2016 National Wild Turkey Federation’s

Academic Scholarship Program

South Grand River Gobblers Chapter


This application should be returned by January 8, 2016 to:

Jason Dieckhoff, NWTF Scholarship Committee,

c/o Cass Career Center, 1600 East Elm, Harrisonville, MO 64701


Date: _______________

Name: ____________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________

Home Address: ________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________ State: ______________ Zip: ____________

Telephone Number: _________________________ Current G.P.A: __________ / 4.0

High School: _____________________________ Graduation Date: ____________

College Preference: _____________________________________________________

Major Study Area: _______________________________________________________

List membership in school related organizations (i.e. Honor Society, FFA, Beta Club, Science Club, Student Council, etc.)




List elected leadership positions held in high school: ____________________________



List any activity that demonstrates community involvement (i.e. Scouts, 4-H, civic group or club, or volunteer work, etc.)



NWTF Scholarship Program

(Page 2)

List job experience (i.e. after school, summer, etc..): ____________________________



List any awards received for school or community involvement: ___________________


How did you learn about the NWTF’s Academic Scholarship Program: ______________



How have your demonstrated a commitment to conservation and preserving our hunting heritage (use additional page if necessary)








Please also include a copy of your current Missouri Hunters Education or Conservation Card

The winner will be notified in mid-January 2016. They will receive a $300 scholarship. The winner will also be eligible to compete at the state level for a $1000 scholarship.

It is requested that the winner and their parents attend the annual South Grand River Gobblers Banquet at 6:30pm on February 27, 2016 at the Elks Lounge in Harrisonville.

Return this application and copy of current Hunters Ed/Conservation Card by January 8, 2016 to:

Jason Dieckhoff, NWTF Scholarship Committee,

c/o Cass Career Center, 1600 East Elm, Harrisonville, MO 64701