PPS 8.13
Attachment A
Online Application Process Description
Online applications must be submitted during the open submission period [generally September 1 – October 10] via the Texas State Faculty Requests portal: https://tim.txstate.edu/facultyrequests
This document is NOT an application form, but is provided to assist faculty in planning; it lists the information that will be required in the online application process.
The application and review cycle is conducted in October and November of the academic year prior to the requested workload release period. Consult the Faculty Senate webpage for the specific submission and review cycle dates.
Questions and entries to be completed by the applicant:
· Please select release time requested [semester(s)].
· Please select the number of course releases requested.
· Please select number of semesters of 50% or more FTE teaching appointment at Texas State. (At least 8 long-semesters required and current appointment must be 100% FTE.)
· Please select number of long semesters of teaching full-time since last release, if you previously received release time through this program. (At least 8 required)
· Write a brief abstract (approximately 650 characters or 100 words) indicating the specific goals of the workload release project.
· Write an explanation (approximately 4000 characters or two double spaced pages) of:
a) the project you intend to pursue
b) the merits of that project
c) the methods you will employ
d) how the project will benefit your teaching, research, creative work, and/or professional development
· Upload an up-to-date curriculum vita in Texas State Format (.pdf only) that evinces your ability to carry out the project.
· Upload a copy of the most recent written final report if you have previously received NLFWR.
Statement of Intent
I agree to abide by the requirements of this program’s policy as delineated in PPS 8.13 paragraphs 12-20, including those referring to intellectual property and submission of a report following the release time.
My submittal of this application indicates that I agree with this legally binding intention statement. I agree that this action will be the electronic representation of my signature on this request, equivalent to a pen and paper signature.
Information requested from Chairs/Directors:
· The applicant has had at least 8 long semesters of service with a 50% or more FTE teaching appointment, holds a current 100% teaching appointment, and will be appointed at 100% during the semester(s) release is granted. (yes or no)
· What course(s) must be covered as a result of this request?
· Please numerically indicate the degree to which the proposed project supports or will further the goals of the college and/or the university, with 3 being the highest and 1 the lowest degree.
Chairs/Directors will electronically route NLFWR applications to the college Dean.
Information requested from College Deans:
Please numerically indicate the degree to which the proposed project supports or will further the goals of the College and/or the University, with 3 being the highest and 1 the lowest degree.
Deans will electronically route applications to the Faculty Senate for review by the Nontenure Line Faculty Committee.