by whom?