NAME: ___________________________________________________________________ PER.: _____

Neurotransmitter Superhero!

It can be difficult to remember the functions of different neurotransmitters, but all of those we have covered are important to different aspects of your life. In order to help encode this information in a novel way, you are going to create a few superheroes based on the following neurotransmitters:

1. Acetylcholine

2. Dopamine

3. Serotonin

4. Norepinephrine

5. Glutamate


7. Endorphins

DIRECTIONS: (30 pts.) You will pick 3 neurotransmitters and create 3 superheroes by pretending that it is possible to magnify their abilities based on the specific neurotransmitter. It would probably be smart to choose the 3 neurotransmitters you think you will need the most help remembering. To complete the project, you need to:

1. (4 pts.) Draw your superhero. Design a costume/outfit that reflects his/her main ability.

2. (2 pts.) Create a name for your superhero that can connect to the function of the neurotransmitter. For example, if you’re doing a serotonin superhero, his or her name might be The Mood Regulator! (All right, that one stinks, but just go with it).

3. (4 pts.) Next to the superhero drawing, write a description of his/her superpowers (functions) and their kryptonite (malfunctions/weaknesses). These powers must go hand in hand with the function and weakness of your specific neurotransmitter.