Personal Data:

Date of Birth: 17 / 11 / 1978 8/ 9 /2012

Place of Birth: Amman, Jordan.

Marital Status: Married

Address: King Saud University,

Nursing College
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing
(Office)Tel. (01) 4735270 Ext. 492
(Home) Malaz - Riyadh
Mobile 0541429432



2005 Master of Nursing Science (MSN), Jordan University, Jordan.

Major Clinical Nursing ( Critical Care Nursing)

2002 Bachelor of Science (BSN), AlZaitona University , Jordan.

Major Nursing

Professional and Work Experience:

Feb 2002- Sep 2002 Staff Nurse. Amman Surgical Hospital. Amman .


Oct 2002- May 2003 Staff Nurse. Jordan University Hospital.Amman


Sep.2004- Oct 2005 Full-Time Lecturer, Adult Care Nursing ,Arab College

Amman. Jordan

Oct. 2005 – Now Full- time Lecturer, Department of Applied Medical Sciences. Arriyadh Community College. King Saud University. KSA


Arabic and English: Excellent Knowledge.

Professional Membership:

2002- Current Jordanian Nurses and Midwives Council.

Under Graduate Courses ( Which I Taught)

I.At Jordan

Sept, 2004 – Oct 2005 - Adult Care Nursing Theory I & II(4 credit hours each)

- Community Nursing Clinical

- Clinical Pediatric Nursing

- Socialization to nursing

II.At Arriyadh Community College / KSU

Oct, 2005 – current Fundamentals of Nursing

Medical- Surgical Nursing

Community Health Nursing

Mental health

Anatomy & Physiology

Clinical Trainging


v  Effective learning and strategies : conducted in KSU, April 2008

v  Active learning strategies in larg classes conducted in KSU, April 2008.

v  Evaluation & Quality improvements conducted in KSU, April 2008

v  Lecture in Quality in higher education conducted in KSU, May, 2009

v  Advance cardiopulmonary resuscitation course, jordan university 2004

v  Validating Nursing Diagnosis: conducted in community college in Riyadh, KSU


v  Current puplication : unpuplised master thesis under title of " statisfaction among ICU nurses in jordan haspitals"

v  Guidance of applied Medical Science Handbook/ Nursing section

v  Guidance of clinical traing course (inprogress)


v  A lecture held of community college as a part KEP program under title of "problem based learning" Effective learning strategy. KSA

v  A lecture held of community college as a part KEP program under title of "tuberculosis Disease. KSA

v  A lecture held in al Eyman hospital under Title of Intravenous fluid 22/5/2008 KSA

v  A lecture held in Al Riyadh Medical complex coordinated with academic affairs in hospital "Medication Administration" Saturday, 19/5/2007 KSA

v  A lecture held in Al Riyadh Medical complex coordinated with academic and Training affairs in hospital "Wound Care" Monday, 28/5/2007 KSA

v  A lecture held in Al Riyadh Medical complex coordinated with academic and Training affairs in hospital "Oxygen Therapy" Monday, 28/5/2007 KSA

v  A lecture held in Al Riyadh Medical complex coordinated with academic and training affairs in hospital "Hypertension" Tuesday, 22/5/2007 KSA

v  A lecture held in Al Riyadh Medical complex coordinated with academic and training affairs in hospital "Diabetes mellitus: Patient care" Tuesday, 22/5/2007 KSA

v  A lecture held in Al Riyadh Medical complex coordinated with academic and training affairs in hospital "Nursing Process" Monday, 21/5/2007 KSA.

v  A lecture held in community collge under title of " What you want to know about swine flu"30/9/2009

v  A lecture held in community collge under title of " Prostate and its Problems"29/12/2009

Community Services

v  Screening day for diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension held in community college 1/2007, KSU

v  No Smoking Day, held in community college 1/2007, KSU.

v  Hypertension, lecture, held in community college 13/1/2009.

v  Student's participation with international diabetes day held king Abdul aziz hospital. KSA.

v  Health education, school lectures, scond semester 1431/1432.

v  Lecture held in community college about cholesterol and it is effect. 1432

Scientific Days

v  Second Forum of Applied Medical Sciencee, 2006

v  Nursing day in AlEyman general hospital, KSA


v  Second Saudi Conference for Cardiac Nurses, 2007 (Participant)

v  Nano technology Industries The Leading technology April, 2009 (Participant)

v  E- health conference 2010 (Participant).

v  Ist Saudi critical care symposium ( participant ) 2010, KSA

v  E- Health conference, Saudi association for health informatics may- 2010

Faculty commitee

v  Clinical Training Committee / Arab college, Jordan

v  Clinical Training Committee / Community college ,KSU

v  Academic committee / Community college ,KSU

v  Student grading committee/ Community college ,KSU

v  Curriculum committee / Community college ,KSU

v  Laboratories committee / Community college ,KSU

v  Establishing Learning Resources Center committee/ Community college ,KSU

v  Secretary council of Applied Medical Science/ Community college ,KSU

v  Time Table committee / Community college ,KSU

v  Accreditation & Quality Assurance, KSU.

v  Strategic plan committee. COE.

v  Nursing Learning Resources Center ( Establishment committee)

v  Standard seven committee, NCAAA

v  Academic advising committee, Nursing college KSU

v  Internship comitee, Nursing College.KSU

Computer skills

Software/Programs / Level
MS Windows / Excellent
MS Word / Excellent
MS Excel / Excellent
MS Power Point / Excellent
MS Outlook / Excellent
MS Access / Good


ý  Saudi Association of Community Colleges (Member)

ý  Jordainian nursing and medwifery association (Member)


ý  Symmptoms Clustering in Saudi Older Children with Cancer. Sent for deanship of scientific research / KSU Grants ( second author)

ý  Non published Master theses satisfaction among critical care nursing in ICU

ý  Cultural Validation and Development of an Instrument to Measure the Appraisal of Cancer-related Fatigue in Children Diagnosed with Cancer in Saudi Arabia, Has grants from SANAD cancer association Grants. ( Second author)