No.1 / Name of the Institute:- The name of the Institute shall be “Karnataka State Labour Institute”
2 / Registered Office: - Registered Office: The Registered office of the Institute shall be at the Second Floor, Kalyana Suraksha Bhavana, ITI Premises, (Opposite Bangalore Dairy) Bannerughatta Road, Bangalore 560 029, Karnataka.
3 / Area of operation: - The Institute shall work within the territory of Karnataka State
Broad vision of the institute is to Develop as an institution of national and international repute in carrying out research, advocacy and training to enhance the quality of labour and labour relations. Given this broad vision, the institute shall engage with the mission of facilitating growth and development of the regional economy with conditions of decent work, responsible labour movement and social justice.
(1) To engage in research and policy dialogues concerning the changing meanings of work, labour and labour legislation in Karnataka, elsewhere in the country and beyond.
(2) To advocate statutory compliances of Labour Standards; Promoting Voluntary compliances; and evolving Certification process.
(3) To encourage higher standards in sectors, and promotion of congenial Industrial Relations through such higher labour standards.
(4) To create a scientific database and standardization of labour statistics, to promote research and an efficient and effective policy environment.
(5) To Disseminate information regarding labour laws and other applicable guidelines to all the stake holders and to contribute to the Government’s mission of ‘Easing of Doing Business.’
(6) Review the changing work and livelihood conditions and the changing needs for ensuring social security to all classes of workers so as to contribute to a just labour welfare and social security policy framework.
(7) To engage in evaluation and impact assessment studies of the existing labour laws and contribute to appropriate labour law reforms.
(8) To start certificate and diploma courses for the students as well as practitioners in the field of Labour Management. Long term training modules based on functional requirements for the officers of the labour department.
(9) To incorporate the outcome of the labour legislation research into the training modules, discuss the problems and issues and take up research questions for further analysis and research. (Action Research).
(10) To offer Certificate and Diploma courses in Labour Management,Industrial Relationsand Safety Management, and related fields.
(11) To offer support and, where feasible, fellowships for doctoral studies in the field of labour studies.
(12) To offer Summer Courses on topics of Labour Management to fresh graduates and corporate managers.
13) To build networks and partnerships with Labour Institutes, Universities and other Research based Organizations in India and abroad.
14) To help promote and also provide access to the rights of the workers both in organized and unorganized sector. (Legal aid).
15) To advocate and promote Social Security network for unorganized workers, like health insurance, housing and educational aid etc.
16) To take up sector-wise research like employment and labour law management, in any field of employment.
17) To identify the problems in the unorganized sector, and finding solutions.
18) To undertake publication of scholarly work on labour issues from across the country and beyond, in the form of working papers, policy briefs, professional refereed journal and as books and monographs
6. / in Pursuance of the aforesaid objectives, the Institute may:
1. accept grant of money, securities or property of any kind and undertake and accept the management of any endorsement, trust, fund or donation that are consistent with the objectives of the Institute, on such terms as may be prescribed by the Government of Karnataka from time to time;
2. invest and deal with funds and monies of the Institute;
3. impose and recover fees and charges for the services rendered by it;
4. purchase, hire, take on lease, exchange or otherwise acquire a property, movable or immovable, which may be necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Institute and construct, alter and/or maintain such buildings and works as may be necessary for carrying out the objects of the Institute;
5. sell, hire, lease, exchange or otherwise transfer or dispose of all or any property, movable or immovable of the Institute, provided that for the transfer of immovable property prior approval in writing of the Government of Karnataka is obtained;
6. borrow and raise monies on mortgages, promissory notes or other securities founded or based upon all or any of the properties and assets of the Institute or without any securities, provided that prior approval in writing of the Government of Karnataka is obtained in that behalf;
7. draw, accept, make, endorse, discount and deposit Government of Karnataka and other promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques or other negotiable instruments;
8. create Reserve Fund, Corpus Fund, Insurance Fund or any other special Fund whether for depreciation, repair, improvement extension or maintenance of any of the properties or rights of the Institute and/or for recouping wasting assets and for any other purposes for which the Institute deems it expedient or proper to create or maintain any such Fund or Funds;
9. Create administrative, technical, ministerial and other posts in the Institute and make appointments thereto in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Institute, with prior concurrence of the Government of Karnataka.
10. Make rules and Bye-laws for the conduct of the affairs of the Institute and add to, amend, vary or rescind them from time to time; and
11. Do all such other acts and things, either alone or in conjunctions with other organizations or persons, as the Institute may consider necessary, incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects.
7. / The following members signed the memorandum of Association as the founder member to whom the Management of the Institute is entrusted with (until a new general body is constituted):-
No / Name and Present Position / Address of the Member / Designation in the Society
1 / Sri M.S. Ravishankar, I.A.S., / Labour Commissioner,
Karmika Bhavan, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore-560029 / Chairman
General body
2 / Prof. Jayagovind / Vice –Chancellor,
National Law School of IndiaUniversity, Nagarabhavi,
Bangalore-560 072. / Vice Chairman General body
3 / Prof. R.S. Deshpande / Director,
Institute for Social and Economic Change, Nagarabhavi,
Bangalore-560 072. / Member
4 / Commissioner / Department of Social Welfare,
M S Building,
Bangalore-560 001. / Member
5 / Sri. Srinivasaiah / Director,
Department of Factories & Boilers, KarmikaBhavan, Bannerghatta Road,
Bangalore-560 029 / Member
6 / President / Federation Of Karnataka Chamber of Commerce & Industries,K.G Road,
Bangalore -560009. / Member
7 / Sri. V.J.K Nair / General Secretary,
Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), Suri Bhavana, No.4/5,
2nd Main, 16th Cross, Sampangirama Nagar,
Bangalore-560 027. / Member
8. / Sri. Ishwar M Kolar, / Regional Director,
Central Board for Workers Education, P.B.No.2081, 36/1, 2nD Cross, K P West, Sheshadripuram, Bangalore-560 020. / Member
9 / Sri Gurudas M Bhat / Chief Executive Officer,
Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board,
Koushalya Bhavana,
Bannerghatta Road,
Bangalore-560 029. / Member
10 / Sri ManjunathSastry / Additional Labour Commissioner(Admn)
KarmikaBhavan, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore-560 029. / Member
11 / Sri G. Manjunath / Deputy Labour Commissioner,
Publicity & Statistics,
KarmikaBhavan, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore-560 029. / Member Secretary
8. / Desirous Persons:-
We, the several persons whose names and addresses are sub scribed here to are desirous of being formed into a Institute in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association and under the provision of the Karnataka Institutes Registration Act, 1960 Karnataka [Act No 17 of 1960].
1. / These Rules and Regulations have been framed for the furtherance of the aims and objects mentioned in the Memorandum to which these are appended and these shall be called Rules and Regulations of Karnataka Labour Institute.
2. / Definitions:-
a. “Institute” means the Karnataka State Labour Institute, Karnataka
b. “Rules” means The Rules and regulations of the Institute.
c. “General Body” means” General Body of the Karnataka State Labour Institute.
d. “Managing Committee” means the executive body of the Institute to which the administration of the Institute is entrusted.
e. “Member” means a person as defined in clause (3) below and includes members nominated by the Chairman/State Government/or Ex-officio member(s).
f. “Member of the Managing Committee” means: Any member duly nominated among the members of the Institute by the General Body and/or nominated by the Government of Karnataka or as per the bylaws of the Institute.
“Year” Means Year beginning from 1st April and ending 31st March.
3. / Membership of the Institute:-
I. In addition to the founder members the following may be made members of the Institute, duly accepted by the General Body.
a. Every donor who donated more than Rs. Fifty Lakhs
b. One eminent person in the field of trade union activity, nominated by the Chairman of the General Body.
c. One eminent persons in the field of Personnel Management and Industrial Relations nominated by the Chairman.
II. Ex-officio members are members by virtue of their holding a post. No sooner a new incumbent joins a post s/he becomes member of the Institute, and the earlier one retires.
4. / Nominated members except at para 1(a) are at the pleasure of the Chairman.
5. / Members at para 1(a) shall lose his/her membership on the following grounds and reasons and managing committee is empowered to take such decisions:-
a. On his/her death
b. On his/her absence without permission of the Chairman in three consecutive meetings.
c. On his/her resignation from the membership of the Institute.
d. He/she is declared as of unsound mind.
e. He/She who is hindrance to the achievement of the aims and objectives of the Institute.
f. He/she who has been declared insolvent.
6. / The Institute will have two bodies:
a. General Body and
b. Managing Committee
7. / General Body:
a. Formation: General Body will consist of not less than fifteen members. This will consist of the following as Members, with the designation as indicated against each of their names.
No / Name of the Member and Present Position / Address of the Member / Designation in the Society
1 / Hon’ble Minister of Labour / Vidhana Soudha, Dr. B R Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore / Chairman
2 / Additional Chief Secretary / Principal Secretary, Labour Department / Room 411, VikasaSaudha, Dr. B R AmbedkarVeedhi, Bangalore 560 001 / Vice Chairperson
3 / Commissioner, Labour Department / KarmikaBhavan, Bannerughatta Road,
Bangalore-560 029 / Member
4 / Additional Chief Secretary / Principal Secretary, Planning Department / MS Office Building, Dr. B R AmbedkarVeedhi, Bangalore 560 001 / Member
5 / Additional Chief Secretary / Principal Secretary, Higher Education Department / MS Office Building, Dr. B R AmbedkarVeedhi, Bangalore 560 001 / Member
6 / Representative of the Vice –Chancellor, NLSUI / National Law School of India University, Nagarabhavi,
Bangalore-560 072. / Member
7 / Representative of the Director, ISEC / Institute for Social and Economic Change, Nagarabhavi,
Bangalore-560 072. / Member
8 / Commissioner, Employment and Training / Department of Employment and Training, ITI Premises, Bannerughatta Road, Bangalore 560029 / Member
9 / Director, Factories and Boilers / Department of Factories & Boilers, KarmikaBhavan, Bannerghatta Road,
Bangalore-560 029 / Member
10 / President / Recognized national level Trade Unions [Annually, by rotation from among alphabetically arranged list of the recognized national level Trade Unions. List Appended; See Annexure I] / Member
11 / Regional Director, Central Board for Workers Education / Central Board for Workers Education, P.B.No.2081, 36/1, 2nD Cross, K P West, Sheshadripuram,
Bangalore-560 020. / Member
12 / President / Employers Association / Chambers of Commerce (Annually, from among an Alphabetically arranged list for such organizations within Karnataka. List Appended; See Annexure II). / Member
13 / Regional Director, ESI / ESI, Karnataka / Member
14 / Regional Director, EPF / EPF, Bangalore / Member
15 / Director / Special Officer / Karnataka State Labour Institute, Bangalore / Member Secretary
b. Meeting: The General body will meet at least once in a year but in special cases this may be convened whenever necessary with the permission of the Chairman.
c. Notice: A fortnight’s notice will be essential for general body meeting. However, under emergent circumstances, meeting may be called by the Member Secretary with the approval of the Chairman with shorter notice.
d. Quorum: One third (i.e.,Five members) of the total membership will be the quorum of the meeting. There will be no quorum for an adjourned meeting.
e. Decision making: All the issues in the Governing Council shall be decided by a majority of the members present and voting, unless otherwise specified for a particular subject. In case of a tie, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote. Voting shall generally be done by a show of hand.
f. Proceedings:-The proceedings of the Governing Council meeting shall be recorded in Book of Minutes, kept for the purpose by the Member Secretary and signed by the Chairman of the Meeting.
g. Annual Meeting: Annual Meeting will be held in the month of April each year.
8. / Managing Committee:-
1. (a)Following shall be members of the Managing Committee:
Chairperson / Additional Chief Secretary / Principal Secretary, Labour Department
Member / Representative of ACS/PS, Finance Department
Member / Representative, Higher Education Department.
Member Treasurer / Commissioner, Labour
Member Secretary / Director, KSLI
(b)The superintendence, control and direction of the affairs of the Institute (its income and property with moveable and immovable) shall be entrusted to the managing committee, which in turn will be supported by the Director.
(c)Additional Chief Secretary / Principal Secretary (Labour) Karnataka shall be the Honorary Chairpersonof the Managing Committee. The Director, KSLI shall be the Honorary Member Secretary, and the Labour Commissioner or an Officer nominated by the Chairperson shall be the honorary Treasurer of the Institute.
2. Meeting: The managing committee shall ordinarily meet once in every three months provided that the Chairman may, where S/he thinks it needed or on written request of not less than two members, may call a special meeting of the managing committee.