Friday, January 27, 2017

DATE & SANCTION:Jan. 27, 2017. Sanction # IA-17-28. To be held under the Sanction ofUSA Swimming & Iowa Swimming, Inc. (ISI). In granting this Sanctionit is understood and agreed that USA Swimming and ISI shall be free andheld harmless from any liabilities or claims for damages arising by reasonof injuries to anyone during the conduct of the event.

TIME:WARM UPS:6:00 P.M. (Approximately)


SITE:WaterlooCentralMiddle School Pool, Waterloo, IA.

FACILITIES:Indoor, 6 lane, 25 Yd. Course, heated, non-turbulent lane lines, contrasting

bottom lane markings, depth 12’ at start, 4’ at turn, Backstroke flags 5 yd..

from each end of course. Competition Course has been certified in

accordance with USA Swimming Rule 104.2.2C(4), a copy of which is on file with USA Swimming.

COACHES:Each coach on deck must be a 2017Coach Member of USA Swimming

with full safety certification. Each coach must sign the Coaches Meet Sign-in (APP-29) as verification of current credentials.

CONTROLLED WARM UP:ISI Controlled warm up procedure will be strictly enforced. All swimmers

must be under the supervision of a USA Swimming member coach during

warm-up, competition, and warm down. Any swimmer without a coach

shall report to the Referee prior to his/her warm up. The Referee will assist

the swimmer in making arrangements for such supervision, but it is the

swimmers’s responsibility to ensure such arrangements are made prior to

the start of the meet.

SEED TIMES:All seed times must be submitted using yard times.

ENTRIES:All swimmers must be 2017 USA Swimming athlete members and must

compete in the age bracket corresponding to their age on January 27, 2017

No Athlete Registrations will be accepted at the meet. Each team must

submit a roster list of swimmers including name, date of birth, and USA

Swimming registration number. Send Hytek entry disk or email entry to

the Referee to arrive not later than 12 Noon onThursday, Jan. 26, 2017. The meet will take approximately 2 ½ hrs. to complete, however, if the 4 hour limit is reached, the meet will be stopped.

EVENT LIMIT:A swimmer may swim 3 individual events, plus relays.

REFEREE:David E. Happel, P.O. Box 484, Vinton, IA52349, Ph: 319-472-4300.


MEET DIRECTOR:Mike Dominick, PH: 319-241-4693. E-mail: .

ENTRY/SPLASH FEES:No Entry Fee. ISI Splash Fee is $3.00 per swimmer.

SCORING AND AWARDS:No team scores will be kept. Each team will be responsible for any and all

awards to their swimmers.

MEET OPERATION:1. 2017 USA Swimming and ISI Rules will govern this meet.

2. All swimmers will report directly to the blocks. No swimmer check-in

is required. 8 & U swimmers will be assisted at the blocks.

3. No Smoking or use of any tobacco or alcohol product is permitted in any

area designated for swimmers prior to or during the competition, or inside the pool complex.

4. Events may be combined to facilitate meet operations and separated

later for results.

5. Deck changes are prohibited.

6. Any swimmer entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swim-

ming member coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or

must start each race from within the water.

7. The ISI scratch rule is in effect.

8. A meet committee consisting of the Meet Director, Referee, a

Coach Representative, an Athlete Representative,and a certified official

acting at large will be established. The committee shall serve as the

meet jury to consider any administrative protests filed at the meet.

Protests against judgment decisions can only be considered by the Meet

Referee whose decision is final.

9. DeckPass is acceptable proof of membership in USA Swimming.

Coaches, Officials and volunteers must produce proof of membership in

USA Swimming immediately upon request by the Referee or his

Delegate, or leave the pool deck.

10. Operation of a drone or any other flying apparatus, is prohibited over

the venue (pools, athlete/coach areas, spectator areas and open ceiling

locker rooms) any timeathletes, coaches, officials and/or spectators are





IMAGE AUTHORIZATION: All participants agree to be filmed and photographed by the official

Photographer of VAC under the conditions authorized by VAC and allow

organizers to use names, pictures, likenesses, and biographical information

before, during and after the period of participation in ISI competitions to

promote such competitions. All participants agree not to use medals,

photos, portraits, or films with medals which are received for performances

in this competition, for the purpose of trade or gain.


January 27, 2017


Vinton Community Pool

25 M. Course



1. 200 M. Medley Relay OPEN 2.

3.8 & Under 100 M. Medley Relay 4

5.12 & Under 200 M. Medley Relay 6.

7.8 & Under 25 M. Freestyle 8.

9.10 & Under 50 M. Freestyle 10.

11. 11-12 50 M. Freestyle 12.

13. 13 & Over 50 M. Freestyle 14.

15. 8 & Under 25 M. Breaststroke 16.

17.10 & Under 50 M. Breaststroke 18.

19.11-12 50 M. Breaststroke 20.

21.13 & Over 100 M. Breaststroke 22.

23.8 & Under 25 M. Butterfly 24.

25.10 & Under 50 M. Butterfly 26.

27. 11-12 50 M. Butterfly 28.

29. 13 & Over 100 M. Butterfly 30.

31.8 & Under 100 M. Freestyle Relay 32.

33. 12 & Under 200 M. Freestyle Relay 34.

35.Open 200 M. Freestyle Relay 36.

37. 8 & Under 100 M. I.M. 38.

39. 10 & Under 100 M. I.M. 40.

41. 11-12 100 M. I.M. 42.

43. 13 & Over 200 M. I.M. 44.

45. 8 & Under 25 M. Backstroke 46.

47.10 & Under 50 M. Backstroke 48.

49. 11-12 50 M. Backstroke 50.

5113 & Over 100 M. Backstroke 52.

53. 10 & Under 100 M. Freestyle 54.

55. 11-12 100 M. Freestyle 56.

57. 13 & Over 100 M. Freestyle 58.