National Junior Honor Society Application
Name / DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACEAddress / Applicant Number
City, State. Zip / Total Points
Phone / Counsel Recommendation
Email Address
The criteria for election to the National Junior Honor Society are:
Scholarship Character Leadership Service Charity
You have met the standard of scholarship. The standards of character, leadership and service and charity will now be reviewed in a variety of ways (this packet, the SOMS faculty, the NJHS selection committee). Please fill in the requested information below.
A-Day / B-DaySubject Teacher Room # / Subject Teacher Room #
Mod 1
Mod 2
Mod 3
Mod 4
Mod 5
(Please list your principal extracurricular activities (e.g. science bowl, show choir, sports, etc.) in the order of their interest to you. Include specific events and/or major accomplishments.)
(Briefly describe any other scholastic distinctions or leadership honors you have won or earned beginning with fifth grade, such as science fairs or academic essay awards.)
Name of Applicant: ______
(Include activities undertaken which were done on behalf of others without any material compensation to the individual performing the service.)
As a member in the Samuel Ogle Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society, you will be called upon to serve the school and community. If invited to become a member will you be able to:
Requirement / Yes / NoMaintain a 3.60 GPA?
Attend and actively participate in weekly meetings?
Tutor other students for a minimum of 16 hours (at least one hour a week) for the duration of the school year?
Participate in at least two local service projects?
Participate in at least one fundraiser?
The open-ended response section is a very important part of this application in that it helps us become acquainted with you in ways different from courses, grades, test scores, and other objective data. It enables you to demonstrate your ability to organize thoughts and express yourself. Answer each of the questions below. Each response must be typed and each response must not exceed 350 words. Be sure to include your name on each page.
1. In what career field do you aspire to enter? What role will character traits such as leadership, service, characters, scholarship, and citizenship play in your success in that field?
2. Explain why you want to become and member of the Samuel Ogle Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. What skills/talents will you bring to the chapter?
3. Explain how community service and charity play a role in building your character. Include personal experiences that will help to elaborate your thoughts. Explain why practicing charity and community service are important qualities for a leader to possess.
Name of Applicant: ______
Four recommendations are required for consideration of membership. Two of these recommendations must come from classroom teachers or staff members at Samuel Ogle Middle School. The recommendation forms are to be submitted separately from your application. Below, list the names of the teachers/staff members from whom you will request a recommendation.
1. ______
2. ______
The third and fourth recommendation must come from someone outside of school. These individuals must be able to discuss your character, service contributions and leadership abilities. These letters may be submitted with your completed application. Please be sure that they are in sealed envelopes with your name on them.
I have read and, to the best of my knowledge, have completed the information packet. My signature below indicates that all information in my application is complete, factually correct, and honestly presented. I understand that returning this information packet puts my name in consideration for membership but does not guarantee an invitation to become a member.
Student signature ______
Signature of Parent/Guardian ______Date ______
4:30 PM, WEDNESDAY, December 21, 2011
Before submitting your application, be sure that you have:
· Completed the entire application
· Attached a typed response for all three open-ended response questions
· Requested recommendations from two classroom teachers
o Remember, teacher recommendations are to be submitted separately
· Included two letters of recommendation from people outside of SOMS who can discuss your character and your service to the community.
· Read and signed the signature section above
Name of Applicant: ______
Teacher/Staff Member Name______Position: ______
Thank you for filling out this recommendation for the Samuel Ogle Middle School’s Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. As established by the national charter, in order to become a member, a student must not only excel in scholarship, but also in leadership, character, service, and charity. We ask that you rank this student on these five areas. Please check the box that is appropriate.
Poor / Fair / Good / Outstanding / Unable to JudgeScholarship (Quality of work and amount of effort put in to completing assignments)
Character (How does this student behave when he/she thinks no one is watching?)
Leadership (In small group/whole group settings within the classroom)
Service (Helpful in the classroom? Involved in other school/community activities?)
Charity (R.A.M.S. Pride)
What comes to mind when you think of this student?
Is there anything else you would like us to know about this student? If you marked “poor” in any area in the chart above - please explain.
Signature ______Date: ______
Thank you for your time. Please turn this confidential recommendation form in to the box in the Main Office by December 21, 2011.
Name of Applicant: ______
Teacher/Staff Member Name______Position: ______
Thank you for filling out this recommendation for the Samuel Ogle Middle School’s Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. As established by the national charter, in order to become a member, a student must not only excel in scholarship, but also in leadership, character, service, and charity. We ask that you rank this student on these five areas. Please check the box that is appropriate.
Poor / Fair / Good / Outstanding / Unable to JudgeScholarship (Quality of work and amount of effort put in to completing assignments)
Character (How does this student behave when he/she thinks no one is watching?)
Leadership (In small group/whole group settings within the classroom)
Service (Helpful in the classroom? Involved in other school/community activities?)
Charity (R.A.M.S. Pride)
What comes to mind when you think of this student?
Is there anything else you would like us to know about this student? If you marked “poor” in any area in the chart above - please explain.
Signature ______Date: ______
Thank you for your time. Please turn this confidential recommendation form in to the box in the Main Office by December 21, 2011.
Name of Applicant: ______
Name: ______Position: ______
Thank you for filling out this recommendation for the Samuel Ogle Middle School’s Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. As established by the national charter, in order to become a member, a student must not only excel in scholarship, but also in leadership, character, service, and charity. We ask that you rank this student in the following areas.
Poor/Needs Improvement / Fair / Good / Excellent / Unable to JudgeLeadership
Listening Skills
Commitment and follow-through
Initiative (as shown through past activities)
Articulation (ability to communicate ideas clearly)
Attitude and Flexibility
Maturity and recognition of personal responsibility
How long have you known this student and in what capacity? ______
What comes to mind when you think of this student?
Is there anything else you would like us to know about this student? If you marked “poor” in any area in the chart above - please explain.
Signature ______Date: ______
Thank you for your time. Please return this form to the student in a sealed envelope at your earliest convenience keeping in mind that applications are due no later than December 21, 2011.
Name of Applicant: ______
Name: ______Position: ______
Thank you for filling out this recommendation for the Samuel Ogle Middle School’s Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. As established by the national charter, in order to become a member, a student must not only excel in scholarship, but also in leadership, character, service, and charity. We ask that you rank this student in the following areas.
Poor/Needs Improvement / Fair / Good / Excellent / Unable to JudgeLeadership
Listening Skills
Commitment and follow-through
Initiative (as shown through past activities)
Articulation (ability to communicate ideas clearly)
Attitude and Flexibility
Maturity and recognition of personal responsibility
How long have you known this student and in what capacity? ______
What comes to mind when you think of this student?
Is there anything else you would like us to know about this student? If you marked “poor” in any area in the chart above - please explain.
Signature ______Date: ______
Thank you for your time. Please return this form to the student in a sealed envelope at your earliest convenience keeping in mind that applications are due no later than December 21, 2011.